Queer Lifestyle Choice Marriage Bans Roll On!


VIP Member
Feb 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
South Carolina
South Dakota

all say "no queer marriage!"

Restores my faith in America.
Arizona didnt, which surprises me, but that might be due to lack of conservative turn out.

I guess you are not paying attention to the score on queer marriage, its like 20 something for the good guys to 1 for the apologists.

We are beating the fuck out of you guys when its put to a popular vote.
I guess you are not paying attention to the score on queer marriage, its like 20 something for the good guys to 1 for the apologists.

We are beating the fuck out of you guys when its put to a popular vote.

what do u mean by good guys?
South Carolina
South Dakota

all say "no queer marriage!"

Restores my faith in America.
And your point? Those states are primarily religious, at least my experiences with them have shown me that.
Look, it's very simple! A queer is a queer.

The fact that a queer is of an inferior stature is proven by their constant quest for acceptance. Examples of this are obvious. Trying to break into the boy scouts, continous in our face effort to gain notority, hate crime legislation and so forth. If a queer was truly comfortable with themselves they would stayt in the closet where they are not "bothered" by us normal folk and our continous denial.

Fags can not breed. This in itself means they cannot be married. They can play house all they want, lefties can continue to cater to them and get their votes, just like they do the vagrants, unemployed, mission dwellers, welfare mom's and all the other undesireables that whore up our system.

It is not normal to be a queer. That is just a fact Jack. PERIOD! I do enjoy watching the faglovers on this site try to make a case of it though.
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It is not normal to be a queer. That is just a fact Jack. PERIOD! I do enjoy watching the faglovers on this site try to make a case of it though.

Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Wilt Chamberlain, Babe Ruth - none of them were normal either....
The fact that a queer is of an inferior stature is proven by their constant quest for acceptance. Examples of this are obvious. Trying to break into the boy scouts, continous in our face effort to gain notority, hate crime legislation and so forth. If a queer was truly comfortable with themselves they would stayt in the closet where they are not "bothered" by us normal folk and our continous denial.

So basically, you are saying that anyone BUT a White Male is an inferior person in America. Women, Minorities, and Gays are all on a quest for acceptance.

You are a sad bigot. Being a bigot is not normal, you learn to hate others.

BTW: You wouldn't be posting on this MB if you weren't looking for acceptance from others like yourself. If you were a superior being, then you wouldn't need to look for acceptance from your peers.
So basically, you are saying that anyone BUT a White Male is an inferior person in America. Women, Minorities, and Gays are all on a quest for acceptance.

You are a sad bigot. Being a bigot is not normal, you learn to hate others.

BTW: You wouldn't be posting on this MB if you weren't looking for acceptance from others like yourself. If you were a superior being, then you wouldn't need to look for acceptance from your peers.

Bigot. Pppphhttt... you don't even know what the word means moron.

You call emmett that because that's what you slimey liberal faggots and faggot lovers do. You name call in the face of truth when you have nothing worth listening to to say.
Bigot. Pppphhttt... you don't even know what the word means moron.

You call emmett that because that's what you slimey liberal faggots and faggot lovers do. You name call in the face of truth when you have nothing worth listening to to say.

Sad. If you don't mind me asking, who in your family hates gay people? Or are you secretly gay and feel that persecuting gays will cancel out that sin in the eyes of God? It's surely one or both of the above.
Sad. If you don't mind me asking, who in your family hates gay people? Or are you secretly gay and feel that persecuting gays will cancel out that sin in the eyes of God? It's surely one or both of the above.

Eh, I think it's pretty obvious.

A large segment of the human population feeds on hate - the reality is that it is part of our nature, not the be diluted with reason.

It is no longer politically correct to hate certain racial groups - but thanks to the politicizing of the issue by various fundamentalist religious groups, it's "PC" to bash homosexuals.

It is, however, one of the greatest misdeeds, undermining the teachings of Christ in a most harmful way. For people that claim to be "Christian" to exude such unwarranted hatred is such a complete hypocrisy, one has no surprise they are so connected to the neo-con movement.


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