(R) James Comer Issues Subpoenas For Biden Family Members

Except you got no proof of that happening

Other than internet conspiracies
You can't handle the proof. That's why you're attempting to diss anyone who goes against Democrat hollyweird narratives someone pulled straight outta their butt as your version of the gospel. I have a history of getting to the truth sans tribal feel good narratives that poison the polls, not to mention intentional miscounts that omerta can't hide forever, except perhaps in your case unless you are just as corrupt as your "let's have a party and fergetaboutit" failed leaders in it for the theft of taxpayer money scams like the Biden who bragged on what was extortion on a viral video when as Vice President he hauled away money he threatened the Ukraine he would cancel their Foreign Aid Package worth multimillion dollars to fight off Russia with back when he was Vice President and feeling his wild oats to get some of that money the Treasury would be sending them. And he took all that cash home with him on Air Force Two that the taxpayers also footed the bill for into the millions of dollars, but not so he could exploit and scheme to take away bribe money or raise ol' billy about eliminating a country that was not willing to pay to play. It's known in legal terms as extortion, and the lighter term of "bribery" doesn't approach what vulgar extortion is because it carries retribution extraordinaire if the country's leaders refuse to share a portion of their free money with such a scalliwag that Biden has proved himself to be in so many viral videos in which he bragged about doing unconstitutional maneuvers to get rich quick off American taxpayer money. It's actually criminal behavior, but it doesn't seem to ruffle your feathers. I saw your post a few months back of you bragging about being paid for your loyalty of badmouthing people on the right online to protect criminals like Congressman Maxine Waters who wasn't even given a wrist slap for sicking her sicophants into harassing Trump's staff when he was in office.

A self-portrait of one of your "leaders" who
starts out with lies galore and ends with a rant that is the
soul of un-Constitutionality:

You can't handle the proof. That's why you're attempting to diss anyone who goes against Democrat hollyweird narratives someone pulled straight outta their butt as your version of the gospel. I have a history of getting to the truth sans tribal feel good narratives that poison the polls, not to mention intentional miscounts that omerta can't hide forever, except perhaps in your case unless you are just as corrupt as your "let's have a party and fergetaboutit" failed leaders in it for the theft of taxpayer money scams like the Biden who bragged on what was extortion on a viral video when as Vice President he hauled away money he threatened the Ukraine he would cancel their Foreign Aid Package worth multimillion dollars to fight off Russia with back when he was Vice President and feeling his wild oats to get some of that money the Treasury would be sending them. And he took all that cash home with him on Air Force Two that the taxpayers also footed the bill for into the millions of dollars, but not so he could exploit and scheme to take away bribe money or raise ol' billy about eliminating a country that was not willing to pay to play. It's known in legal terms as extortion, and the lighter term of "bribery" doesn't approach what vulgar extortion is because it carries retribution extraordinaire if the country's leaders refuse to share a portion of their free money with such a scalliwag that Biden has proved himself to be in so many viral videos in which he bragged about doing unconstitutional maneuvers to get rich quick off American taxpayer money. It's actually criminal behavior, but it doesn't seem to ruffle your feathers. I saw your post a few months back of you bragging about being paid for your loyalty of badmouthing people on the right online to protect criminals like Congressman Maxine Waters who wasn't even given a wrist slap for sicking her sicophants into harassing Trump's staff when he was in office.

A self-portrait of one of your "leaders" who
starts out with lies galore and ends with a rant that is the
soul of un-Constitutionality:

Now you are just making shit up
With no ties to proof and access only to lying DNC disinformation scams to get Trump, all you can do is talk cow pies. I can't even tell you how pathetic that is.

Mike Johnson is a very honorable and good new House speaker.


Mike Johnson is in over his head

He is being set up to be the worst Speaker in generations
The laptop has been available for three years.
Other than embarrassing Dick Pics, there is nothing illegal on it
What laptop? Biden's flunky's in the FBI can't even find the laptop they believe to be Russian disinformation.

Read your Dem / Socialist script; there is no laptop, and if there is, it's Russia disinformation, and if it's not Russia disinformation, ''I blame Trump''.

Mike Johnson is in over his head

He is being set up to be the worst Speaker in generations
You mean, the DNC is going to get even the drip-drop at a time way of Chinese torture. And you're going to be inside its talking point site to share it wherever you go to drag in the current DNC talking points based on their choice of we're good and everyone else is irrelevantly bad. Got it. :rolleyes-41:
You mean, the DNC is going to get even the drip-drop at a time way of Chinese torture. And you're going to be inside its talking point site to share it wherever you go to drag in the current DNC talking points based on their choice of we're good and everyone else is irrelevantly bad. Got it. :rolleyes-41:

Lets see how Johnson does in preventing a Government shut down.
He is herding cats.

A Party at war with itself
Except you got no proof of that happening
Congressional investigation says they have proof.
Other than internet conspiracies
Fueled by frustrated leftists.

You know whats funny here is the dem members of these committees aren't privy to any of the GOP's findings.......damn.....now they can't leak......LOL
They are desperately trying to run interference for the Mafia Boss, trump.
How is investigating a family that shook down several gov'ts for access, while both a sitting senator and a VP running interference for Trump?

SO now we have a Chinese agent in the WH.
Making shit up again
No I'm not. Her corruption is all over the House floor, and I'm glad she will be leaving soon or face her own sour music.

Why Is Nancy Pelosi the Most Dangerous Woman in America?​
Most people see Pelosi exactly the way she wants them to: a cultured San Franciscan politician from an esteemed family. But underneath the Chanel suit and Mikimoto pearls is a true political boss-as in T weed. Don't be fooled by her image as a caring, grandmotherly public servant. Nancy Pelosi is all business.​
She's the Boss charts Pelosi's carefully orchestrated rise to power as a uniquely American ruling-class diva who is not so subtly replacing "by the people, for the people" with "have your people call my people." From her father- a congressman and then mayor of Baltimore whose political machine was tainted by scandal-Pelosi learned about patronage, ruthlessness, and the credo of the party boss: never admit to anything, never apologize, and attack when challenged.​
As Speaker of the House, Pelosi once pounded her gavel so hard it left a dent in the lectern. She frightens even those who agree with her on almost everything. She punishes those who stand in her way. And her hypocrisy knows no bounds:​
? While Pelosi spends millions in taxpayers' dollars to green up the capital and expects Americans to pay for their carbon footprints, she demands a bigger jet for her trips across the globe as well as military G5s for holiday weekends.​
? She claims to act for the benefit of the American people, yet enriches her family's portfolio through pet legislation and personal financial dealings.​
? She tried to enact taxpayer funding for abortions, defying the teachings of the Catholic Church, of which she is a member.​
? With promises of utopia, she drives massive legislation deals through Congress by stiff arm twisting, knowing she and her allies will profit at the expense of the electorate.​
It will be clear after reading She's the Boss that the party works for Pelosi. Pelosi joined Congress in 1987 with a net worth of at least $2.7 million, according to her financial disclosure filed that year and obtained by Politifact. Pelosi’s net worth during her inaugural year in Congress was almost certainly higher than that figure, however, because lawmakers were not required at the time to report an upper range for their assets as they are today.
The Stock Market Made Nancy Pelosi Rich. Now, She Wants To Ban Her Colleagues From Trading. /
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress, but a social media post circulating about the wealth she has built while earning a congressional salary is wrong about her net worth. The post claims Pelosi has been in office for 28 years, during which she earned $193,400 per year. That math adds up to about $5.4 million, according to the post, which goes on to claim that Pelosi’s net worth is $196,299,990 ~ usatoday.com

No I'm not. Her corruption is all over the House floor, and I'm glad she will be leaving soon or face her own sour music.

Why Is Nancy Pelosi the Most Dangerous Woman in America?​
Most people see Pelosi exactly the way she wants them to: a cultured San Franciscan politician from an esteemed family. But underneath the Chanel suit and Mikimoto pearls is a true political boss-as in T weed. Don't be fooled by her image as a caring, grandmotherly public servant. Nancy Pelosi is all business.​
She's the Boss charts Pelosi's carefully orchestrated rise to power as a uniquely American ruling-class diva who is not so subtly replacing "by the people, for the people" with "have your people call my people." From her father- a congressman and then mayor of Baltimore whose political machine was tainted by scandal-Pelosi learned about patronage, ruthlessness, and the credo of the party boss: never admit to anything, never apologize, and attack when challenged.​
As Speaker of the House, Pelosi once pounded her gavel so hard it left a dent in the lectern. She frightens even those who agree with her on almost everything. She punishes those who stand in her way. And her hypocrisy knows no bounds:​
? While Pelosi spends millions in taxpayers' dollars to green up the capital and expects Americans to pay for their carbon footprints, she demands a bigger jet for her trips across the globe as well as military G5s for holiday weekends.​
? She claims to act for the benefit of the American people, yet enriches her family's portfolio through pet legislation and personal financial dealings.​
? She tried to enact taxpayer funding for abortions, defying the teachings of the Catholic Church, of which she is a member.​
? With promises of utopia, she drives massive legislation deals through Congress by stiff arm twisting, knowing she and her allies will profit at the expense of the electorate.​
It will be clear after reading She's the Boss that the party works for Pelosi. Pelosi joined Congress in 1987 with a net worth of at least $2.7 million, according to her financial disclosure filed that year and obtained by Politifact. Pelosi’s net worth during her inaugural year in Congress was almost certainly higher than that figure, however, because lawmakers were not required at the time to report an upper range for their assets as they are today.
The Stock Market Made Nancy Pelosi Rich. Now, She Wants To Ban Her Colleagues From Trading. /
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress, but a social media post circulating about the wealth she has built while earning a congressional salary is wrong about her net worth. The post claims Pelosi has been in office for 28 years, during which she earned $193,400 per year. That math adds up to about $5.4 million, according to the post, which goes on to claim that Pelosi’s net worth is $196,299,990 ~ usatoday.com

Pelosi has a very wealthy husband

She was also the most accomplished Speaker of her generation

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