Putin ripped his pans ! Moscow’s space chief threatens to leave International Space Station program unless U.S. lifts sanctions


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Putin ripped his pans offilaly ! LOL, Ozero are such pathetic thugs, Moscow including czar Putin said many times that Our sanctions dont hurt them : LOL)) More more sanctions ! bomb Moscow gang with oil- gas - bank sanctions to the dust !!
" " we will deploy our own station,” LOL, Feel free do it, just one qestion whats about your food prices ? and economy in general ?

WASHINGTON — Russia’s space chief threatened Monday to withdraw from the International Space Station program if U.S. sanctions against Moscow’s space entities are “not lifted in the near future.”
“If the sanctions against Progress and TsNIIMash remain and are not lifted in the near future, the issue of Russia’s withdrawal from the ISS will be the responsibility of the American partners,” Roscosmos Director General Dmitry Rogozin said ....

“Either we work together, in which case the sanctions are lifted immediately, or we will not work together and we will deploy our own station,” he added."

Donald Trinop is really one of the worst evilwilling assholes the world ever had seen. Why I say so? Because this absolutely stupid idiot did not like the idea that all nations work together to conquer the space and threw the Chinese preventive out of the ISS, when they were interested to work together with the rest of the world in the ISS. And now likes Russia also to leave the ISS. To remember. A very long time the whole world depended on the space ships of the only nation which had space ships: Russia! It's really a big loss to lose the Russians.
WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.

I will never understand the totally mad opinoons in the USA about the pipeline Nord Steam 2. The unreal paranoia of the USA is really very astonishing. To remember: You - the USA - sold a big part of East Europe (and as a resilt also about 50% of the whole world) to the Soviets once. Not Germany did do so. You are your own enemy. You "trust" in a pipeline which comes from Russia over Turkey and over the Ukraine to Europe - but you "mistrust" in a pipeline which comes over Germany to Europe.
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Donald Trinop is really one of the worst evilwilling assholes the world ever had seen. Why I say so? Because this absolutely stupid idiot did not like the idea that all nations work together to conquer the space and threw the Chinese preventive out of the ISS, when they were interested to work together with the rest of the world in the ISS. And now likes Russia also to leave the ISS. To remember. A very long time the whole world depended on the space ships of the only nation which had space ships: Russia! It's really a big loss to lose the Russians.
Maybe the Russians should get the fuck out of Ukraine?
Maybe Putin shouldn't kill journalists and political opponents?
WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.
You hate free trade.
Nord Stream 2 isn't about "free trade", its about Putin's Bitch giving Putin cash to modernize his military, and we're the dopes paying to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Russia?! WTF??
Do you know why in NY exists no bunker in case a war with Russia could happen?
Donald Trinop is really one of the worst evilwilling assholes the world ever had seen. Why I say so? Because this absolutely stupid idiot did not like the idea that all nations work together to conquer the space and threw the Chinese preventive out of the ISS, when they were interested to work together with the rest of the world in the ISS. And now likes Russia also to leave the ISS. To remember. A very long time the whole world depended on the space ships of the only nation which had space ships: Russia! It's really a big loss to lose the Russians.
Maybe the Russians should get the fuck out of Ukraine?
They are not in the Ukraine. They overtook the Krim. The Krim was territory from Russia since 1799 AD. The Krim is the home harbor of the Russian black sea fleet. And the Soviet Khrushchev gave it in 195x as a present to the Ukraine - what never made any sense.

Maybe Putin shouldn't kill journalists and political opponents?

You have not any real idea about Russia - isn't it? Within Russia only very few people see in Putin a danger for their own country.
WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.

I will never understand the totally mad opinions in the USA about the pipeline Nord Steam 2. The unreal paranoia of the USA is really very astonishing. To remember: You - the USA - sold a big part of East Europe (and as a result also about 50% of the whole world) to the Soviets once. Not Germany did do so. You are your own enemy. You "trust" in a pipeline which comes from Russia over Turkey and over the Ukraine to Europe - but you "mistrust" in a pipeline which comes over Germany to Europe.
1. Prove the US sold "a big part" of East Europe. That make no sense, since the USSR owned/occupied that territory, and put up the "Iron Curtain".
2. Its not about "trust", its about giving Putin cash, or not giving Putin cash.
WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.
You hate free trade.
Nord Stream 2 isn't about "free trade", its about Putin's Bitch giving Putin cash to modernize his military, and we're the dopes paying to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Russia?! WTF??
Do you know why in NY exists no bunker in case a war with Russia could happen?
That statement didn't translate very well from German. But my guess at an answer is that any major war should be avoided, otherwise the entire world is dead.
Donald Trump is really one of the worst evil-willing assholes the world ever had seen. Why I say so? Because this absolutely stupid idiot did not like the idea that all nations work together to conquer the space and threw the Chinese preventive out of the ISS, when they were interested to work together with the rest of the world in the ISS. And now likes Russia also to leave the ISS. To remember. A very long time the whole world depended on the space ships of the only nation which had space ships: Russia! It's really a big loss to lose the Russians.
Maybe the Russians should get the fuck out of Ukraine?
They are not in the Ukraine. They overtook the Krim. The Krim was territory from Russia since 1799 AD. The Krim is the home harbor of the Russian black sea fleet. And the Soviet Khrushchev gave it in 195x as a present to the Ukraine - what never made any sense.

Maybe Putin shouldn't kill journalists and political opponents?

You have not any real idea about Russia - isn't it? Within Russia only very few people see in Putin a danger for their own country.
1. Not talking about "Krim" what we call Crimea, talking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

2. Putin, a former KGB agent is a ruthless killer. The people are terrified of him, he is a terrible leader for Russia, if you speak up, you are killed.
WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.

I will never understand the totally mad opinoons in the USA about the pipeline Nord Steam 2. The unreal paranoia of the USA is really very astonishing. To remember: You - the USA - sold a big part of East Europe (and as a resilt also about 50% of the whole world) to the Soviets once. Not Germany did do so. You are your own enemy. You "trust" in a pipeline which comes from Russia over Turkey and over the Ukraine to Europe - but you "mistrust" in a pipeline which comes over Germany to Europe.
You are lucky that the Soviets didn't get all of Germany. Next time don't invade Poland then invade and start a war with the Soviets/Russia. My personal belief is that it would have been easier to deal a victorious NAZI Germany than the Soviets. The Japs bombed the USA and then Hitler declared war on the USA a few days later.
Donald Trump is really one of the worst evil-willing assholes the world ever had seen. Why I say so? Because this absolutely stupid idiot did not like the idea that all nations work together to conquer the space and threw the Chinese preventive out of the ISS, when they were interested to work together with the rest of the world in the ISS. And now likes Russia also to leave the ISS. To remember. A very long time the whole world depended on the space ships of the only nation which had space ships: Russia! It's really a big loss to lose the Russians.
Maybe the Russians should get the fuck out of Ukraine?
They are not in the Ukraine. They overtook the Krim. The Krim was territory from Russia since 1799 AD. The Krim is the home harbor of the Russian black sea fleet. And the Soviet Khrushchev gave it in 195x as a present to the Ukraine - what never made any sense.

Maybe Putin shouldn't kill journalists and political opponents?

You have not any real idea about Russia - isn't it? Within Russia only very few people see in Putin a danger for their own country.
1. Not talking about "Krim" what we call Crimea, talking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

2. Putin, a former KGB agent is a ruthless killer. The people are terrified of him, he is a terrible leader for Russia, if you speak up, you are killed.

yes, a killer and thug
Donald Trinop is really one of the worst evilwilling assholes the world ever had seen. Why I say so? Because this absolutely stupid idiot did not like the idea that all nations work together to conquer the space and threw the Chinese preventive out of the ISS, when they were interested to work together with the rest of the world in the ISS. And now likes Russia also to leave the ISS. To remember. A very long time the whole world depended on the space ships of the only nation which had space ships: Russia! It's really a big loss to lose the Russians.
Maybe the Russians should get the fuck out of Ukraine?
They are not in the Ukraine. They overtook the Krim. The Krim was territory from Russia since 1799 AD. The Krim is the home harbor of the Russian black sea fleet. And the Soviet Khrushchev gave it in 195x as a present to the Ukraine - what never made any sense.

Maybe Putin shouldn't kill journalists and political opponents?

You have not any real idea about Russia - isn't it? Within Russia only very few people see in Putin a danger for their own country.
"Soviet Khrushchev gave it in 195x" - TV.ru narrative, the reality:

With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.

I will never understand the totally mad opinions in the USA about the pipeline Nord Steam 2. The unreal paranoia of the USA is really very astonishing. To remember: You - the USA - sold a big part of East Europe (and as a result also about 50% of the whole world) to the Soviets once. Not Germany did do so. You are your own enemy. You "trust" in a pipeline which comes from Russia over Turkey and over the Ukraine to Europe - but you "mistrust" in a pipeline which comes over Germany to Europe.
1. Prove the US sold "a big part" of East Europe.

"You" was an ally of Stalin and gave a big part of Germany to Poland and a big part of Poland to Russia. You and your allies wiped out the Silesians, the Bohemians and other German tribes. You and your allies made out of many countries in the East of Europe slaves of the Russian Soviets.

That make no sense, since the USSR owned/occupied that territory, and put up the "Iron Curtain".

You started the first time to fight against the Soviets when they had thrown you nearly out of Korea. Before you had supported them.

2. Its not about "trust", its about giving Putin cash, or not giving Putin cash.

Putin needs no "cash". He's one of the most rich men in the world. And in 800 years Russia still will be a neighbor of Germany. When Nawalny spoke in Russian with chancellor Merkel he was astonished how well informed Angela Merkel had been about Russia. And Putin speaks very good German. Would be nice if more politicians in the world "könnten über ihren eigenen Schatten sprungen" (verbally: could spring over their own shadow) and do what's good to do in the eyes of god. Specially in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica and Oceania.

Everything is about "trust". But the USA "believes" in such things only in case a new kind of Henry Ford would say something like "trust is money". Might and money are by the way only an illusion. And the extraordinary ignorant, intrigant, arrogant and aggressive US-American law about the "energy security of Europe" will only able to end happily if the responsible US-American politicians for this law will sit in jail because of high treason. .. oh damn: This are nearly all "republican" and "democratic" politicians of the USA, who did not like to block the household of the USA, because of such an unimportant law, which has nothing to do with the USA. To speak only about a "banana republic USA" could indeed be a slight exaggeration.

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WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.
You hate free trade.
Nord Stream 2 isn't about "free trade", its about Putin's Bitch giving Putin cash to modernize his military, and we're the dopes paying to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Russia?! WTF??
Do you know why in NY exists no bunker in case a war with Russia could happen?
That statement didn't translate very well from German.
WTF is Putin whining about, his bitch already lifted the sanctions on Nord Stream 2.
You hate free trade.
Nord Stream 2 isn't about "free trade", its about Putin's Bitch giving Putin cash to modernize his military, and we're the dopes paying to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Russia?! WTF??
Do you know why in NY exists no bunker in case a war with Russia could happen?
That statement didn't translate very well from German. But my guess at an answer is that any major war should be avoided, otherwise the entire world is dead.

But my guess at an answer is that any major war should be avoided, otherwise the entire world is dead.

A complex way to say "no".
Donald Trump is really one of the worst evil-willing assholes the world ever had seen. Why I say so? Because this absolutely stupid idiot did not like the idea that all nations work together to conquer the space and threw the Chinese preventive out of the ISS, when they were interested to work together with the rest of the world in the ISS. And now likes Russia also to leave the ISS. To remember. A very long time the whole world depended on the space ships of the only nation which had space ships: Russia! It's really a big loss to lose the Russians.
Maybe the Russians should get the fuck out of Ukraine?
They are not in the Ukraine. They overtook the Krim. The Krim was territory from Russia since 1799 AD. The Krim is the home harbor of the Russian black sea fleet. And the Soviet Khrushchev gave it in 195x as a present to the Ukraine - what never made any sense.

Maybe Putin shouldn't kill journalists and political opponents?

You have not any real idea about Russia - isn't it? Within Russia only very few people see in Putin a danger for their own country.
1. Not talking about "Krim" what we call Crimea, talking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

2. Putin, a former KGB agent is a ruthless killer. The people are terrified of him, he is a terrible leader for Russia, if you speak up, you are killed.

What a nonsense.

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