Red Bernie cautions US citizens about Nato and Russia


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
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Dog House in back yard
I was there in Moscow when Germany, Austria, Romania, and Finland invaded Russia in 1940, and let me tell ya it was no picnic. Then after the Germans chased all our Russians outta Ukraine, the rat bastard Ukrainians turned on the Soviet Union. That's right. They preferred GERMANY to being occupied by Russia! And my comrades, I mean friends, the RUSSIANS REMEMBER!!!!.

So, REAL Peach can only be ours when we allow Russia what is rightfully there's, and remove all countries bordering on Russia from Nato - including the rat bastard Ukraine - and not provide ANY military aide or ECONOMIC TRADE. ONLY then, will Russia be safe with what is Rightfully HER's
"There is also the possibility that this “regional” war could escalate to other parts of Europe. What might happen then is even more horrifying."


I was there in Moscow when Germany, Austria, Romania, and Finland invaded Russia in 1940, and let me tell ya it was no picnic. Then after the Germans chased all our Russians outta Ukraine, the rat bastard Ukrainians turned on the Soviet Union. That's right. They preferred GERMANY to being occupied by Russia! And my comrades, I mean friends, the RUSSIANS REMEMBER!!!!.

So, REAL Peach can only be ours when we allow Russia what is rightfully there's, and remove all countries bordering on Russia from Nato - including the rat bastard Ukraine - and not provide ANY military aide or ECONOMIC TRADE. ONLY then, will Russia be safe with what is Rightfully HER's
Where have I seen this tactic before? Of condemning anyone who opposes war as being a traitor. Oh yes! Every fucking war the US empire has ever ginned up, that’s where!

One would think by now, no American would be so dumb to fall for this tactic ever again.
I was there in Moscow when Germany, Austria, Romania, and Finland invaded Russia in 1940, and let me tell ya it was no picnic. Then after the Germans chased all our Russians outta Ukraine, the rat bastard Ukrainians turned on the Soviet Union. That's right. They preferred GERMANY to being occupied by Russia! And my comrades, I mean friends, the RUSSIANS REMEMBER!!!!.

So, REAL Peach can only be ours when we allow Russia what is rightfully there's, and remove all countries bordering on Russia from Nato - including the rat bastard Ukraine - and not provide ANY military aide or ECONOMIC TRADE. ONLY then, will Russia be safe with what is Rightfully HER's
The title mentions Bernie, but nothing in the OP mentions Bernie and no link. WTF?
Where have I seen this tactic before? Of condemning anyone who opposes war as being a traitors. Oh yes! Every fucking war the US empire has ever ginned up, that’s where!

One would think by now, no American would be so dumb to fall for this tactic ever again.

red bern might be ok if he'd noted Ukraine is not in Nato
And Red Bern has defended the Soviet Union, not to mention Russia.
red bern might be ok if he'd noted Ukraine is not in Nato
And Red Bern has defended the Soviet Union, not to mention Russia.
So? Fuck Ukraine and NATO. Has it ever occurred to you silly warmongers that after decades of horrendous failures, it’s time the Empire stop the imperialist wars?
red bern might be ok if he'd noted Ukraine is not in Nato
And Red Bern has defended the Soviet Union, not to mention Russia.
Why the hell would you post an op-ed about what he wrote, when I just posted what he wrote?

Do you need someone to tell you what to think about what he wrote instead of reading it and using your own head to make your own thoughts?

That link was completely unnecessary. Folks know how to read and think for themselves, they don't need others to tell them how to think.

Why the hell would you post an op-ed about what he wrote, when I just posted what he wrote?

Do you need someone to tell you what to think about what he wrote instead of reading it and using your own head to make your own thoughts?

That link was completely unnecessary. Folks know how to read and think for themselves, they don't need others to tell them how to think.


because it' My fucking hread in the fucking sarcam board, tonto
Why the hell would you post an op-ed about what he wrote, when I just posted what he wrote?

Do you need someone to tell you what to think about what he wrote instead of reading it and using your own head to make your own thoughts?

That link was completely unnecessary. Folks know how to read and think for themselves, they don't need others to tell them how to think.

wait a sec, let me be more explicit. Red Bern says the former KGB col has "legit concerns" in a foreign country that is NOT A NATO MEMBER AND WHICH POSES NO LEGIT THEAT TO INVADING RUSSIA, AND WHICH HAS BEEN TWICE INVADED BY RUSSIA DURING PUTIN'S TENURE.

IMO that's fair sarcasm matl for a senator who fucking honeymooned in the soviet union!
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So you really love Bernie’s stance on war?
LOL. Not hardly.

But, imo, there's a differnce between Bolton and Romney/Biden. A Ukraine that is NOT a nato member and that does not have a military ability to attack Russia or anyone else is not legit threat to Putin. despite Putin and Red Bern's claims that it is.

Red Bern also may be ok with throwing the Baltic states under Putin's boot.

Putin probably could have gotten a deal like the soviets had with Austria. No alignment or offense, and Austria trading with the EU, and Russia selling them gas at market prices
Just imagine, Bernie hates them so much, he went to communist USSR for his honeymoon.
Well, I will make sure to bring the Hot Dogs for that roasting…
It's probably a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical companies to cover-up future medical harms by them knowingly pushing shoddy products. This is a mop-up operation to avoid liability damages. . . clearly.
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