Records Set On Obama's Watch


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007



And these are what we got for all those $Trillions of Hopey Change.
Yup. In Fearless Leader's big speech Thursday evening, I did not hear him accept responsibility for a single negative or admit that a single policy of his Administration has produced negative results. Nor did he give a single specific of what they would do differently with another almost $500 billion on top of the almost $900 billion in stimulus they have already spent or obligated.

But you can trust him. This time it really will turn out as promised.


All we got was am ambiguous 'millions of jobs' (again) that would be paid for (decided by somebody in the future) and distributed over the next ten years along with the 1.7 trillion in budget cuts (somewhere - they don't know where yet) distributed over the next ten years. This of course would be handled by other folks on down the line.

Meanwhile what about the runaway spending in the meantime? Where does that get paid for?

And, while not accepting any responsibility for anything but promising grandiose results for increasing the current deficit another $500 billlion (interest will be paid on the money borrowed to do this. . . .)

He did set the stage to blame the Republicans when it doesn't come off as advertised.

Apart from very real grief at how this is dragging down the economy and tearing the country apart, I feel real resentment, even rage, at how stupid he thinks we are. He thinks we're buying it.

Sadly, some are. :(
I did not hear him accept responsibility for a single negative or admit that a single policy of his Administration has produced negative results.

And which policy of his do you think produced negative results?

nothing, zip nada.....its bush and the rep congress, well, I mean the dem congress since 07....he has apparently insulated himself nicely in many eyes....
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Yup. In Fearless Leader's big speech Thursday evening, I did not hear him accept responsibility for a single negative or admit that a single policy of his Administration has produced negative results. Nor did he give a single specific of what they would do differently with another almost $500 billion on top of the almost $900 billion in stimulus they have already spent or obligated.

But you can trust him. This time it really will turn out as promised.


All we got was am ambiguous 'millions of jobs' (again) that would be paid for (decided by somebody in the future) and distributed over the next ten years along with the 1.7 trillion in budget cuts (somewhere - they don't know where yet) distributed over the next ten years. This of course would be handled by other folks on down the line.

Meanwhile what about the runaway spending in the meantime? Where does that get paid for?

And, while not accepting any responsibility for anything but promising grandiose results for increasing the current deficit another $500 billlion (interest will be paid on the money borrowed to do this. . . .)

He did set the stage to blame the Republicans when it doesn't come off as advertised.

Apart from very real grief at how this is dragging down the economy and tearing the country apart, I feel real resentment, even rage, at how stupid he thinks we are. He thinks we're buying it.

Sadly, some are. :(

Not many are buying it anymore.
Only the die hard Obamabots who make up that 40% who approve of him.
The American people are slowly waking up they voted for a fraud and a man for President who only Represents the people who put him in power, THE UNIONS..And then what did they get for it. He stood on a stage with them when they declared war on them and called them Sons of a Bitches. I wouldn't be surprised to his approvals go even low. Serves him right.
I did not hear him accept responsibility for a single negative or admit that a single policy of his Administration has produced negative results.

And which policy of his do you think produced negative results?
All his economic policies. You can tell because we're worse off now than when he took office.

Well, unless you're a crony or Democrat special interest group.
I did not hear him accept responsibility for a single negative or admit that a single policy of his Administration has produced negative results.

And which policy of his do you think produced negative results?

Didn't you read the OP? A huge lion's share of that is a direct result of Obama's policies to date. Obamacare. Freezing oil production in several places. Nixing consideration of nuclear power development. Constant....and I do mean CONSTANT.....threats of higher taxes on everybody via 'green energy jobs'--translate that cap and trade--threats of higher taxes on the rich (which will be just about anybody who hires people to work)--and the most irresponsible and dishonest pretense of spending ourselves rich that I have ever seen anywhere.
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