Rathergate Update

Yeah I saw that "ambush" newsreal. Uh-huh. A REEEEAL ambush. The reporter was VERY polite and threw nothing but amicable softball questions. rather smiled through the whole thing, and they shook hands when danny got in his limo.

Real "ambush"... :lame2:
Kathianne said:

This also caught my interest:

CBS Radio Affiliate Fires Talker Calling on Rather's Ouster
September 18, 2004 05:50:01 EDT
In yet another example of tolerance and diversity at CBS, NewsMax.com reports that a Seattle-based radio talk host has been fired for saying that Dan Rather should resign or be fired over Memogate.

"Talk-show hosts have generally had a lot of independence in these kinds of issues," said the former host, Brian Maloney, who had hosted the "Brian Maloney Show" for three years. "Nobody's ever said, 'You can't criticize CBS News.'"

KIRO is a CBS affiliate. E-mail the station manager (kiromanager@entercom.com) if you feel Maloney was unfairly censored for criticizing Rather. "

I did e-mail them and told them what I thought. Apparently this station adheres to an old adage I thought only applied to military brass - "You can be forgiven any mistake. But you will never be forgiven for being right when the rest are wrong."

CBS is corrupt to its very core.
Merlin1047 said:
CBS is corrupt to its very core.

You bet they are. And thanks for posting that. I used that email addy. They got a piece of my mind as well.
All I gotta say is "throw in the softner sheet, people, the media spin cycle is starting!"....saw a couple of journalists on O'Reilly...and wow, to paraphrase Ricky Ricardo ....those clowns have some 'splainin' to do!

I'll tell you....Dan Rather had so much egg on his face tonight, if you put a side of pancakes and bacon next to him, you'd think he was the Grand Slam Breakfast at Denny's .....

The media was caught with their pants down, with their hand in the cookie jar and their *BLEEP*s in the wringer all at the same time.....

Do ya' think this will put to rest the myth of the "liberal controlled media"? :-)
KarlMarx said:
All I gotta say is "throw in the softner sheet, people, the media spin cycle is starting!"....saw a couple of journalists on O'Reilly...and wow, to paraphrase Ricky Ricardo ....those clowns have some 'splainin' to do!

I'll tell you....Dan Rather had so much egg on his face tonight, if you put a side of pancakes and bacon next to him, you'd think he was the Grand Slam Breakfast at Denny's .....

The media was caught with their pants down, with their hand in the cookie jar and their *BLEEP*s in the wringer all at the same time.....

Do ya' think this will put to rest the myth of the "liberal controlled media"? :-)

Nope. That would require reason.
Anyone say lawsuits? Lotsa links at both sites:


September 20, 2004
First Max Cleland, now Joe Lockhart? Why are members of the Kerry team even admitting that they spoke with Burkett in the recent past?

Lockhart said Mapes asked him the weekend before the story broke to call Burkett. "She basically said there's a guy who is being helpful on the story who wants to talk to you," Lockhart said, adding that it was common knowledge that CBS was working on a story raising questions about Bush's Guard service. Mapes told him there were some records "that might move the story forward. She didn't tell me what they said."

Do they fear a criminal investigation that would reveal phone records or compel testimony from Mapes?


UPDATE: And now that I think about it, why is Mapes vetting an anti-Bush source with the Kerry campaign? Why would she be setting up phone meetings?

Isn't this confessed collusion between a political campaign and a media outlet?

UPDATE: A commentor answers:

I can think of no good reason for a CBS producer to be talking to a Kerry campaign advisor other than coordination of their efforts to destroy Bush.

The media has been awful careful to keep partisan motivations out of this story, but what other possible reason exists for such unusual coordination?

Posted by Bill at 08:47 PM


September 21, 2004
CBS News Producer Contacted Kerry Aide Lockhart Before Show Aired- Posted by Ernest Miller
I've already noted that CBS News seems poised to throw producer Mary Mapes to the wolves (The Fingerpointing Has Begun at CBS). Well, it would seem the Kerry Campaign is giving her a helpful push too, in order to distance themselves from the ongoing scandal, according to an AP report (Kerry Aide Talked to Retired Guard Officer:

Lockhart said Mapes asked him the weekend before the story broke to call Burkett. "She basically said there's a guy who is being helpful on the story who wants to talk to you," Lockhart said, adding that it was common knowledge that CBS was working on a story raising questions about Bush's Guard service. Mapes told him there were some records "that might move the story forward. She didn't tell me what they said."
All too often I think the charges of media bias are overblown or don't take into account various institutional issues, etc., etc. Sometimes, however, the media just hands their critics something to tear at.

Non-registration link for story (Kerry Adviser Talked to Burkett).

Posted at 1:32 AM



Just hours after CBSNEWS admitted it cannot prove the authenticity of documents used in a 60 MINUTES story about President Bush's National Guard service, top Bush advisers are recommending a CBS reporter be removed as moderator of a planned presidential debate, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

At question is the approved Oct. 13 debate at Arizona State University in Tempe with Bob Schieffer, chief Washington correspondent for CBSNEWS, moderating.

"Considering the circumstances, we should definitely ask that Schieffer be replaced," a top Bush adviser told the president on Monday, according to a well-placed source.

The well-placed source continued: "Who can trust these CBS people to play it straight [during the debate]? I suspect they will be out for revenge."

The president is said to have not made any decision whether to seek a removal of the planned CBSNEWS moderator.


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