Question for all the lefties.

Im no lefty but.. Is there anyone to the right of my politics? :dunno:
What do you think people in this country to the right of your politics want to see the USA be like?
The Righties want us legalize hand grenades, tanks, and atomic weapons for all ages; keep the Trump family in the White House for the next 20 election cycles; allow Putin to keep all of Ukraine; execute all Democrats; give all darkies incentives to leave the country; end all welfare; borrow another $30 trillion for defense and bank bailouts; nuke Venezuela; and so forth and so on.
The Righties want us legalize hand grenades, tanks, and atomic weapons for all ages; keep the Trump family in the White House for the next 20 election cycles; allow Putin to keep all of Ukraine; execute all Democrats; give all darkies incentives to leave the country; end all welfare; borrow another $30 trillion for defense and bank bailouts; nuke Venezuela; and so forth and so on.
I bet most righties would not agree with most of this.
What do you think people in this country to the right of your politics want to see the USA be like?
I am not even close to being a leftist. But for what I want for America:

1. A small, efficient, effective, constitutional government that serves the people instead of dictating to the people and confiscating as much of the people's resources as it dares to take. It should provide the national defense, promote the general--meaning EVERYBODY--welfare, provide such services as the various states cannot realistically provide for themselves and enact only what laws and regulations allow the various states to function as one nation and prevent the states from doing material or economic harm to each other.

2. I want the law to protect the unalienable, civil, and material rights of the people including allowing us to think, speak, believe, confess, profess whatever we do without consequence and live as we choose to live so long as we violate nobody else's right to do the same.

3. I want the states to have the right to make their own laws, rules, institutions, customs about anything that does not HAVE to be a federal law or initiative in order to be effective.

4. I want people to return to the concept of social contract so that they can form themselves into whatever sorts of societies they wish to have again without violating anybody else's right to do the same.

5. I want the people to be able to return to traditional values that have stood the test of time to produce honest, industrious, competent, informed citizens who are accountable for their choices and responsible for their own actions, responsible for their own prosperity.

6. I want us to learn from our history, reject that from the past that served humankind poorly, and retain that which has served us well. I want ALL of history to be taught, commemorated, observed, understood, the good and the bad so that we can learn from it.

7. While good people take care of the less fortunate who are unable to care for themselves, I want to return to the time when no citizen or person could demand any part of what another earned or acquired honorably.

8. I want two loving parents, a mom and a dad, to become the norm again for rearing children.

9. I want a strong, free, prosperous America again.
I am not even close to being a leftist. But for what I want for America:

1. A small, efficient, effective, constitutional government that serves the people instead of dictating to the people and confiscating as much of the people's resources as it dares to take. It should provide the national defense, promote the general--meaning EVERYBODY--welfare, provide such services as the various states cannot realistically provide for themselves and enact only what laws and regulations allow the various states to function as one nation and prevent the states from doing material or economic harm to each other.

2. I want the law to protect the unalienable, civil, and material rights of the people including allowing us to think, speak, believe, confess, profess whatever we do without consequence and live as we choose to live so long as we violate nobody else's right to do the same.

3. I want the states to have the right to make their own laws, rules, institutions, customs about anything that does not HAVE to be a federal law or initiative in order to be effective.

4. I want people to return to the concept of social contract so that they can form themselves into whatever sorts of societies they wish to have again without violating anybody else's right to do the same.

5. I want the people to be able to return to traditional values that have stood the test of time to produce honest, industrious, competent, informed citizens who are accountable for their choices and responsible for their own actions, responsible for their own prosperity.

6. I want us to learn from our history, reject that from the past that served humankind poorly, and retain that which has served us well. I want ALL of history to be taught, commemorated, observed, understood, the good and the bad so that we can learn from it.

7. While good people take care of the less fortunate who are unable to care for themselves, I want to return to the time when no citizen or person could demand any part of what another earned or acquired honorably.

8. I want two loving parents, a mom and a dad, to become the norm again for rearing children.

9. I want a strong, free, prosperous America again.
Number 1: sounds good, but is quite subjective.

Number 2 is good, too. Including Homosexuals?

Number 3: Even if they want something like slavery?

Number 4: Sounds good.

Number 5: Sounds good

Number 6: OK

Number 7: No welfare of any kind for anybody?

Number 8: No same sex loving parents? If no, wouldn't that violate number 4?

Number 9: Who doesn't want this?
Number 1: sounds good, but is quite subjective.

Number 2 is good, too. Including Homosexuals?

Number 3: Even if they want something like slavery?

Number 4: Sounds good.

Number 5: Sounds good

Number 6: OK

Number 7: No welfare of any kind for anybody?

Number 8: No same sex loving parents? If no, wouldn't that violate number 4?

Number 9: Who doesn't want this?
Number 1 is anything but subjective to those who have studied the founding documents.

Number 2 includes ALL citizens who are not violating the rights and well being of others.

Number 3 is strongly modified by Number 2.

Number 7 indeed rejects the concept of the welfare state by the federal government and discourages a welfare state by any state or local government. The founders to a man were classical liberals who studied the concepts first offered by great European thinkers and were strongly promoted by people like John Locke. Any welfare provided should be local, voluntary, and strictly limited to the truly needy unless otherwise designed by local social contract which they would have considered foolish.

As Benjamin Franklin once expressed in "Poor Richard's Almanac": "I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”

8. All my gay friends are grateful for the blessing of a loving mother and father in the home when they were growing up. They all advocate that for all children whenever possible. If that is not possible for some children, then of course any loving parents are better than none.

9. The current administration and the leftists who praise it seem determined that we not have a strong, free, prosperous America for all.
Do want to revert to segregation? What is woke, exactly? Wouldn't you want people to be free to use whatever pronoun they want?
Why are you asking me what Woke is? You should know precisely what it is because it's your baby. Sure, whackjobs can use whatever pronoun they want and I am free to ignore that shit. If it is a he, it is a he. and not an it or a them or any other made-up pronoun. By the way, my mother was my mother and will always be known as my mother.She is not birth-giver or whatever ridiculous Woke term you nuts want to use.

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