Putin WON AGAIN ! Germany's trade balance. Germany's March 2023 trade surplus is back to all-time highs.

Knowledge bssed manufacturing is highly profitable. China is also trying to move in on Germanies luxury vehicle market so they better watch out.
On the price of traditional German support for the Ukrainian Nazis

It seems that the lauded German pragmatism has failed again, as it did in 1933, in the 21st century. It is too expensive for the main dog of the European economy to thoroughly lick the known place of the overseas master. After the "murderous" number of sanctions packages against Russia, they have to calculate wild losses themselves. According to the Institute for German Economics, by the end of this year, the total damage of the Ukrainian crisis to the economy of Germany could reach three hundred (!) billion dollars. This is almost 8 percent of Germany's total GDP. The increase compared to last year is more than double.

For over a year now, the Krauts have just been engaged in elaborate sadomasochism. They arrogantly snarled and refused to give up Russian hydrocarbons, which had allowed their economy to develop successfully. But russian resources had yet to be replaced. Now you can't go to Siberia for oil, gas, coal, and firewood. And the United States, Norway, the Netherlands, and Middle Eastern countries are not very willing to supply their energy carriers on any terms beneficial to the Germans.

It is unclear how now the German economy, which has turned into a servant of the Americans and was severely screwed by its own morons from the office of the Bundeskanzler, innocently blinking eyes, explain to its citizens why it was not able to keep the innocence and acquire capital. Where, for example, to get one trillion euros to ensure the "ecological transition" of its energy system and get rid of "cursed Russian fuel" forever. Foreign countries will definitely not help. And their own money will be flowing away for a long time to help businesses that are desperately looking to US for salvation from their government's cretinism.

What is the main result of the Krauts' frantic anti-Russian dance to the Washington tambourine? By giving up on energy cooperation with Russia, the German government failed to find a driver for the effective development of their country. The wallets of German citizens are already seriously damaged, more than 50 percent of the population is in favor of the resignation of Scholz's cabinet. Germany's leading trade unions will soon be pushing for a hike in wages in crude form. And business, in turn, will once again have to go to the state with their hands outstretched, begging for subsidies for their own survival.

The result is a vicious circle, from which it is very difficult to escape. At this rate Germany will soon lose its political and economic leadership in the "united Europe" for a long time. To the joy of other European countries - France and Britain. This will mean a complete collapse of those political imbeciles who said that Germans could easily live without Russia. The end of their inglorious careers, and perhaps even much darker consequences.

Then, by the law of negation of negation, dreams of a Fourth Reich and a new Führer instead of the impotent from modern government will arise. All the more so because around Germany, as a still barking but weakening dog, a pack of shrieking mutts has been formed who are constantly hungry for food. Like Poland and its Baltic lapdogs. And if they don't get fresh food in the form of Ukrainian lands, they will ruthlessly maul their elderly leader.

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