Questions emerge about RCMP's failure to send emergency alert on gunman's rampage


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Many question are being asked about this entire case, including now the possibility this guy was helped. It took hours to alert the public after the first shots were fired. Here is a guy, running around in an authentic RCMP uniform and vehicle, shooting people and lighting homes on fire and the usual Emergency Alert which is used in many cases, didn't come, even though the Premier says they were ready but were waiting for the RCMP to go forward with it.

Toronto police also dropped the ball some time ago where they didn't alert the public for weeks after a psychiatric ward patient who had already murdered someone, snuck out of his facility (and subsequently flew back to China somehow). Like most activities they hide (such as the Toronto cop brothers who beat a guy with a pipe and this kid lost his eye. The brothers father is a higher up in the TPS who was allegedly encouraging police to NOT send the SIU in, since the attack was while off duty and in another jurisdiction to Toronto...what?!), it had to be leaked through media sometime after for anyone to know.

We are now up to 22 victims and counting as they work through 16 crime scenes.

The RCMP in Nova Scotia knew it had a murderous gunman on the loose Saturday night but failed to warn local residents about the threat to their safety through the provincial emergency alert system.

It's a decision that has friends and family of some of the victims wondering if their loved ones would be alive now if they'd been warned about an armed killer at large in Colchester County.

"I feel strongly about that. I do feel if we had received an alert, an amber alert, we've had COVID-19 alerts ... then many people might have been spared," said Heather Matthews, a longtime walking partner and neighbour of Lillian Hyslop.

Hyslop was killed Sunday morning in the Wentworth area, roughly eight hours after the shooter had killed people in Portapique, a community 40 kilometres to the south.

Matthews and her husband took a different path on their walk that morning, avoiding the roadway and a provincial park that had been closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The two heard what sounded like a gunshot a few hundred metres away but assumed it was a hunter and kept walking.

They said they didn't even realize there was a gunman on the loose until they got home and a friend called to warn them about the activity overnight in Portapique.
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Many question are being asked about this entire case, including now the possibility this guy was helped. It took hours to alert the public after the first shots were fired. Here is a guy, running around in an authentic RCMP uniform and vehicle, shooting people and lighting homes on fire and the usual Emergency Alert which is used in many cases, didn't come, even though the Premier says they were ready but were waiting for the RCMP to go forward with it.

Toronto police also dropped the ball some time ago where they didn't alert the public for weeks after a psychiatric ward patient who had already murdered someone, snuck out of his facility (and subsequently flew back to China somehow). Like most activities they hide (such as the Toronto cop brothers who beat a guy with a pipe and this kid lost his eye. The brothers father is a higher up in the TPS who was allegedly encouraging police to NOT send the SIU in, since the attack was while off duty and in another jurisdiction to Toronto...what?!), it had to be leaked to through media sometime after for anyone to know.

We are now up to 22 victims and counting as they work through 16 crime scenes.

The RCMP in Nova Scotia knew it had a murderous gunman on the loose Saturday night but failed to warn local residents about the threat to their safety through the provincial emergency alert system.

It's a decision that has friends and family of some of the victims wondering if their loved ones would be alive now if they'd been warned about an armed killer at large in Colchester County.

"I feel strongly about that. I do feel if we had received an alert, an amber alert, we've had COVID-19 alerts ... then many people might have been spared," said Heather Matthews, a longtime walking partner and neighbour of Lillian Hyslop.

Hyslop was killed Sunday morning in the Wentworth area, roughly eight hours after the shooter had killed people in Portapique, a community 40 kilometres to the south.

Matthews and her husband took a different path on their walk that morning, avoiding the roadway and a provincial park that had been closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The two heard what sounded like a gunshot a few hundred metres away but assumed it was a hunter and kept walking.

They said they didn't even realize there was a gunman on the loose until they got home and a friend called to warn them about the activity overnight in Portapique.

Oh well, keep voting for the Left in pot land.

Do you think Canadians really care about anything other than other than getting high and being able to have abortions?
Many question are being asked about this entire case, including now the possibility this guy was helped. It took hours to alert the public after the first shots were fired. Here is a guy, running around in an authentic RCMP uniform and vehicle, shooting people and lighting homes on fire and the usual Emergency Alert which is used in many cases, didn't come, even though the Premier says they were ready but were waiting for the RCMP to go forward with it.

Toronto police also dropped the ball some time ago where they didn't alert the public for weeks after a psychiatric ward patient who had already murdered someone, snuck out of his facility (and subsequently flew back to China somehow). Like most activities they hide (such as the Toronto cop brothers who beat a guy with a pipe and this kid lost his eye. The brothers father is a higher up in the TPS who was allegedly encouraging police to NOT send the SIU in, since the attack was while off duty and in another jurisdiction to Toronto...what?!), it had to be leaked to through media sometime after for anyone to know.

We are now up to 22 victims and counting as they work through 16 crime scenes.

The RCMP in Nova Scotia knew it had a murderous gunman on the loose Saturday night but failed to warn local residents about the threat to their safety through the provincial emergency alert system.

It's a decision that has friends and family of some of the victims wondering if their loved ones would be alive now if they'd been warned about an armed killer at large in Colchester County.

"I feel strongly about that. I do feel if we had received an alert, an amber alert, we've had COVID-19 alerts ... then many people might have been spared," said Heather Matthews, a longtime walking partner and neighbour of Lillian Hyslop.

Hyslop was killed Sunday morning in the Wentworth area, roughly eight hours after the shooter had killed people in Portapique, a community 40 kilometres to the south.

Matthews and her husband took a different path on their walk that morning, avoiding the roadway and a provincial park that had been closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The two heard what sounded like a gunshot a few hundred metres away but assumed it was a hunter and kept walking.

They said they didn't even realize there was a gunman on the loose until they got home and a friend called to warn them about the activity overnight in Portapique.

Oh well, keep voting for the Left in pot land.

Do you think Canadians really care about anything other than other than getting high and being able to have abortions?

Yes, we care about a great deal. The problem is that information and facts are much harder to find in Canada when media all parrot the same narratives.

America has Fox News and many alternatives. You have investigative journalists and civil liberty groups and pro bono law firms. Canadians don't really have this, and we essentially rely on a few small networks and then CBC which is state owned. This is why we have been losing our civil liberties, reputation and economic might.
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I know. I was up your way not too long ago and I remember watching the local news before the election. They essentially allowed a spokesman from the Left respond about allegations made against their party for about an hour. So essentially the press allowed the Left to campaign for free for a good hour free of charge. Then they scrolled to the conservatives candidate who was questioned about his stance on abortion, after making him look the fool. He seemed even embarrassed about his stance instead of intelligently and boldly making a case for his beliefs, presumably because he knew that the polling shows most Canadians favor abortion. It did not occur to him apparently that this is because of shmucks like him who can't adequately articulate a stance that is pro-life and why.

Then I strolled over to a restaurant and was shocked at all the taxes you kids pay. I asked the waiter what all of those taxes were and he just smiled and said, "Beats the hell out of me." LOL.

Yes, until conservatives create some sort of media up there and give candidates that will attack like Trump does, you kids are screwed. People really are clueless about how the government and media have secured unquestioned power.
I know. I was up your way not too long ago and I remember watching the local news before the election. They essentially allowed a spokesman from the Left respond about allegations made against their party for about an hour. So essentially the press allowed the Left to campaign for free for a good hour free of charge. Then they scrolled to the conservatives candidate who was questioned about his stance on abortion, after making him look the fool. He seemed even embarrassed about his stance instead of intelligently and boldly making a case for his beliefs, presumably because he knew that the polling shows most Canadians favor abortion. It did not occur to him apparently that this is because of shmucks like him who can't adequately articulate a stance that is pro-life and why.

Then I strolled over to a restaurant and was shocked at all the taxes you kids pay. I asked the waiter what all of those taxes were and he just smiled and said, "Beats the hell out of me." LOL.

Yes, until conservatives create some sort of media up there and give candidates that will attack like Trump does, you kids are screwed. People really are clueless about how the government and media have secured unquestioned power.

We need more libertarians, not more party loyalists. I don't play the left/right game, I play the "let me hear your policy" game and I will decide which I like more. Blind loyalty is weak as far as I am concerned.

Canadas record on civil liberties has been atrocious thanks to our covert police and it's probably the main reason Trudeau won re-election, by default really. Our conservative party is old Neo-Con, not more libertarian as Trump is and as such Canadians wouldn't trust Scheer (especially with his history with Harper). Our liberal party has gone further left, and many don't agree with either party at the moment, however, Canadians know without saying it, the risk of the loss of MORE rights is far worse than a few unpopular economic policies. Thus, old Neo-Con conservatives won't have broad appeal.

The Toronto Police Services, Ontario Provincial Police and RCMP and their low performing relations who get a free ride within our system, have decimated our nation, and, the province of Ontario. Not unlike how the Stasi decimated the former East Germany.

If Americans replicate our system as some want, you might as well just throw away your Constitution as we have in Canada.

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