Re: Officer Darren Wilson: Any expressions of regret?

You dont know the difference between an accusation and someone asking for proof of the improvable?

Yes you do...dont act stupid its beneath you

Yep, accusations shouldn't be made if they can't be proven, so far I've only seen a few people on this board that have proven themselves to be racist, yet I see accusations thrown around like air just because someone disagrees with a black person. The words "hate and racist" are used around here so often they mean nothing because people think they can say it with no proof.

So asking for proof to something that cant be proved is reasonable? Oh ok :rolleyes:

No I'm saying people who make baseless accusations should be challenged.

And by challenge you mean ask them to prove the improvable. Got it

Nope, just tell them not to make accusations they can't prove, now who's acting dumb?

It doesnt have to be proved, the only people who asks for proof are those not involved so what you think doesnt matter. Get it now?

One can only imagine how much time and effort Eric Holder and his staff spent trying to incriminate Officer Darren Wilson. Alas, it appears the policeman has been exonerated.

As I recall, there was a group of people here (do I really need to identify them?) who spent a similar amount of effort assuming the worst about Wilson's actions, declaring him guilty without knowing what the Grand Jury knew, and (of course) leveraging his assumed "guilt" to essentially condemn (white) police officers everywhere.

First, some congratulations. You were able to destroy the career of a (white) police officer, and you played a role in the environment that put his life at risk, and that of his family. As I understand it, he's still (understandably) in hiding.

You have also doubtlessly intimidated (white) police officers from coast to coast, who will now often (understandably) think twice when dealing with black suspects, which could not only put their own lives at further risk, but also possibly the lives and safety of other victims or potential victims.

Evidently this was all part of the plan, so congratulations on that victory.

Now that you have that, I'm curious. Do you:

(a) ...have even the tiniest bit of remorse or regret for the words you used regarding Officer Wilson? A little bit of shame or embarrassment? Or...

(b) ...plan on just avoiding, denying and/or deflecting so that you don't have to be responsible for the nasty words and sentiments you have provided?

So is it (a) or (b)?


What the fuck is all this with "white" in parentheses?

Do race baiting much?

Really, I expected better from one of the very few Conservatives here who is sane. With those parentheses, you shot yourself in the foot, all by yourself.

Shame on you.
Oh please, this was/is all about race.

The PC Police have been all over it.

You can't possibly not know that.

I've asked you to provide an example. I'd like to see what you said that ilex to your being called a racist. How about it?

If you think I'm going to waste time like that you're nuts, just like you're not going to spend the time to try to prove me wrong.

Once just can't support your claim. If you have been called a racist so many times here that you feel the need to bitch and moan about should be able to provide an example.

I tell ya what there hero, next time it happens I'll send you an IM.

Why not talk about the last time it happened? lmao....unless your complaining is preemptive complaining and nothing happened to you at all.

Just like 99% of every other white person. Nothing happened but boy do they complain like it did.

What ever.

"One time a black guy cut me off in traffic....waaaaaaaaa. Oh btw, stop complaining about racism"

So as expected, no expressions of remorse for the way the PC Police have wrecked Wilson's life or the way they behaved throughout this.

Lots of "you're a racist" deflections, though.

At least you folks are consistent. You're completely at the mercy of your partisan ideology.

No surprise.

Some news networks and newspapers seem to try to stir up unjustified racial tension every time there is a shooting that involves a minority, such as the Trayvon Martin shooting and the Ferguson shooting.

Anyone who watched the Zimmerman trial could not have helped but notice that the evidence overwhelmingly supported Zimmerman's story, as even liberal attorney Alan Dershowitz acknowledged.

So as expected, no expressions of remorse for the way the PC Police have wrecked Wilson's life or the way they behaved throughout this.

Lots of "you're a racist" deflections, though.

At least you folks are consistent. You're completely at the mercy of your partisan ideology.

No surprise.


Nope...He expressed no regret so why should anyone else? Because you're shedding a tear?
Some news networks and newspapers seem to try to stir up unjustified racial tension every time there is a shooting that involves a minority, such as the Trayvon Martin shooting and the Ferguson shooting.

Anyone who watched the Zimmerman trial could not have helped but notice that the evidence overwhelmingly supported Zimmerman's story, as even liberal attorney Alan Dershowitz acknowledged.

Sure it did...but it doesnt explain why Zimmerman followed a random black dude for no reason.

But ignore that part...

So as expected, no expressions of remorse for the way the PC Police have wrecked Wilson's life or the way they behaved throughout this.

Lots of "you're a racist" deflections, though.

At least you folks are consistent. You're completely at the mercy of your partisan ideology.

No surprise.

What, you mean the Wilson dude who should be in jail for cold blooded murder but who instead is getting a nice pension and will get to do the FAUX News circuit, well, at least until the civil suit is filed and he then loses the shirt on his back. ..

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Unarmed white kid gets shot by a white or a black cop.....and there is no video evidence of any kind demonstrating that the lethal force was justified.....and you'll get the exact same response out of me as you did in this case. Put the cop on the stand with an unfriendly cross examination. Let's hear what the man has to say.

This became "about race" as a result of the EXISTING atmosphere in Ferguson and other places like it. Our resident nutters and "independents" like the OP are desirous of an honest conversation about race....but don't want to acknowledge the facts on the ground. Until they do.....they'll fall short of their goal.

Looks like we're running with deflection so far.


Of course.... these modern day lefties are some of the most intellectually and morally bankrupt people I have ever encountered.

Looks like we're running with deflection so far.


Of course.... these modern day lefties are some of the most intellectually and morally bankrupt people I have ever encountered.
And notice how they don't give one tiny little crap about Wilson, the actual topic of the thread (not by accident).

He was just a pawn.

He shouldn't have murdered an innocent kid over a jay walking incident, then his llife wouldn't have been ruined.

Wilson was cleared by the city of Ferguson, the state of Missouri and the Federal Department of Justice. No and I repeat charges were filed, so there was no murder. The Brown escalated the situation by trying to get the officer's gun and by charging at the officer. The bull shit hands up crap was just that bull shot.

The brown was not murdered and his actions required deadly force. Sorry that anyone died, but don't charge after a police officer.

Your comment is ignorant and a total lie.

Remember OJ was found not guilty but no one accepts that.....but but thats different right?

Looks like we're running with deflection so far.


Of course.... these modern day lefties are some of the most intellectually and morally bankrupt people I have ever encountered.

Looks like we're running with deflection so far.


Of course.... these modern day lefties are some of the most intellectually and morally bankrupt people I have ever encountered.
And notice how they don't give one tiny little crap about Wilson, the actual topic of the thread (not by accident).

He was just a pawn.

He shouldn't have murdered an innocent kid over a jay walking incident, then his llife wouldn't have been ruined.

Wilson was cleared by the city of Ferguson, the state of Missouri and the Federal Department of Justice. No and I repeat charges were filed, so there was no murder. The Brown escalated the situation by trying to get the officer's gun and by charging at the officer. The bull shit hands up crap was just that bull shot.

The brown was not murdered and his actions required deadly force. Sorry that anyone died, but don't charge after a police officer.

Your comment is ignorant and a total lie.

"The brown"???

Remember OJ was found not guilty but no one accepts that.....but but thats different right?

Did people riot when he was found not guilty?

And Wilson never even went to trial.

The evidence wasn't strong enough.

Too many holes in the story.

Pretty weak comparison there.


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