Raul Snubs Barry at Airport

21 Reasons the Iran Deal is a Bad Deal from | Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Leader
21 Reasons the Iran Deal is a Bad Deal
The more we find out about the Iran nuclear deal, the worse it looks. Each new day Congress reviews this deal, we discover more information and more reasons why this deal is simply unacceptable:

  1. Though the deal was originally being negotiated to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, in its final form the agreement would allow just that when it sunsets in 10-15 years.
  2. This deal will accelerate regional nuclear proliferation. Saudi leaders for instance have said that this deal is worse than the nuclear pact former President Bill Clinton made with North Korea.
  3. Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu said this deal will give Iran “hundreds of billions of dollars to fuel their terror and military regime.”
  4. Sanctions relief isn’t tied to Iran complying with the deal, meaning Iran gets massive amounts of relief before they’ve demonstrated strict adherence.
  5. And the money can’t be taken back once Iran gets it.
  6. That relief can be used to expand Iran’s malign and destabilizing influence in the region that has exacerbated sectarian conflict.
  7. The money can also be used to further fund Iran’s terrorist proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad, and Houthis in Yemen.
  8. In fact, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that Iran will not change its anti-American policy.
  9. To enforce the deal, world powers must first know if Iran violated the deal but that is an unclear process that can be delayed for weeks while Iran would be able to hide and obfuscate banned activities.
  10. Iran doesn’t have to come clean on its past nuclear activity, leaving world powers little ability to verify future illegal advances.
  11. Iran’s foreign minister interprets the deal very differently than the Obama Administration does.
  12. For example, he believes that the scale of foreign investments would effectively prevent the world from re-imposing sanctions on Iran, making the “snapback” provision of the deal effectively meaningless.
  13. He also said that Iran could deny inspectors access to nuclear and military sites under the deal.
  14. He also said that Iran would not be violating the deal if it broke the UN resolution prohibiting the purchase of conventional arms and missiles because the arms embargo is implicitly out of the scope of the nuclear agreement.
  15. Even if Iran adheres to the arms embargo, the embargo is lifted in 5 years, giving Iran access not only to conventional arms to further fuel terrorism and their drive for regional dominancy.
  16. In 8 years, the missile ban will be removed, allowing Iran to acquire missiles that could carry nuclear payloads.
  17. The Obama Administration pushed for the UN to vote on the deal in an attempt to jam Americans and their elected representatives before they’ve even had a chance to review the deal.
  18. Iran will be allowed to conduct advanced research and development that will pave the way for centrifuges that are modern and efficient. They will be able to enrich huge amounts of Uranium that will shorten their breakout time for a bomb.
  19. The deal also provides sanctions relief to Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani, leader of the elite Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who is a designated terrorist who is responsible for the deaths of at least 500 U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  20. On top of that, the deal lifts sanctions on two Iranian atomic scientists who worked on Iran’s illegal nuclear program and a nuclear proliferator who has previously helped smuggle nuclear components.
  21. The murderous Syrian President Bashar al-Assad called this deal a “great victory” and congratulated Iran on their achievement.
How well is that Iran nuke deal working?

It all depends on where you get your information from. Try reading in the link on many more info

Iran Deal Makes The U.S. And Israel Less Safe

Fox Host: "The More You Dig Into [The Iran Deal], The Scarier It Is."
On the July 15 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, host Steve Doocy fearmongered over the Iran deal, saying, "The more you dig into it, the scarier it is." [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 7/15/15]

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Sold Out America To Iran With Nuclear Deal. On the July 14 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show, Limbaugh argued that while it may be unthinkable that Obama would "sell the United States out to the Iranians," that's what happened:


Experts Laud "Excellent" Deal That Deprives Iran Of Pathways To Build Bomb

NY Times
: "29 U.S. Scientists Praise Iran Nuclear Deal."
The New York Times reported that 29 of the nation's top scientists with an expertise in nuclear weapons issues wrote a letter to President Obama praising the merits of the nuclear deal and calling it "innovative" and "stringent":

Global Nuclear Security Expert: "Uranium Path, Blocked ... Plutonium Path, Blocked ... Covert Path, Blocked." Joe Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation, detailed in an article for Slate how the deal blocks Iran's path to a bomb and "makes it extraordinarily difficult for Iran to cheat":

FACT: Experts Believe Iran Will Use Sanction Relief To Restart Economy, Say Terrorists Would Benefit More From Rejection Of Deal
CIA: Sanctions Relief Will Mostly Go To Servicing Iran's Outstanding Debts And Repairing Crippled Economy.
A recent CIA report determined that the majority of the money that enters Iran after the sanctions are lifted would go to propping up the economy and paying down debts. From the Los Angeles Times:

Global Nuclear Security Experts: Criticism Of Inspection Regime Is "Particularly Ridiculous To Anyone Who Knows Anything About Inspecting Nuclear Programs." Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation, said experts are in agreement that nothing could be added to the deal to increase the effectiveness of the inspections (emphasis added):

Myths and Facts About The Landmark Iran Deal


Iran has violated the deal since it was agreed upon. How is that success? Why haven't the sanctions been put back in olace, as stipulated by the terms of the deal?

Iran took American servicemen hostage and violated the Geneva Convention, by using them for propaganda. Has there been any consequences? No, there haven't, because we have a giant gaping pussy for a president.
Come on Conservatives....you can do better than this

Airport greetings? What did you want, Castro there with a stretch limo holding up a sign that says "Obama"?

I hear grandma Obama is on the trip. Give you guys a chance to rant about how grouchy she looks and start complaining about how much the trip cost

Who the heck is grandma Obama?

Obama's mother is quite dead. If she made the trip, that would be a headline to talk about.
The sweet old lady who lives in the White House and conservatives hate
quiet, imbecile. :cuckoo:

Thanks for weighing in, fatso.

The only thing you continue to show is just how stupid and rude you are..
The entire world sees Obama as a great big pussy. They know that no matter how much they dis him, he'll give them anything they want.

Maybe from a troll who just got here 3 months ago.

It seems like the bigger the triumph of Obama's the louder the righties are to discredit him..

Smart educated people see past the lies.


How well is that Iran nuke deal working?

Let's see...so far they have dismantled their centerfuges and transferred depleted uranium......just like the said they would
quiet, imbecile. :cuckoo:

Thanks for weighing in, fatso.

The only thing you continue to show is just how stupid and rude you are..
The entire world sees Obama as a great big pussy. They know that no matter how much they dis him, he'll give them anything they want.

Maybe from a troll who just got here 3 months ago.

It seems like the bigger the triumph of Obama's the louder the righties are to discredit him..

Smart educated people see past the lies.


How well is that Iran nuke deal working?

Let's see...so far they have dismantled their centerfuges and transferred depleted uranium......just like the said they would

No, they didn't...

Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official | Reuters
Come on Conservatives....you can do better than this

Airport greetings? What did you want, Castro there with a stretch limo holding up a sign that says "Obama"?

I hear grandma Obama is on the trip. Give you guys a chance to rant about how grouchy she looks and start complaining about how much the trip cost

Who the heck is grandma Obama?

Obama's mother is quite dead. If she made the trip, that would be a headline to talk about.
The sweet old lady who lives in the White House and conservatives hate

Her name is not Obama, doofus!
In such encounters, symbolism is everything. Barry is making all of the concessions; the Castro's are conceding NOTHING. No political reform, no reduction in prepression, NOTHING.

This is what Donald Trump is talking about when he says he knows how to make good deals. You do not give up anything for NOTHING. There are times when you have to walk away from the table without a deal.

Barry has made this same mistake time and time again: make concessions in the vain hope that sometime later, the other side will make a concession. It's like expecting a used car dealer to sweeten the deal after you have paid for the car. It just ain't happening.
You evidently know nothing about underhanded foot in the door diplomacy..Iran is crying that the US is not living up to ending sanctions...I wonder why Barry is not kneeling and bobbing the Iranians?

Give him time and he will.

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