Rayshard Brooks: A justified use of deadly force, explained

Spare us. This shit is getting old very fast.
Imagine how much worse you would feel if your skin was black in America?

Worsening wealth inequality by race
Right the cops should not be judge jury and executioner.
They have a right to self-defense. Quit advocating for anarchy, crime and lawlessness. Point a weapon at me and I'll cap your ass just as fast.

Cops do not have the permission to shoot a person that is not a direct threat to them or to another person in the immediate area.
Already pointed out Brooks WAS A direct threat. End of story. Cop will beat the charges. Throw a shovel of dirt on Brooks and be done with it. Scum got what he deserved.

And when Brooks was shot he was not a threat to either cop.

So the self defense claim will not stand.
The video shows otherwise. Quit talking out your ass. Point a cellphone at a cop and if he mistakes it for a weapon, thinks you are threatening him, he has a right to shoot you in self-defense.

If you weren't just another stupid ass, you'd realize that police cannot operate any other way. You've got a desperate man fighting with you trying to get away pointing a weapon and you've got a split second to assess the threat.

BANG. You're dead.
But the cop knew it was a Taser.

The cop saw the Taser be fired

The cop saw that Taser shot miss him by a mile.

There was no reason for the cop to fear for his life from what he knew was a TAser
What about the lives of other, future arresting officers, and civilians, if a felony fugitive is allowed to escape and do more harm?

He's a cop dealing with thugs in Atlanta. Does this surprise you?
It's less surprising than learning there are still people ignorant of structural racism in the Land of the Free;)

Structural Racism in America

"Throughout this country’s history, the hallmarks of American democracy – opportunity, freedom, and prosperity – have been largely reserved for white people through the intentional exclusion and oppression of people of color.

"The deep racial and ethnic inequities that exist today are a direct result of structural racism: the historical and contemporary policies, practices, and norms that create and maintain white supremacy."

Fuck your commie links.



Hello, is this thing on? Did my internet go out?

He was shot in the back. Running away.

That does not make a point.

All it does is stir emotion. It does not present any facts, Coyote.

It states a fact.

Some more facts that were not acknowledged: A taser is not lethal. They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.

The officer kicked him as he lay dying.

They delayed medical help.

For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).

Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?
The DA of Atlanta is out fo his fucking mind. The way he characterized the incident is full of lies.

It will cost the cop money, but he will beat the rap.

Just days ago, that same fucking DA said a TASER is a DEADLY WEAPON.

Well, Brooks took the TASER from the officer and tried to shoot it at one of the officers.

The use of deadly force is justified and this is a bullshit charge from a corrupt DA.

Far from the only thing the DA lied about.


Hello, is this thing on? Did my internet go out?

He was shot in the back. Running away.

That does not make a point.

All it does is stir emotion. It does not present any facts, Coyote.

It states a fact.

Some more facts that were not acknowledged: A taser is not lethal. They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.

The officer kicked him as he lay dying.

They delayed medical help.

For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).

Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?

I don't know what video you were watching. Or didyou just accept this at face value from the DA, who has already been caught out on other lies he told in the same press conference?


Hello, is this thing on? Did my internet go out?

He was shot in the back. Running away.

That does not make a point.

All it does is stir emotion. It does not present any facts, Coyote.

It states a fact.

Some more facts that were not acknowledged: A taser is not lethal. They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.

The officer kicked him as he lay dying.

They delayed medical help.

For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).

Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?

I've been scouring this case and all relevant law and evidence for the past 12 hours, Coyote.

1) No it doesn't. Respectfully.

2) A taser is lethal as per this link:

3) The officer was kneeling. Howard only posted a still shot. If there had been video of Rolfe kicking Brooks, we all would have seen it.

4) "Delayed medical help" for all of 2 minutes. You can't do proper CPR and field triage when you are still high on adrenaline. Moreover:

5) Rayshard refused to walk home. Yes, he was calm and cordial until he began resisting arrest and employing violence. There was no provocation by the officer.

6) The question is this:

Could Rayshard have simply complied with the officer's command and prevented his own death?
A taser is not lethal.
Yes it is. Georgia law even classifies it as a firearm.
They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.
So, some other officer, in the future, was going to be forced to have a shootout with this guy who would obviously resist and avoid arrest AGAIN? So, this guy gets to run away, get weapons, and be ready for the next attempt to arrest his child-beating ass?
They delayed medical help.
Now I KNOW you are drinking the koolaid. That is a FUCKING LIE!!!
For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).
Of course he did. He was trying to get out of going to jail.

The fact is that this guy was pass-out drunk behind the wheel of a car that was running (prima facia evidence that he was driving it while pass-out drunk). This is the kind of person we MUST get off the road and prosecute for drunk driving. They are the #1 cause of vehicular fatalities in America. Cops have NO CHOICE and they SHOULD have NO CHOICE.

So, walk home, my ass. This guy MUST suffer the consequences of driving while shit-faced and thank Odin he didn't kill anybody.
Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?
Yes. Motherfucker could have submitted to a lawful arrest!!!


Look, are we going to continue giving police the authority to make arrests or not? If not, fine. Let's just make a fucking non-race-based decision that applies to everyone, with zero discretion.

You know good and goddamn well that if cops found my white ass passed out behind the wheel like that, they would be hauling me to jail too.




Hello, is this thing on? Did my internet go out?

He was shot in the back. Running away.

That does not make a point.

All it does is stir emotion. It does not present any facts, Coyote.

It states a fact.

Some more facts that were not acknowledged: A taser is not lethal. They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.

The officer kicked him as he lay dying.

They delayed medical help.

For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).

Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?

I don't know what video you were watching. Or didyou just accept this at face value from the DA, who has already been caught out on other lies he told in the same press conference?
Based on her "took 2 minutes to give medical treatment" comment, I would say YES. She got her facts SOLELY from that jackass.



Hello, is this thing on? Did my internet go out?

He was shot in the back. Running away.

That does not make a point.

All it does is stir emotion. It does not present any facts, Coyote.

It states a fact.

Some more facts that were not acknowledged: A taser is not lethal. They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.

The officer kicked him as he lay dying.

They delayed medical help.

For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).

Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?

I don't know what video you were watching. Or didyou just accept this at face value from the DA, who has already been caught out on other lies he told in the same press conference?
This one. Is there another?



Hello, is this thing on? Did my internet go out?

He was shot in the back. Running away.

That does not make a point.

All it does is stir emotion. It does not present any facts, Coyote.

It states a fact.

Some more facts that were not acknowledged: A taser is not lethal. They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.

The officer kicked him as he lay dying.

They delayed medical help.

For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).

Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?

I don't know what video you were watching. Or didyou just accept this at face value from the DA, who has already been caught out on other lies he told in the same press conference?
This one. Is there another?

There were eight videos from eight different angles.

See post #34


Hello, is this thing on? Did my internet go out?

He was shot in the back. Running away.

That does not make a point.

All it does is stir emotion. It does not present any facts, Coyote.

It states a fact.

Some more facts that were not acknowledged: A taser is not lethal. They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.

The officer kicked him as he lay dying.

They delayed medical help.

For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).

Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?

I don't know what video you were watching. Or didyou just accept this at face value from the DA, who has already been caught out on other lies he told in the same press conference?
Based on her "took 2 minutes to give medical treatment" comment, I would say YES. She got her facts SOLELY from that jackass.

A taser is not lethal.
Yes it is. Georgia law even classifies it as a firearm.
They had his wallet and driver’s license, and car.
So, some other officer, in the future, was going to be forced to have a shootout with this guy who would obviously resist and avoid arrest AGAIN? So, this guy gets to run away, get weapons, and be ready for the next attempt to arrest his child-beating ass?
They delayed medical help.
Now I KNOW you are drinking the koolaid. That is a FUCKING LIE!!!
For most of the encounter (41 something minutes) Rayshard was calm, reasonable, offered to walk home (per recorded footage).
Of course he did. He was trying to get out of going to jail.

The fact is that this guy was pass-out drunk behind the wheel of a car that was running (prima facia evidence that he was driving it while pass-out drunk). This is the kind of person we MUST get off the road and prosecute for drunk driving. They are the #1 cause of vehicular fatalities in America. Cops have NO CHOICE and they SHOULD have NO CHOICE.

So, walk home, my ass. This guy MUST suffer the consequences of driving while shit-faced and thank Odin he didn't kill anybody.
Your question is really contingent on another: could this have been handled differently in a way that kept everyone safe, and prevented any deaths?
Yes. Motherfucker could have submitted to a lawful arrest!!!


Look, are we going to continue giving police the authority to make arrests or not? If not, fine. Let's just make a fucking non-race-based decision that applies to everyone, with zero discretion.

You know good and goddamn well that if cops found my white ass passed out behind the wheel like that, they would be hauling me to jail too.


Would they shoot you in the back?
However, I do feel a $5000 fine and a year in jail is way excessive just for punching someone in the face.

He punched an officer in the face, which escalated it to an aggravated misdemeanor, and ergo, felony resisting arrest.
not a capital crime

Nice attempt at reframing, but this is not "capital punishment", when the state decides with cold logic and deliberation to execute someone. This is self-defense, when you make an armed individual feel that you are a danger to him.

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