R.E.Lee Statue Vandalized by BLM/Antifa Communist

Secession was not traitorous

It was about how you make things illegal when you don't have votes to change the law or Constitution.

Guy, there's moral and legal.

Slavery was "legal".
The Holocaust was "Legal"
The oppression of the Gulags was "legal".

the thing was, the South seceded because an abolitionist won the presidency. They seceded over a truly immoral thing.

Immoral, but a legal, Supreme Court upheld, Federal law supported institution that was the engine of the agrarian South.

There was not enough support to change and ratify the Constitution....not enough abolitionist votes.

You just dont make something illegal without following the law. Even abhorrent matters.
Immoral, but a legal, Supreme Court upheld, Federal law supported institution that was the engine of the agrarian South.

There was not enough support to change and ratify the Constitution....not enough abolitionist votes.

If that was the case, then why did the South need to secede? Because they didn't want to be "judged", I guess?

You just dont make something illegal without following the law. Even abhorrent matters.

Sure you do. Absofuckinglootly if a law is immoral, you do everything you can to frustrate it.
If that was the case, then why did the South need to secede? Because they didn't want to be "judged", I guess?
Read the Articles of Secession of each State. The Federalist become more aggressive to the "peculiar institution". Then they failed to follow the laws starting early as the Missouri Compromise and the Fugitive Slave Act.

Why be part of nation that wont either enforce or change the law through the system?
Sure you do. Absofuckinglootly if a law is immoral, you do everything you can to frustrate it.

You say that bombastically now .........but not when the other side is in control and has something they feel is abhorrent and wish to make it illegal it without due legal process.
You say that bombastically now .........but not when the other side is in control and has something they feel is abhorrent and wish to make it illegal it without due legal process.

Bring it on...

Read the Articles of Secession of each State. The Federalist become more aggressive to the "peculiar institution". Then they failed to follow the laws starting early as the Missouri Compromise and the Fugitive Slave Act.

YOu mean they stood up for what was right? Oh, Gosh.

What should hve happened. After the war, all the Confederate leaders should have been tried for treason and hung... like the Nazis after WWII.
What specifically is revisionist ?

That the Civil War was about anything but Slavery.

Hey Dumb Ass...How could the Civil War been about slavery, when 4 states
of the Union had slave owners and slaves during the civil war? (Delaware,
New Jersey, Maryland and Missouri)

How could the Civil War been about slavery when West Virginia was admitted
to the Union in 1863, halfway thru the Civil War...as a "slave state."

Waiting anxiously for your reply
You say that bombastically now .........but not when the other side is in control and has something they feel is abhorrent and wish to make it illegal it without due legal process.
Yes we feel that abortion, gay sex, guns, etc etc (add or subtract depending on the party in power) is so abhorrent we are going to bypass all process and law to ban it.

You're foolish.
Hey Dumb Ass...How could the Civil War been about slavery, when 4 states
of the Union had slave owners and slaves during the civil war? (Delaware,
New Jersey, Maryland and Missouri)
It was about who had the power to control slavery - State vs Federal.

Classic 10th AMND battle.

"Secession belongs to a different class of remedies. It is to be justified upon the basis that the States are Sovereign. There was a time when none denied it. I hope the time may come again, when a better comprehension of the theory of our Government, and the inalienable rights of the people of the States, will prevent any one from denying that each State is a Sovereign, and thus may reclaim the grants which it has made to any agent whomsoever."
~ Jefferson Davis
Hey Dumb Ass...How could the Civil War been about slavery, when 4 states
of the Union had slave owners and slaves during the civil war? (Delaware,
New Jersey, Maryland and Missouri)

How could the Civil War been about slavery when West Virginia was admitted
to the Union in 1863, halfway thru the Civil War...as a "slave state."

Waiting anxiously for your reply

Because they didn't have enough slaves to want to secede, that's why, dummy. Wasn't worth it to them... but they knew Slavery was going away if the North won.

Yes we feel that abortion, gay sex, guns, etc etc (add or subtract depending on the party in power) is so abhorrent we are going to bypass all process and law to ban it.

I wish we could do that with guns, but the reality is you had a ban on abortion, and everyone ignored it... which is why they repealled it.

Kind of like prohibition. They banned alcohol, and everyone kept drinking.

Slavery wasn't quite the same thing, was it?
Hey Dumb Ass...How could the Civil War been about slavery, when 4 states
of the Union had slave owners and slaves during the civil war? (Delaware,
New Jersey, Maryland and Missouri)

How could the Civil War been about slavery when West Virginia was admitted
to the Union in 1863, halfway thru the Civil War...as a "slave state."

Waiting anxiously for your reply

Because they didn't have enough slaves to want to secede, that's why, dummy. Wasn't worth it to them... but they knew Slavery was going away if the North won.

Yes we feel that abortion, gay sex, guns, etc etc (add or subtract depending on the party in power) is so abhorrent we are going to bypass all process and law to ban it.

I wish we could do that with guns, but the reality is you had a ban on abortion, and everyone ignored it... which is why they repealled it.

Kind of like prohibition. They banned alcohol, and everyone kept drinking.

Slavery wasn't quite the same thing, was it?

The South fought for States Rights...

The North fought to preserve the Union

Way deeper then that. The south provided food and raw material for all the industry up north. New Orleians at the time was a huge port, along with Galveston. Just like there is no way California is going anywhere, there was no way the north would dare let the south go. If slavery were the issue, then all the slaves would have left the plantation. They did not. Basic high school history will show that “slavery” as it was did not end for many years after the war. Hell, Lincolon diddnt even want blacks near him.
Way deeper then that. The south provided food and raw material for all the industry up north. New Orleians at the time was a huge port, along with Galveston. Just like there is no way California is going anywhere, there was no way the north would dare let the south go. If slavery were the issue, then all the slaves would have left the plantation. They did not. Basic high school history will show that “slavery” as it was did not end for many years after the war. Hell, Lincolon diddnt even want blacks near him.

You learned your history the same place you learned how to spell, I guess.
Way deeper then that. The south provided food and raw material for all the industry up north. New Orleians at the time was a huge port, along with Galveston. Just like there is no way California is going anywhere, there was no way the north would dare let the south go. If slavery were the issue, then all the slaves would have left the plantation. They did not. Basic high school history will show that “slavery” as it was did not end for many years after the war. Hell, Lincolon diddnt even want blacks near him.

You learned your history the same place you learned how to spell, I guess.

You got your by reading Louie Lamore books during your Mormon rape sessions in the Boy Scouts. Bet you got nothing to back anything you say Joe. You still telling lies about being a Vietnam vet and pro writer?
You got your by reading Louie Lamore books during your Mormon rape sessions in the Boy Scouts. Bet you got nothing to back anything you say Joe. You still telling lies about being a Vietnam vet and pro writer?

Never said I was a Vietnam vet...I'm old, but I'm not THAT old.

Obviously, "reading comprehension" is one of those things you struggle with.
You got your by reading Louie Lamore books during your Mormon rape sessions in the Boy Scouts. Bet you got nothing to back anything you say Joe. You still telling lies about being a Vietnam vet and pro writer?

Never said I was a Vietnam vet...I'm old, but I'm not THAT old.

Obviously, "reading comprehension" is one of those things you struggle with.

Yes you did. Even bragged you are a decorated vet to. Makes you an even bigger shot sack then you already think you are. Takes a huge piece of shit to lie about something like that. I need to find a post you made about Dick Dowling. It go’s right to the heart of how ignorant you are on the topic.
The Left, in it’s infinite Big Brother Orwellian way, is still wanting to destroy history, not learn from it. Left wants to tear down confederate statues. Hmmm. As I recall the Taliban in Afghanistan blew up Buddhist statutes. As I recall from Orwell’s 1984 Big Brother controlled history. As I recall in the former Soviet Union the government and Communist Party controlled history. People who want to change history are a threat to our society.
Robert E. Lee statue vandalized on Richmond’s Monument Ave. (Photos) | WTOP
And Mao's cultural revolution started with the destruction of statues, art and books. It progressed to the government telling the children to murder their teachers and parents. And eventually millions.

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