Rasmussen, Emerson polls: 34% of black voters likely to support Trump

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Jun 22, 2019
Rasmussen, Emerson polls: 34% of black voters likely to support Trump
Rasmussen, Emerson polls: 34% of black voters likely to support Trump

A new Rasmussen poll released on Friday revealed that President Trump’s approval among black likely voters is at 34%. An Emerson poll showed 34.5% approval by the same demographic, backing up the support for Trump from people of color.

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MORE: "During a speech in Atlanta, Georgia, where he unveiled his new “Black Voices” coalition group, President Trump said, “We’re going to campaign for every last African American vote in 2020.”

“Blacks are more prosperous than ever because of President Trump with record-low unemployment and rising paychecks,” Trump campaign Principal Deputy Communications Director Erin Perrine said.

In 2016, President Trump earned 8% of black voters’ support, as opposed to Mitt Romney’s abysmal 6% in 2012. The recent Emerson and Rasmussen polls show growing confidence in the Trump Administration’s results for the black community, instead of Democrats’ all-talk, no action proposals.

Last month’s job numbers showed the black unemployment rate is at the lowest rate ever recorded, definitely a historic victory for black Americans.

Fake news.

You cite polling from republican biased sources on a site named dailytrumplican and actually think it's true. I'm black and I don't know any other black person who supports trump.
MORE: "During a speech in Atlanta, Georgia, where he unveiled his new “Black Voices” coalition group, President Trump said, “We’re going to campaign for every last African American vote in 2020.”

“Blacks are more prosperous than ever because of President Trump with record-low unemployment and rising paychecks,” Trump campaign Principal Deputy Communications Director Erin Perrine said.

In 2016, President Trump earned 8% of black voters’ support, as opposed to Mitt Romney’s abysmal 6% in 2012. The recent Emerson and Rasmussen polls show growing confidence in the Trump Administration’s results for the black community, instead of Democrats’ all-talk, no action proposals.

Last month’s job numbers showed the black unemployment rate is at the lowest rate ever recorded, definitely a historic victory for black Americans.
Trump is not responsible for any of this.
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Democrats’ Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising
Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

Two polls released in the last week have confirmed what Republicans hope and Democrats fear: support in the black community for President Trump is rising.

On Monday, Rasmussen reports noted, “ICYMI: Last Friday we showed Black Likely Voter approval for @realDonaldTrump at 34%. We then found out that a recent widely quoted @EmersonPolling Registered Voters based poll showed Black Voter approval for @POTUS at 34.5%.”

The Emerson Poll, released November 21, indeed showed Trump with 34.5% of black registered voter approval. RedState noted, “Thirty four percent approval for President Donald Trump. And that’s not an outlier with other Rasmussen tallies, the average has actually gone up since last year when it was in the 20s.”
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