Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

For those of you saying this young lady is not fit to be employed as a nurse, I question your judgement. Who really believes that this young lady is now a bad person because she posted this guys partial information? Please explain why.

becasue it is a violation of the fundamental principle of privacy. she does not understand those and any medical facility which is highly liable under HIPAA law will be liable if the employ her.

Patients can be much bigger assholes than restaurant customers - simply because the encounter time is longer and the service provided is much harder and less pleasant.

If she can't hold herself together and has to go on facebook for revenge - she is a big liability for any medical facility.

that if one believes she was really offended by a customer, which is unlikely.
in the instant she wrote it herself and went online - she is not only a monetary liability as in the first instance, but a definite criminal liability as well.

Doesn't it make you feel good about yourself, proving what a pushover you wish you had been? In real life instead of in your nicey-nice fantasy, these predatory and always escalating whiners would have taken your silence as being intimidated. Your imaginary guilt-filled Oprah would have said to herself, "If I can get away with that, I can get away with something even nastier next time, maybe even shake Whitey down for some guilt money. And the Demcrats got my back."

Well, a lot of people think like that, and maybe, they think it works for them. I doubt it, though. To start with, the young woman in question was exactly ZERO threat to me, or anyone else. If I hadn't risen to the bait, that would have at least challenged her assumptions; whether it ultimately changed them, or not, and all it would have cost me, is a tiny bit of self-restraint. It's possible she was the sort of person who did that every day; there are plenty of them, both black and white. Or, she could have been an ordinarily nice individual, who had just come from an unpleasant encounter at the end of a frustrating day, and took it out on the next available person; that happens a lot , too. Whichever it was, I doubt what I said to her had any real effect in altering her future behavior; All I did, was act like she most probably expected me to. It was, after all, just a nasty word, and I don't see, looking back on it, that using it really "proved" much of anything.

Wrong on all your smug assumptions. As long as they make your bias against justifiable bias seem to be the objective and morally superior attitude your intellectual nannies have told you to take, you'll never snap out of your above-it-all self-esteem self-delusion. If you had rolled over and taken her self-centered rudeness lying down, you would have sent her away with the feeling she could do it again. That would have harassed other people, which you blithely ignore in your self-evaluation. As it was, you probably scared her from ever again tempting Whites to bring back Jim Crow.
Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

It is laughable to say that posting a person's credit card information online is illegal?

Well, the initial claim was that she had committed forgery. It's already been shown that wasn't true. Now you're moving to "posting a person's credit card information online", which just isn't true.

no, it was not.

it is still the most reliable option.
It has been shown that the word could not have been written by the customer - that's what has been proven.
For those of you saying this young lady is not fit to be employed as a nurse, I question your judgement. Who really believes that this young lady is now a bad person because she posted this guys partial information? Please explain why.

becasue it is a violation of the fundamental principle of privacy. she does not understand those and any medical facility which is highly liable under HIPAA law will be liable if the employ her.

Patients can be much bigger assholes than restaurant customers - simply because the encounter time is longer and the service provided is much harder and less pleasant.

If she can't hold herself together and has to go on facebook for revenge - she is a big liability for any medical facility.

that if one believes she was really offended by a customer, which is unlikely.
in the instant she wrote it herself and went online - she is not only a monetary liability as in the first instance, but a definite criminal liability as well.

So your view is that if a person shows poor judgement even once then they cannot be trusted in a position where they can affect the lives of the public?
It is laughable to say that posting a person's credit card information online is illegal?

Well, the initial claim was that she had committed forgery. It's already been shown that wasn't true. Now you're moving to "posting a person's credit card information online", which just isn't true.

no, it was not.

it is still the most reliable option.
It has been shown that the word could not have been written by the customer - that's what has been proven.

Who proved that and why didnt you clear this up earlier? I would love to see the admission of guilt or the proof the customer didnt write this.
Well, the initial claim was that she had committed forgery. It's already been shown that wasn't true. Now you're moving to "posting a person's credit card information online", which just isn't true.

no, it was not.

it is still the most reliable option.
It has been shown that the word could not have been written by the customer - that's what has been proven.

Who proved that and why didnt you clear this up earlier? I would love to see the admission of guilt or the proof the customer didnt write this.

who proved it wasn't her?
no, it was not.

it is still the most reliable option.
It has been shown that the word could not have been written by the customer - that's what has been proven.

Who proved that and why didnt you clear this up earlier? I would love to see the admission of guilt or the proof the customer didnt write this.

who proved it wasn't her?

No one did but you said it was proven that the customer didnt do it. Are you lying so you can feel better or do you have proof. Which is it?
For those of you saying this young lady is not fit to be employed as a nurse, I question your judgement. Who really believes that this young lady is now a bad person because she posted this guys partial information? Please explain why.

becasue it is a violation of the fundamental principle of privacy. she does not understand those and any medical facility which is highly liable under HIPAA law will be liable if the employ her.

Patients can be much bigger assholes than restaurant customers - simply because the encounter time is longer and the service provided is much harder and less pleasant.

If she can't hold herself together and has to go on facebook for revenge - she is a big liability for any medical facility.

that if one believes she was really offended by a customer, which is unlikely.
in the instant she wrote it herself and went online - she is not only a monetary liability as in the first instance, but a definite criminal liability as well.

So your view is that if a person shows poor judgement even once then they cannot be trusted in a position where they can affect the lives of the public?

it is not my view, it is a liability issue for a medical entity. My personal view that people can learn from mistakes, but that is NOT the view the HR holds.
a person who does not abide by the company rule - IS a liability. Period.
Who proved that and why didnt you clear this up earlier? I would love to see the admission of guilt or the proof the customer didnt write this.

who proved it wasn't her?

No one did but you said it was proven that the customer didnt do it. Are you lying so you can feel better or do you have proof. Which is it?

well, I responded in the same manner the other poster stated that "it has been shown" blah-blah-blah.

That blah-blah from Polk did not provoke your questioning. I wonder - why :lol:
Just coming back to this one, and not about to read-back through 50+ pages, but...

Upon reflection, and a bit differently than my first reaction to this...

Red Lobster did the correct thing, in suspending the employee for violating policy.

When you post a receipt containing portions of another person's identity on it...

The company who let that receipt out of its control sets itself up for a lawsuit by the purchaser...

In this case the company let the receipt out of its control...

This was accomplished by an employee who violated policy that was established for the specific purpose of minimizing the chances that customer data would get loose in the wild...

The waitress was the victim of racial harassment but that does not excuse her (or her father's) publishing that company-owned receipt online...

Or so I believe that the cold, hard, dispassionate Law would rule...
becasue it is a violation of the fundamental principle of privacy. she does not understand those and any medical facility which is highly liable under HIPAA law will be liable if the employ her.

Patients can be much bigger assholes than restaurant customers - simply because the encounter time is longer and the service provided is much harder and less pleasant.

If she can't hold herself together and has to go on facebook for revenge - she is a big liability for any medical facility.

that if one believes she was really offended by a customer, which is unlikely.
in the instant she wrote it herself and went online - she is not only a monetary liability as in the first instance, but a definite criminal liability as well.

So your view is that if a person shows poor judgement even once then they cannot be trusted in a position where they can affect the lives of the public?

it is not my view, it is a liability issue for a medical entity. My personal view that people can learn from mistakes, but that is NOT the view the HR holds.
a person who does not abide by the company rule - IS a liability. Period.

Are you having a hard time reading? Thats not what I asked about. How did you miss that?
who proved it wasn't her?

No one did but you said it was proven that the customer didnt do it. Are you lying so you can feel better or do you have proof. Which is it?

well, I responded in the same manner the other poster stated that "it has been shown" blah-blah-blah.

That blah-blah from Polk did not provoke your questioning. I wonder - why :lol:

Well I read your response not the other posters. Why would you say that just because the other poster did? Cant you think for yourself?

I found The Bell Curve to be so obviously true that I skimmed through the first half. Then I saw the "bait and switch" in the second half, about Whites who the authors want us to think are as superior to other Whites as Whites are to Blacks. The authors try to push the class-biased indentured servitude of college education as a yardstick to determine which Whites are superior. Until people are paid a salary to go to college, college graduates aren't worth anything.

This is more important than giving unearned benefits to Blacks. Not only that, but encouraging the truly talented to develop their superiority, which is necessary to avoid the decay and collapse of a civilization, has to take a different approach in grade schools and high schools. All approaches, including the conditions of employment, should be modeled on the way we have motivated superior athletes to develop their skills.
abeautifulmind - Home

Even when something is almost congenial to your way of thinking, you still have to cherry pick, and accept only the parts that fit your own worldview. You know, this is just a suggestion, but I think you might have a hard time learning anything new, with such a closed mind.

Writers do it all the time. They have an agenda and sucker you in with something you'll agree with, then add their selfish message, tying it in imperceptibly. But you are hopeless if you think attacking the whole second half of the book is "cherry-picking." Thinking that brainwashed, no-talent ambitious imbeciles who submit to the unfunded mandate of college education are the cognitive elite promoted these inferior Whites into superior positions from which they started this whole government-aided uprising of feral races.

But ignore what I said about these Whites and the thought will go away and you can continue to believe that Right Wing economics will empower Whites again.
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So your view is that if a person shows poor judgement even once then they cannot be trusted in a position where they can affect the lives of the public?

it is not my view, it is a liability issue for a medical entity. My personal view that people can learn from mistakes, but that is NOT the view the HR holds.
a person who does not abide by the company rule - IS a liability. Period.

Are you having a hard time reading? Thats not what I asked about. How did you miss that?

if you have a reading comprehension disorder it is NOT my problem.

I answered you question directly.

Or is it that you don't LIKE the answer and can't spin it otherwise? :lol:

deal with it - she can't be trusted a position where it can affect the lives of the public - because she is a monetary liability and a potential criminal liability.
it is not my view, it is a liability issue for a medical entity. My personal view that people can learn from mistakes, but that is NOT the view the HR holds.
a person who does not abide by the company rule - IS a liability. Period.

Are you having a hard time reading? Thats not what I asked about. How did you miss that?

if you have a reading comprehension disorder it is NOT my problem.

I answered you question directly.

Or is it that you don't LIKE the answer and can't spin it otherwise? :lol:

deal with it - she can't be trusted a position where it can affect the lives of the public - because she is a monetary liability and a potential criminal liability.

I thought that was what I just said? You even quoted it.
Keep chanting that while I repossess you trailer and lap you multiple times over in income! :lol:

Another example of the truth that multiculties are economic snobs. The rich hate all other White people. Until Whites disempower them, including the phony Conservative rich, we deserve everything that has happened to us since the elitists passed the Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Bill in 1964.

Oh, NOW I see! You hate ANYONE who happens to have been more successful than you.That's so UNFAIR, I mean, they couldn't POSSIBLY have worked harder than you, or be smarter than you, or even have been luckier than you! No, "They" had to have cheated, somehow, they just...HAD TO, and now, they want to give those awful misfit minorities the piece of the pie you SHOULD have had, too! Yep, just GIVE it to them, after insisting YOU earn it (like they didn't of course)! That's quite a grievance you have, there! It's OK...really. Now, tell us what else in your life is an unfortunate result of your, ah, "victimhood"? That IS what you're claiming, right? That every negative thing that ever happened to you is all someone else's fault Why you've been...discriminated against! Yeah, that's what it is! :eusa_boohoo: I'm sorry, I really am; but there's just one thing-that complaint of yours...well it's the same one you get so outraged about when minorities say it.....

The slur your smug clique uses, "jealous," is natural for a bootlicker like you. The J gathers saliva, the L licks the boot of the plutocrat you sacrificed your youth in order to impress with your slavish worship of greed, and the S hisses at those who had too much self-respect to humiliate themselves for a gang of spoiled dumb jock bully businessmen. The fact that you people don't have a problem with birth privileges proves you must have gotten your own money by cheating. Your dream is to be accepted at the Preppy Country Club and have one of those spoiled-rotten guillotine-fodder pat you on the head and say, "We forgive you for not being born rich."

Elevating ambitious imbeciles like you is the real reason our nation is racing to the bottom. No one points that out, because those with effective public forums are all of the same ilk.
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