Rand Paul Joins Ted Cruz On Senate Floor...

I don't agree with either Paul or Cruz.

But THIS is the way a filibuster should be conducted.

And there is merit in what they are doing.

They are adhering to the way the procedure was meant to be conducted.
I don't agree with either Paul or Cruz.

But THIS is the way a filibuster should be conducted.

And there is merit in what they are doing.

They are adhering to the way the procedure was meant to be conducted.

I don't think so. They're making it a cartoon. The gop lost the policy issue of whether the govt belongs in the HC market. Everytime they run a natl election on that issue, they're gonna lose. A supermajority has concluded the 1% has improved their lot at the exense of everyone else. There is a fundamental shift in public opinion since 1980.

The question the gop needs to be asking is how can we accomodate what the majority feels is appropriate for society, while still pursuing goals of personal responsibiilty and indivd choice. And the TMP is a distraction to that. Assuming the overall goal is to win natl elections.
I don't agree with either Paul or Cruz.

But THIS is the way a filibuster should be conducted.

And there is merit in what they are doing.

They are adhering to the way the procedure was meant to be conducted.

I don't think so. They're making it a cartoon. The gop lost the policy issue of whether the govt belongs in the HC market. Everytime they run a natl election on that issue, they're gonna lose. A supermajority has concluded the 1% has improved their lot at the exense of everyone else. There is a fundamental shift in public opinion since 1980.

The question the gop needs to be asking is how can we accomodate what the majority feels is appropriate for society, while still pursuing goals of personal responsibiilty and indivd choice. And the TMP is a distraction to that. Assuming the overall goal is to win natl elections.

That's part of the point.

We have, on public record, both Cruz and Paul doing some very silly things in the Congress.

That shouldn't be "bloodless".

Which the what the current state of the filibuster is..bloodless.

You simply have to say "I object" and that's it.
Media Whore #1 didn't like Media Whore #2 getting all the attention, so he had to get on stage and let him know who's boss.

They should invite Joe Arpaio up there too so we can get the Holy Trinity of Grandstanders all in one place.
I don't agree with either Paul or Cruz.

But THIS is the way a filibuster should be conducted.

And there is merit in what they are doing.

They are adhering to the way the procedure was meant to be conducted.

I don't think so. They're making it a cartoon. The gop lost the policy issue of whether the govt belongs in the HC market. Everytime they run a natl election on that issue, they're gonna lose. A supermajority has concluded the 1% has improved their lot at the exense of everyone else. There is a fundamental shift in public opinion since 1980.

The question the gop needs to be asking is how can we accomodate what the majority feels is appropriate for society, while still pursuing goals of personal responsibiilty and indivd choice. And the TMP is a distraction to that. Assuming the overall goal is to win natl elections.

That's part of the point.

We have, on public record, both Cruz and Paul doing some very silly things in the Congress.

That shouldn't be "bloodless".

Which the what the current state of the filibuster is..bloodless.

You simply have to say "I object" and that's it.

Well, I guess so. But, I'm not opposed to using govt to influence the HC market ... so long as the goal is letting people into the market, which is the central tenant of neoconservatism. And, I just see the gop pissing away its best chance to extract modifications to Obamacare that would, imo, make it more palatable.
I am really uninterested in hearing any politician since they are all zionist supporters, but after hearing the gender ambiguous hosts on MSNBC attack Senator Cruz for "looking like Joe McCarthy," I checked out the quasifilibuster. Wowsa, an articulate man with Caucasian features. That is what MSNBC is upset about. Chris Matthews needs to come out of the closet and say he hates Cruz because Cruz is not an ambiguously gender non-specific who hates whites as Matthews and his host of bizarre queers on MSNBC do.
It's very sad so few Republicans showed up to support the guy. The Republican Party needs revolutionary change. The leadership is a shameful embarrassment. It's time for the Neocon/Progressive leadership to go. No more listening to weasel buffoons like Karl Rove. You don't have to be more like Democrats to win Elections. So many People are sick of that mentality. God Bless Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
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You can feel the hate seething from commies on the left about this today. It's getting hot in here. Before you know it will reek of sulfur and brimstone.

As they rush to defend Dear Leader's 'signature' abortion...

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Most Republicans continue to follow Karl Rove's 'Be like Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives' theory. He truly believes that you have to be more like Democrats to win Elections. The man stands for nothing. He's the reason the Republican Party is being brought to its knees. We now only get weak milquetoast leaders like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. It's time to dump the Neocons/Progressives. It's time to take the Republican Party back. We have to get back to Constitutional Conservatism. To Hell with fools like Karl Rove.
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Most Republicans continue to follow Karl Rove's 'Be like Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives' theory. He truly believes that you have to be more like Democrats to win Elections. The man believes in nothing. He's the reason the Republican Party is being brought to its knees. We now only get weak milquetoast leaders like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. It's time to dump the Neocons/Progressives. It's time to take the Republican Party back. We have to get back to Constitutional Conservatism. To Hell with fools like Karl Rove.

the best thing you can do when rove is on the tube

is switch the channel
Most Republicans continue to follow Karl Rove's 'Be like Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives' theory. He truly believes that you have to be more like Democrats to win Elections. The man believes in nothing. He's the reason the Republican Party is being brought to its knees. We now only get weak milquetoast leaders like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. It's time to dump the Neocons/Progressives. It's time to take the Republican Party back. We have to get back to Constitutional Conservatism. To Hell with fools like Karl Rove.

the best thing you can do when rove is on the tube

is switch the channel

Just another Progressive/Democrat in the end. The People don't want his con game tricks anymore. They want change.
Most Republicans continue to follow Karl Rove's 'Be like Democrats, but call yourselves Republicans/Conservatives' theory. He truly believes that you have to be more like Democrats to win Elections. The man believes in nothing. He's the reason the Republican Party is being brought to its knees. We now only get weak milquetoast leaders like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. It's time to dump the Neocons/Progressives. It's time to take the Republican Party back. We have to get back to Constitutional Conservatism. To Hell with fools like Karl Rove.

the best thing you can do when rove is on the tube

is switch the channel

Just another Progressive/Democrat in the end. The People don't want his con game tricks anymore. They want change.

yeah i am fed up with it

i have had enough of their game playing

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