Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

All racists are cowards and now I doubt you ever been in a fight other than here behind the safety of your keyboard. I don't care what you pose as here.....I don't get a black vibe from your writing either so I'm confident I pegged you perfect. Your continued defense of the waitress in question is a racist know she's a grifter same as the rest of us so there's nothing else to judge you by.

Most of the leftists here are racists...they're content to keep black families locked up in the projects instead of moving in next door. Racism in America is an industry fostered by democraps who talk the talk but do nothing to improve the black experience. The majority of us whites are disgusted what happened after Dr. king was murdered. Rap music and race pimps like Jesse and Al have destroyed his legacy and put more blacks in prisons and cemetaries then the Klan ever did. Now it's time for blacks to stand and deliver on all the benefits and breaks they've gotten from the white majority....we're done waiting for the payoff.

I agree that racists are cowards. What does that make you when you doubt that I am Black because my writing doesn't have a black vibe? Would you prefer I use gangsta rap to convey my thoughts?

My fighting history is really a non issue unless you feel froggy. Thats not how I measure myself. I measure myself on my ability to be open minded and learn new things. I'm happy for you that you feel you have me pegged. Its amusing but hey whatever turns you on. Your thoughts on what happened after a racist put Dr King in the ground are based on shallow observations that dont begin to scratch the surface of the issue. Personally I dont really care what time you think it is. Until you show you are way more intelligent than how you sound i'm going to have to disregard what you say as uninformed prattle.

You want to talk to a retired MARINE about gettin "froggy" do ya? You best leave that right where it sits, sonny. Oh, and I grew up in Detroit, know 50 times what you do about urban blacks, and never heard a black man use the word "prattle".

You been BUSTED punk. :lol:

Oooooh! You sound like a badass. Are you a badass?
Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Well, at long as we're allowed to go there, I'll add something that would get me banned on most "freedom of speech" Internet shams. I saw a National Geographic show about baboons once and noticed that walking on all fours required big asses. So that's even more proof that the Negro is a slightly evolved ape.

Sometimes the truth sounds like trolling. I'm just stating a fact that people don't want to deal with.
I agree that racists are cowards. What does that make you when you doubt that I am Black because my writing doesn't have a black vibe? Would you prefer I use gangsta rap to convey my thoughts?

My fighting history is really a non issue unless you feel froggy. Thats not how I measure myself. I measure myself on my ability to be open minded and learn new things. I'm happy for you that you feel you have me pegged. Its amusing but hey whatever turns you on. Your thoughts on what happened after a racist put Dr King in the ground are based on shallow observations that dont begin to scratch the surface of the issue. Personally I dont really care what time you think it is. Until you show you are way more intelligent than how you sound i'm going to have to disregard what you say as uninformed prattle.

You want to talk to a retired MARINE about gettin "froggy" do ya? You best leave that right where it sits, sonny. Oh, and I grew up in Detroit, know 50 times what you do about urban blacks, and never heard a black man use the word "prattle".

You been BUSTED punk. :lol:

Oooooh! You sound like a badass. Are you a badass?

More likely he is one of those KKK members I made a point of provoking while I was in the military. Every last one of them were wimpy panty waste. Sort of like this dude. :lol:
Why do you ******* have so much aids?

They have more anal sex, which is the only way for a heterosexual to get AIDS. The reason for hetero AIDS in Africa is not only their genetic proclivity towards anal, but because they can't afford any other method of birth control.

Keep chanting that while I repossess you trailer and lap you multiple times over in income! :lol:

Another example of the truth that multiculties are economic snobs. The rich hate all other White people. Until Whites disempower them, including the phony Conservative rich, we deserve everything that has happened to us since the elitists passed the Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Bill in 1964.

Oh, NOW I see! You hate ANYONE who happens to have been more successful than you.That's so UNFAIR, I mean, they couldn't POSSIBLY have worked harder than you, or be smarter than you, or even have been luckier than you! No, "They" had to have cheated, somehow, they just...HAD TO, and now, they want to give those awful misfit minorities the piece of the pie you SHOULD have had, too! Yep, just GIVE it to them, after insisting YOU earn it (like they didn't of course)! That's quite a grievance you have, there! It's OK...really. Now, tell us what else in your life is an unfortunate result of your, ah, "victimhood"? That IS what you're claiming, right? That every negative thing that ever happened to you is all someone else's fault Why you've been...discriminated against! Yeah, that's what it is! :eusa_boohoo: I'm sorry, I really am; but there's just one thing-that complaint of yours...well it's the same one you get so outraged about when minorities say it.....
Polite speech cannot penetrate the world of drug worship, Gadfly. Drugs center its user on self and not society, except to get money for drugs by any means possible that does not require doing a job that pays less than crime and criminal get-rich-quick schemes that just do not keep black men out of jail. In jail, instead of rehabilitation, men experience reinforcement for crimes so when they get out of jail, it's rinse, repeat.

Their old friends are eager to have them back needing employment in criminal enterprises, so they become quickly reintroduced to the drug world in which prison was a mere temporary escape, yet in some prisons, drug behaviors continue to control addicts instead of reform them.

It won't stop until blacks have no choice but to stop the drugs and live in the dignity of being givers instead of constant takers and punishers of law enforcement employees.
Sometimes, this is calculated and deliberate, sometimes, it seems more like a conditioned reflex, but it all helps create a picture that's more perception than reality. That's what I'm seeing here, and it's a big part of this problem.

Now, I happen to live in the South, in a state where the population is about 28% black, so I don't have to go far to encounter black people-all kinds of them,young, older, poor, somewhere in the middle, extremely successful. I can tell you, that MOST young black men are NOT drug-using, criminal thugs, and MOST black women aren't lazy welfare queens. They are no more that, that all Southern white people are toothless, uneducated, inbred, trailer park dwelling trash. INcidentally if you ask why black people tolerate the negative elements in their own communities, I might ask you why we tolerate the negative element in our own; and we must, by most reckoning, because I note that our own druggies and thugs are still there-we haven't exactly exiled them, have we? How about, we stop pretending our own garbage and dirty laundry doesn't stink-because it really does, you know.

So far the most open minded person I have encountered on this message board.

The door is open, but the room is vacant.
Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Well, at long as we're allowed to go there, I'll add something that would get me banned on most "freedom of speech" Internet shams. I saw a National Geographic show about baboons once and noticed that walking on all fours required big asses. So that's even more proof that the Negro is a slightly evolved ape.

Sometimes the truth sounds like trolling. I'm just stating a fact that people don't want to deal with.

If you got some education beyond a few snippets you pick up on the idiot box and the interweb, you might know that current scientific thought in anthropology and genetics disagrees emphatically with that brilliant little theoretical insight, but thanks for sharing anyway....
Look, everyone, the reason we are having this discussion in the first place, is because of the atmosphere which exists in America with regard to race. It is, quite frankly a mess, and I don't pretend to know haow to fix it, but I'm pretty sure I know how NOT to. What i"ve seen here, has been far more about blame and finger pointing that proposing solutions, or even asking questions.

First of all, it's NOT "someone else's problem" there's plenty of blame to go around, and we ALL (and I do mean ALL) own a piece of it. That applies whether we're black or white, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat. Everybody has said, done, or helped promote something that aggravated the situation, rather than fixing it. Sometimes, that's been done with the best of intentions; other times, the motivation has been a good bit less than sweetness and light.

The reason the racial divide gets exploited from all sides is because we buy into the stereotypes and generaliztions that are behind it. Make no mistake about it - EVERY TIME you let some politician or activist convince you that it's ok to mistrust or even hate "THEM" because most of "THEM" hate you, or resent you, or are out to do you harm, and you vote, or act, on that, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. EVERY TIME you tell yourself you need to get even with "THEM" because of some past grievance, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. EVERY TIME you play along with exploiting people's worst instincts and fears about people who don't look like them, because it promotes the rest of your agenda, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.Race hustlers (there are some)and opportunistic politicians don't exist in a vacuum; they are out there, because enough of the rest of us buy the snake oil they peddle, and they'll stop peddling it, only when there are too few customers to make it worth their while. Decry what they do ,all you want, but just remember that what feeds them is YOUR fear, YOUR mistrust, YOUR ignorance...and MINE.You want to make it better,? Then stop consuming this manure (because that's what most of it really is, wrapped in a thin veneer of truth), and quit spreading it. If Even most of us did that, even most of the time, I suspect things would be very different. As it is, most of us apparently aren't smart enough to do that, but we have to start somewhere, even if it's one person at a time.

Now that I've said something to piss off blacks, whites, democrats, republicans, and both ends of the political spectrum, you may now resume your regularly scheduled hatefest...if you still want to.

Your sermons are syrup.
Look, everyone, the reason we are having this discussion in the first place, is because of the atmosphere which exists in America with regard to race. It is, quite frankly a mess, and I don't pretend to know haow to fix it, but I'm pretty sure I know how NOT to. What i"ve seen here, has been far more about blame and finger pointing that proposing solutions, or even asking questions.

First of all, it's NOT "someone else's problem" there's plenty of blame to go around, and we ALL (and I do mean ALL) own a piece of it. That applies whether we're black or white, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat. Everybody has said, done, or helped promote something that aggravated the situation, rather than fixing it. Sometimes, that's been done with the best of intentions; other times, the motivation has been a good bit less than sweetness and light.

The reason the racial divide gets exploited from all sides is because we buy into the stereotypes and generaliztions that are behind it. Make no mistake about it - EVERY TIME you let some politician or activist convince you that it's ok to mistrust or even hate "THEM" because most of "THEM" hate you, or resent you, or are out to do you harm, and you vote, or act, on that, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. EVERY TIME you tell yourself you need to get even with "THEM" because of some past grievance, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. EVERY TIME you play along with exploiting people's worst instincts and fears about people who don't look like them, because it promotes the rest of your agenda, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.Race hustlers (there are some)and opportunistic politicians don't exist in a vacuum; they are out there, because enough of the rest of us buy the snake oil they peddle, and they'll stop peddling it, only when there are too few customers to make it worth their while. Decry what they do ,all you want, but just remember that what feeds them is YOUR fear, YOUR mistrust, YOUR ignorance...and MINE.You want to make it better,? Then stop consuming this manure (because that's what most of it really is, wrapped in a thin veneer of truth), and quit spreading it. If Even most of us did that, even most of the time, I suspect things would be very different. As it is, most of us apparently aren't smart enough to do that, but we have to start somewhere, even if it's one person at a time.

Now that I've said something to piss off blacks, whites, democrats, republicans, and both ends of the political spectrum, you may now resume your regularly scheduled hatefest...if you still want to.

Your sermons are syrup.

Intelligent people are now added to the list of people I fear.
Sometimes, this is calculated and deliberate, sometimes, it seems more like a conditioned reflex, but it all helps create a picture that's more perception than reality. That's what I'm seeing here, and it's a big part of this problem.

Now, I happen to live in the South, in a state where the population is about 28% black, so I don't have to go far to encounter black people-all kinds of them,young, older, poor, somewhere in the middle, extremely successful. I can tell you, that MOST young black men are NOT drug-using, criminal thugs, and MOST black women aren't lazy welfare queens. They are no more that, that all Southern white people are toothless, uneducated, inbred, trailer park dwelling trash. INcidentally if you ask why black people tolerate the negative elements in their own communities, I might ask you why we tolerate the negative element in our own; and we must, by most reckoning, because I note that our own druggies and thugs are still there-we haven't exactly exiled them, have we? How about, we stop pretending our own garbage and dirty laundry doesn't stink-because it really does, you know.

So far the most open minded person I have encountered on this message board.

The door is open, but the room is vacant.

Not really; it's just that there is not a lifetimes's worth of leftover garbage all over the floor, the furniture, and the closet, so it wouldn't look "lived in" to you.
That rests of the assumption that he didn't write the slur (of which there is no evidence of, other than your belief of a mass conspiracy) and there was an intent to defraud. Even if you could show she wrote it, there is no evidence of intent to defraud.

No, it rests on the evidence that he didn't write the slur. Unlike you, I can tell the difference between an e that has three pen strokes and one that has 1.

Not that facts have ever stopped you from making a fool of yourself.

Have any evidence he didn't write the slur? No. It's just based on your gut feeling that black people are out to get you.

It is not a gut feeling, not that I expect you to understand the difference. Gut feelings are guesses based on first impressions, not a rational examination of the evidence. The evidence clearly shows he didn't write it, and I have explained why more than once.

If I went on gut feelings I would still be arguing that, since he didn't write it, she must have, but I have clearly said that I don't think she did, and even defended that position against an attack from someone who thought she did. You can cling to you gut all you want, I will make rational decisions based on the evidence.
So far the most open minded person I have encountered on this message board.

The door is open, but the room is vacant.

Not really; it's just that there is not a lifetimes's worth of leftover garbage all over the floor, the furniture, and the closet, so it wouldn't look "lived in" to you.

More like the knowledge in the room exists in a dimension he has not evolved enough to be able to see yet. Therefore the room is empty. You know what they say "when the student is ready the teacher will appear".
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Thats great. I dont wish to infringe on your freedom of speech. Just dont be upset when I exercise mine in a like manner. Now that we have that settled are you looking for information or are you just venting what you feel? That way I know where you stand and wont get offended and you can do likewise.

I have never, and will never, begrudge anyone what they say, even if they insult me, or my beliefs, in the process. I don't want a government that can tell people not to insult me, because it will turn around and tell me not to say something that others find insulting. I will, however, point out to you when you lump me in with people like tank, that I am not him.

My point is not to begrudge people on what they say. My point is if you are looking for answers and you are not getting any maybe its time to consider your approach in obtaining answers. i find in real life that talking to people politely produces way more information than talking shit to them and expecting a productive conversation. Why I thought that would translate to a message board is beyond me.

Maybe you should stop assuming I want answers from idiots.
So, you have reason to believe she is not a scam artist. Did her posting of the receipt on line convince you that she was a woman of character?

It's simple. The customer says he wrote none and left. The waitress says he wrote "******" below "none" and then posted a photo of a customer's private financial information. This is about all we have with which to judge their characters.
Game set and match, customer.

After a lifetime of sensitivity training, the lesson I get from this is that if you have a Black waitress, you better tip her big, regardless of service.

I would have thought you would get that writing a racial slur on the receipt for a black female waitress to see was cowardly and wrong.

No worse than writing "dumbass." Having a wider and longer-term social conscience, I am more concerned about the millennia of oppression suffered by dumbasses. Not being a dumbass myself, I have no selfish interest in my cause, unlike you with your crybaby attitude about your word. My halo is holier.
I have never, and will never, begrudge anyone what they say, even if they insult me, or my beliefs, in the process. I don't want a government that can tell people not to insult me, because it will turn around and tell me not to say something that others find insulting. I will, however, point out to you when you lump me in with people like tank, that I am not him.

My point is not to begrudge people on what they say. My point is if you are looking for answers and you are not getting any maybe its time to consider your approach in obtaining answers. i find in real life that talking to people politely produces way more information than talking shit to them and expecting a productive conversation. Why I thought that would translate to a message board is beyond me.

Maybe you should stop assuming I want answers from idiots.

When you ask me questions. Please id them as being rhetorical. Most people assume if you ask a question you want an answer.
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After a lifetime of sensitivity training, the lesson I get from this is that if you have a Black waitress, you better tip her big, regardless of service.

I would have thought you would get that writing a racial slur on the receipt for a black female waitress to see was cowardly and wrong.

No worse than writing "dumbass." Having a wider and longer-term social conscience, I am more concerned about the millennia of oppression suffered by dumbasses. Not being a dumbass myself, I have no selfish interest in my cause, unlike you with your crybaby attitude about your word. My halo is holier.

Your view on what is more offending or worse is subjective. Its clear most people dont think like you. Only the dregs of humanity think there is no difference. We ALL know if it was a guy he would not have dared to do it.
My point is not to begrudge people on what they say. My point is if you are looking for answers and you are not getting any maybe its time to consider your approach in obtaining answers. i find in real life that talking to people politely produces way more information than talking shit to them and expecting a productive conversation. Why I thought that would translate to a message board is beyond me.

Maybe you should stop assuming I want answers from idiots.

When you ask me questions. Please id them as being rhetorical. Most people assume if you ask a question you want an answer.

When I ask idiots questions it is so they can prove they are idiots.
Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
Dream on ******

I forgot that inbreeding causes a lost of intelligence. Have someone explain evolution and DNA to you. Its a concrete fact. Dont shoot the messenger.

inbreeding is the most common in the inner-city ghetto communities

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