Racial tension stories this week.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
So, I heard 2 racial tension stories this week.

A.) A Pawling Local bar-tender / tavern owner, told a Black girl visiting from the Bronx in a Pawling bar to leave the bar, because she kept yelling curses at her boyfriend, when he told her to stop, she yelled "You're a racist f*ck" and when she kept yelling at everybody. "He kicked her out" and she "Said you're racist sc*m" in response he said "I'm not racist my brother-in-law is a Black Jamaican" and she kept screaming "That's racist"

B.) A patron at a local bar in Pawling, did work in Paterson, NJ, and when he went to a 100% Black bar, with a Black owner there, THAT he knew, he said THE ENTIRE BAR gave him "Mean Stares" and just kept staring at him, UNTILL the Black bar-tender came up to him, gave him a pat on the back, and said hello.

Now, I'd imagine if he didn't know the Black bar-tender, he may have been in trouble, BUT who knows.

Also the same guy who told the "Part B. Story" said he gets tired of "Black people who think Whites up North as "Yankees" somehow owe them, or have wronged them"

I happen to total agree, as being in the Northern states, and of a Polish Catholic background that migrated here in the 20th century, I get TIRED of these peoples attitude problems they have towards us. It's really ridiculous that they think here in New York where the "Few Anglos" who are left since the 1800's who fought against slavery are the same as the "Southern Anglos" or that the majority Catholic Whites like Italians, Irish, Poles, Germans, or Jews owe them too.
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Now, I've never seen a Polish person say "Stop being anti-Polish" or "You're prejudiced scum" when people even told dumb Polak jokes, much less when they don't do something they want.

Something's off with these people mentally, either they're extremely demented to the point they actually think everyone's out to get them as a "Racist" or they use it to manipulate for "Gain"

Either way, I certainly don't support this sort of behavior.
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A thoughtful person may wonder why even bring this up? That is a thoughtful person.

Race is a Myth

Did African-American Slaves Rebel?

So, it's just our imaginations that Blacks look, and yes act different than us on the whole?

The only people I've ever seen call everybody racist if they don't do what they want everytime are Blacks, (Usually) and rarer (Puerto Ricans) or (Jews)
Who keep in mind both are African admixed.

I've not seen Asian Indians, Chinese, Guatemalans, Mexicans, Italians, Poles, French, Southern Whites and a whole lot of other "Prejudiced upon groups" act like this EVER.
A thoughtful person may wonder why even bring this up? That is a thoughtful person.

Race is a Myth

Did African-American Slaves Rebel?

So, it's just our imaginations that Blacks look, and yes act different than us on the whole?

The only people I've ever seen call everybody racist if they don't do what they want everytime are Blacks, (Usually) and rarer (Puerto Ricans) or (Jews)
Who keep in mind both are African admixed.

I've not seen Asian Indians, Chinese, Guatemalans, Mexicans, Italians, Poles, French, Southern Whites and a whole lot of other "Prejudiced upon groups" act like this EVER.

Have you missed out on reading some of the "anti white discrimination" posts in this very forum?
A thoughtful person may wonder why even bring this up? That is a thoughtful person.

Race is a Myth

Did African-American Slaves Rebel?

So, it's just our imaginations that Blacks look, and yes act different than us on the whole?

The only people I've ever seen call everybody racist if they don't do what they want everytime are Blacks, (Usually) and rarer (Puerto Ricans) or (Jews)
Who keep in mind both are African admixed.

I've not seen Asian Indians, Chinese, Guatemalans, Mexicans, Italians, Poles, French, Southern Whites and a whole lot of other "Prejudiced upon groups" act like this EVER.

Have you missed out on reading some of the "anti white discrimination" posts in this very forum?
These things have a way of working themselves out.

Race relations went downhill while obama was president. He wanted blacks to think they were victims. He wanted to keep them thinking they couldn’t survive without democrats.

While many professional blacks knew better, some uneducated blacks saw an opportunity to blame others for their failures, despite the opportunities they’ve had for years.

It’s why we now have blacks running from the Democratic Party.

Here’s a short vid of a woman who was once a liberal. She saw what was happening.....
A thoughtful person may wonder why even bring this up? That is a thoughtful person.

Race is a Myth

Did African-American Slaves Rebel?

So, it's just our imaginations that Blacks look, and yes act different than us on the whole?

The only people I've ever seen call everybody racist if they don't do what they want everytime are Blacks, (Usually) and rarer (Puerto Ricans) or (Jews)
Who keep in mind both are African admixed.

I've not seen Asian Indians, Chinese, Guatemalans, Mexicans, Italians, Poles, French, Southern Whites and a whole lot of other "Prejudiced upon groups" act like this EVER.

Have you missed out on reading some of the "anti white discrimination" posts in this very forum?
These things have a way of working themselves out.

Race relations went downhill while obama was president. He wanted blacks to think they were victims. He wanted to keep them thinking they couldn’t survive without democrats.

While many professional blacks knew better, some uneducated blacks saw an opportunity to blame others for their failures, despite the opportunities they’ve had for years.

It’s why we now have blacks running from the Democratic Party.

Here’s a short vid of a woman who was once a liberal. She saw what was happening.....

Oh. It's the same Candace Owens who once filed a racial discrimination lawsuit and won, and now claims that there is no racial discrimination?
Candace Owens: from Stamford High ‘victim’ to conservative firebrand

She is an opportunist and a walking "talking point".

How exactly did Obama encourage blacks to "view themselves as victims"?

It is odd that you would make such a vague statement and not provide a single example of what you are stating.

Did he also have the same effect on the rest of the population that voted for him? Asians? Hispanics? First time voters? Females?

Obama could not have been elected with just the "black vote".

I would venture a guess that I personally know far more educated and successful blacks than you do, and none have ever expressed such an opinion.

But what I have noticed, is that those who wanted Obama out of office so badly, still cannot seem to let him go, and in spite of the obstruction that he experienced, the current POTUS is riding on the coattails of the groundwork that he put in place, after running a campaign based on gloom and doom.

A perfect con job to convince the gullible masses that he has accomplished more than he really has.

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I've told the story of how I grew up in the 'hood' with mostly black friends/etc
..when my brother was older, he went into a black bar nearby and they looked at him like he shouldn't be there
Race relations went downhill while obama was president. He wanted blacks to think they were victims. He wanted to keep them thinking they couldn’t survive without democrats.

Agreed! President Obama, and more so his wife Michelle, are illogical thinking PRO BLACK minded haters whose actions speak louder than their HOLLOW words.

A.) A Pawling Local bar-tender / tavern owner, told a Black girl visiting from the Bronx in a Pawling bar to leave the bar, because she kept yelling curses at her boyfriend, when he told her to stop, she yelled "You're a racist f*ck" and when she kept yelling at everybody. "He kicked her out" and she "Said you're racist sc*m" in response he said "I'm not racist my brother-in-law is a Black Jamaican" and she kept screaming "That's racist"

Hello, SSE. Sadly, large numbers of apparent emotionally troubled or mentally ill American women who President Obama's friends and WH guests HATEFULLY denigrate as Bitches and HOES or THOTS, are irresponsibly raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy newborns maturing into HATEFUL, angry, frustrated teen and adult citizens.

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Alexis Erika Published on Mar 7, 2014

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me


obama white house guests.jpg

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