CDZ Recruiters Keep Asking Me to Falsify My Resume

I've been talking to a number of head hunters over the past year and none have ever suggested I pad my resume, skills, knowledge, etc. Maybe I have a great resume? I always make clear to prospective employers exactly what I can and can't do since neither of us want me in a position to fail. It's worked for me, I'm in my 3rd job in less than a year (my choice).
Well, this is about saying I have worked with tools that are plausible I worked with but have not, like ETL tools, though I have a lot of experience with data migration. Actually using an ETL would be easier than the manual ways we did do it.
I have been out of work for 4 years now, and looking for a job since Jan 2016. I am getting some activity now and I want to get a job soon, but one thing that is distressing to me is how frequently recruiters (aka "head hunters") want me to add fictitious experience to my resume.

It is distressing to me because I am extremely uncomfortable with lying as an Aspie, and I dont want to build an employee relationship based on falsehoods.

Is this level of lying common now for recruiters?

I know a couple of recruiters, I would have a hard time believing that they'd want someone to lie on their resumes. Those lies can be found out with a competent HR department.
A few years ago, I was just about ready to make an applicant an offer to work in my department. Fortunately, before I had contacted the applicant, the HR dept. contacted me a said they found falsehoods are talking to previous employers.
A good recruiter can enhance your resume, by rewording your resume, often it's just using simple catch-words or phrase, That doesn't include just the resume, but also the highly important cover letter.
My advise, get a new recruiter who will work with your resume or use a resume writing service or go to your unemployment office, they have people who can help you redo your resume/cover letter and it's free.
Good luck.
/----/ "I would have a hard time believing that they'd want someone to lie on their resumes. " Well it's time you opened your eyes and see what happens in the industry. My friend was told to drop his MBA from his resume because it made him look overqualified and would jump ship once a better job came along. I was told to drop a three month job that didn't work out because it made me look bad.
recruiter wants me to lie about my experience — Ask a Manager
I've been talking to a number of head hunters over the past year and none have ever suggested I pad my resume, skills, knowledge, etc. Maybe I have a great resume? I always make clear to prospective employers exactly what I can and can't do since neither of us want me in a position to fail. It's worked for me, I'm in my 3rd job in less than a year (my choice).
Well, this is about saying I have worked with tools that are plausible I worked with but have not, like ETL tools, though I have a lot of experience with data migration. Actually using an ETL would be easier than the manual ways we did do it.
You may have just entered my wheel house. Ever use FME? My fav.
I have been out of work for 4 years now, and looking for a job since Jan 2016. I am getting some activity now and I want to get a job soon, but one thing that is distressing to me is how frequently recruiters (aka "head hunters") want me to add fictitious experience to my resume.

It is distressing to me because I am extremely uncomfortable with lying as an Aspie, and I dont want to build an employee relationship based on falsehoods.

Is this level of lying common now for recruiters?

Odd- I have never had a head hunter ask me to do that.

Stupid thing for them to do.
10 years,,, long time to collect tax returns..

Yeah- odd thing to request since there is no legal obligation to hold onto your tax returns for that long.

I suppose there is a job I would be willing to hand over my tax returns for- but I have yet to encounter it.
10 years,,, long time to collect tax returns..

Yeah- odd thing to request since there is no legal obligation to hold onto your tax returns for that long.

I suppose there is a job I would be willing to hand over my tax returns for- but I have yet to encounter it.
/----/ My accountant said the law is 7 years but the IRS can ask you to produce records for 10 years and that's how long I keep them.
Texas is no more special than anywhere else. This country is about the dollar and that is what it stands for. Do what it takes to get ahead. Case closed...morals not included.
I have been out of work for 4 years now, and looking for a job since Jan 2016. I am getting some activity now and I want to get a job soon, but one thing that is distressing to me is how frequently recruiters (aka "head hunters") want me to add fictitious experience to my resume.

It is distressing to me because I am extremely uncomfortable with lying as an Aspie, and I dont want to build an employee relationship based on falsehoods.

Is this level of lying common now for recruiters?

This happened to me about 4 years ago and I wasn't looking, a headhunter contacted me through linkedin and ask me to consider taking over a property and casualty agency since I hold a state license for that line of insurance. I told him the position sounded great but even though I had the license I really had no experience, he said np. He took what little bit I had on my profile and made a new resume and sent it to me. He had my production in premium dollars for the year before at around 50,000 in liability insurance. I told him no thanks, but since I knew who the employer was that was looking I called them and told them what the recruiter had done. He kept bugging me for a few weeks and disappeared as a connection on linkedin. I suspect he was fired.

If you know the company they want you to interview for call them and tell them directly. Might even do you good since you're truthful.
Avoid recruiters and 'headhunters', period. Also, many of these companies are sleazebags to begin with, and when they need to lay off people they comb through anything that will let them fire you and avoid letting you draw unemployment bennies, including your resume and job application. Intel, for instance, would use the cameras in their lunchroom to find people who left their coffee cups on the tables and fire them for not throwing them away. It's even more sleazy in the so-called 'right to work' states. Lower numbers of people that count as 'layoffs' means much cheaper payout for the employer's state insurance levies. So no, don't lie, and you can forget about it catching up to you later.

In any case, you're having to jump through so many ridiculous hoops because there is no labor shortage, never was, and they're just screwing with people for no good reasons other than they're sociopaths and get their nuts off on the power trip.
Avoid recruiters and 'headhunters', period. Also, many of these companies are sleazebags to begin with, and when they need to lay off people they comb through anything that will let them fire you and avoid letting you draw unemployment bennies, including your resume and job application. Intel, for instance, would use the cameras in their lunchroom to find people who left their coffee cups on the tables and fire them for not throwing them away. It's even more sleazy in the so-called 'right to work' states. Lower numbers of people that count as 'layoffs' means much cheaper payout for the employer's state insurance levies. So no, don't lie, and you can forget about it catching up to you later.

In any case, you're having to jump through so many ridiculous hoops because there is no labor shortage, never was, and they're just screwing with people for no good reasons other than they're sociopaths and get their nuts off on the power trip.
/----/ A friend lost a job because a headhunter got a hold of her resume on an online board, called the company and said she was leaving. He wanted to send some candidates over to replace her. The girl was fired and the recruiter got a placement. She sued and lost.

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