Question Mark Avatars move this if this is the wrong forum


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019

There seem to be more than one finger pointer in this forum of the left/right paradigm, (which is circus for distraction purposes) to keep the one hand from seeing what the other hand(s) are doing- as in holding each other, intimately-

I prefer results for evidence of accusations, or promises made- I "promise" you things have changed dramatically in my life time. I'll turn 73 this Saturday- the results I see are not what have been lied about to appease the sheeple (stinky tourist) - for starters, Liberty and justice for all has been relegated to bumper sticker slogan status-

Then we can move onto serious matters, finances. One side argues they want you to keep more of what is yours :oops: say what?!
The other side says some should pay more :omg:- their contrivances are minimal since we ALL lose with alleged controlled inflation- that is merely debasing of currency- that killed the Roman Empire- ALL Empires fail. Period. The Founders, being students of History were pretty aware of why Empires fail- so, they left us a constitutional republic, granting certain power and authority to the fed gov't- the crooks in DC are also liars as they swear, in the affirmative, to protect and defend the constitution - to that end, let me introduce you to

"Spooked"- 'Spooked' Author Discusses Book On CIA Influence On Press, Hollywood

The Central Intelligence Agency constantly attempts to manipulate journalism on the global security state. It is part of the DNA of the spy agency to spread propaganda and spur debates undermining the truth. Yet, all too often, establishment media organizations, including their most prominent reporters, are willing accomplices in the CIA’s efforts to prevent certain stories from being told.

Nicholas Schou, an investigative journalist for OC Weekly and author of “Kill the Messenger: How the CIA’s Crack Cocaine Epidemic Destroyed Journalist Gary Webb,” returns to the subject of national security journalism in his new book, “Spooked: How the CIA Manipulates Media and Hoodwinks Hollywood.”

As Schou notes, the CIA has a long history of “spooking the news.” Schou picks up after the late 1970s, when “systematic media manipulation” was exposed and the CIA created an Office of Public Affairs, which purportedly was to handle the press in a more “transparent” manner. His book examines the varying methods the CIA has developed to influence public perceptions of the agency through “pressure, seduction, and deception” of reporters, filmmakers, and television writers and directors.

I interviewed Schou about his new book, and below is a full transcript of our interview.
The CIA failed to control the mass populace via LSD so they had to go the route that corporations use to manipulate human consumption and actions. I preferred the LSD to commercials...

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