

You want to talk shit without first backing up a single thing you're saying?
Pale if you don't beleive that Regan trippled the national debt I am not going to even TRY to prove it because you would simply stomp your feet and deny the truth.

Post a link to some numbers that back up your claim then... simple as that.

Prove it happened, and then prove Reagan did it.
GNP, Budget Deficits and Relative Change
In billions of dollars except percents
Fiscal Year GNP Deficit %GNP Debt %GNP % Change
1982 3130 127.9 4.1 1147.0 36.6
1983 3325 207.8 6.2 1381.9 41.6 5.0
1984 3688 185.3 5.0 1576.7 42.8 1.2
1985 3958 212.3 5.4 1827.5 46.2 3.4
1986 4177 220.7 5.3 2129.5 51.0 4.8
1987 4442 148.0 3.4 2354.3 53.0 2.0
1988 4771 155.1 3.2 2614.6 54.8 1.8
1989 5201 152.0 2.9 2881.1 55.4 0.6
Source: American Almanac, United States Budgets, et al.

As can be seen, the deficit spiked early, then declined sharply in the second term of Reagan's presidency. Our debt increased by about 18.8% (GDP) and 51% relative to the previous level (18.8 being about half of 36.6), a far cry from the doubling, tripling, or quadrupling that some claim.

You can tell whether there is a Republican or Democrat in the White House by how the mainstream media references the debt. For Republicans, they focus on the dollar amounts, claiming they are "records". With Democrats, they actually use the more accurate % of GDP figures. It's all about an agenda with the mainstream media.

A note about measuring government spending. A fiscal year runs from October-September. The 1982 fiscal year, for example runs from October, 1981 to September, 1982. This can make tables like the above appear a bit confusing at first. The 1982 fiscal year is Reagan's first budget year, so we use the fiscal years 1982-9 to demonstrate how deficits and debt changed during his terms in office. Using fiscal year 1981 would not make sense as it acutally began in 1980, before he was elected, and ran through the first nine months of his first term—before his economic policies were approved by Congress.

From 1187 to 2881 is pretty damn close to Trippling the debt. So I rounded up but not by very much.
What the fuck do you care Patek you don't even LIVE here so why no shut your trap. GWB left one of the most fucked up economies the world has ever known. Hey tell me wasn't Reagenomics supposed to MKE JOBS by giving the ULTRA WEALTHY tax breaks so the would make jobs? Too bad all those jobs were made in other countries.
What the fuck do you care Patek you don't even LIVE here so why no shut your trap. GWB left one of the most fucked up economies the world has ever known. Hey tell me wasn't Reagenomics supposed to MKE JOBS by giving the ULTRA WEALTHY tax breaks so the would make jobs? Too bad all those jobs were made in other countries.

au contraire my left wing loon buddy.......

but I see where this is going....another President Bush Whine Fest!!!!:lol:

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
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