Ray's NDE.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2023
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Well, it’s Christmas Eve, and I have a story to tell. I went to bed the other night and for some reason stopped breathing. You guessed it, I had a near-death-experience. And yes, I saw the “Big Guy”. When I got there, I asked: “what the hell am I doing here?” A grand voice came from seemingly everywhere! “Ray, care to rephrase that? “Oh yeah, strike that”, I said. “Hey, what’s happening?

An angel told me not to look directly at the shimmering creator because all the circuits in my still functioning brain cells would fry in an instant and it was planned that I would be coming back. “But I do not want to go back!” “I said”. “Ray, the angel said” You can’t stay here”, “You have not earned it”

“Oh, I said, what can I do to help my case?” The Creator, whom I could not look at, started to generate wonderful music using notes never heard by human ears, and colors beyond the spectrum of the human eye came forth that made all of the greatest human art look like cheap graffiti. I wanted to say, “Holy Mackerel!” But I thought better of it.

The shining Creator gave me a message for the world! “Ray, I want you tell the world that all tax-exempt entities on Earth must now pay taxes! Not only that, but they must pay back taxes with interest going back to their original origin! But, I said, that would mean all churches and colleges would have to pay taxes like everyone else!

Ray, the Creator said: “I am glad you have not wasted what I put between your ears!” “Is this the first time you are utilizing reasoning?: “Maybe if you had done that earlier, you would not be standing before me!” I trembled, though I did not sweat, because you do not sweat in Heaven. In a flash, I was back in bed with my wife wiping snot and mucous from my face! I tried to tell her what happened, but she just scolded me for eating too much pizza!

Now I must earn my place in Heaven. I have to tell the world that all churches and colleges need to pay taxes like us. This will eliminate most of them but that will be the saving grace of the world! In case you have not noticed the world is in a bad way!

Merry Christmas everone!
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The Torah suggests that people should pay taxes, it is a good deed to do so.

I question if you had this NDE or not though. If you did, than you should email President Biden and your Congress.
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