RE: Walmart "bomber". Literally thousands on the Left guilty of "terrorism" then.


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
What did the Walmart "bomber" do that literally hundreds or maybe even thousands of left-wingers do during the violent phase of the failed OCCUPY MOVEMENT, OR the more recent BLACK LIVES MATTER demonstrations/riots??

1. threw explosive devices

2 made statements meant to intimidate or coerce the government and government policy

3. causes or potentially causes danger to human lives
The folks over at Western Journalism have uploaded a video clip that reveals an undertone to the sweeping Black Lives Matter movement in America more ominous and threatening than mere protest.
Gathered at the progressive political activists conference Netroots Nation, Black Lives Matter protesters regularly interrupted the invited speakers; one of them being Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley. In this particular video clip, O'Malley can be seen onstage as the crowd is led in the following chant:
If I die in police custody, don't believe the hype. I was murdered!
Protect my family! Indict the system! Shut that sh*t down!
If I die in police custody, avenge my death!
By any means necessary!
If I die in police custody, burn everything down!
No building is worth more than my life!
And that's the only way motherf***ers like you listen!
If I die in police custody, make sure I'm the last person to die in police custody.
By any means necessary!
If I die in police custody, do not hold a moment of silence for me!
Rise the f*** up!
Because your silence is killing us!
What did the Walmart "bomber" do that literally hundreds or maybe even thousands of left-wingers do during the violent phase of the failed OCCUPY MOVEMENT, OR the more recent BLACK LIVES MATTER demonstrations/riots??

1. threw explosive devices

2 made statements meant to intimidate or coerce the government and government policy

3. causes or potentially causes danger to human lives
He did It on his own, without the protective confusion of a group.
I wonder what size firecracker this guy threw. Police say it didn't do any damage but made a bang.

A much larger and more dangerous movement

cried the left-wing nutjob!!!!

the poor left-winger is too stupid to address the thread topic; so he deflects!!
didnt you forget a few leftard???

like New York city last week????

libs are losers who lie to themselves

you can lead a leftard to reality but you cant make him think!

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