Putin mistakes stroke survivor for drunk and then BLAMES THE WORLD!

Anyone could make that mistake. The guy was asking about kvas. Most kvas has a very low alcohol content, but some of it is made stronger and you can get a buzz or even drunk if you drink enough. I've had homemade kvas that was almost, if not as strong as beer.
Mocking Putin because he mistake journalist asking about kvas for being drunk. Journalist had stroke and so he had speech and body movement that made him look intoxicated. You know from my previous post in other threads I do not much like Putin, but he treated unfairly about this in my opinion. He showed good humor. Not many Americans know what kvas is. You have to go to Euro or Russian store to find it. Mostly comes from Ukraine. Good Russian kvas very difficult to get.
Mocking Putin because he mistake journalist asking about kvas for being drunk. Journalist had stroke and so he had speech and body movements that made him look intoxicated. You know from my previous post in other threads I do not much like Putin, but he treated unfairly about this in my opinion. He showed good humor. Not many Americans know what kvas is. You have to go to Euro or Russian store to find it. Mostly comes from Ukraine. Good Russian kvas very difficult to get.

Why do you not speak plain English to him? Putin mistook the journalist asking about kvas for being drunk. The Journalist had a stroke and so he had speech and body movements that made him appear intoxicated......

He needs help with his English speaking skills. While you are not happy with Putin I would have to say I am outraged by Putin. Let me tell this guy in Moscow what I think about Vladimir Putin.

He is a cold blooded murderer who assassinated his political opponent in the most vile manner (poisoned him to death) and then had the nerve to tell reporters after the man's death that there was no evidence that he suffered.
He has no conscience and is a dangerous sociopath. Furthermore, he was a wife beater and a philanderer while he was married. He is making plans to do a nuclear strike against the United States and has offered to assist China in invading Taiwan prior to their Nuclear strike here. Putin has spent 60 billion on Sochi while people in his own country are starving to death according to at least one foreign correspondent. This journalist should realize that the slightest insult to Putin could be his last. He will undoubtedly write it off as a mistake - just as the news has done - because it is no secret that Putin has a short fuse.
Many journalists have met a very dark ending in Russia because they dared to write something that offended someone over there. Putin is a Sociopath and a Communist in that order. Tell your Moscow friends that for me. Sincerely, Jeremiah

p.s. I hear he was named Time's Man of the Year. (again) Man of the Year? I think not. He will go down in history for what he is. A thief, a liar, a cold blooded murderer, and a philandering wife beater. That's a wrap.
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The Russian people have my deepest sympathy. It must be awful for the Christians living in Russia to realize what an evil man they have in power - ruling their country. Putin is a Sociopath.
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Mocking Putin because he mistake journalist asking about kvas for being drunk. Journalist had stroke and so he had speech and body movements that made him look intoxicated. You know from my previous post in other threads I do not much like Putin, but he treated unfairly about this in my opinion. He showed good humor. Not many Americans know what kvas is. You have to go to Euro or Russian store to find it. Mostly comes from Ukraine. Good Russian kvas very difficult to get.

Why do you not speak plain English to him? Putin mistook the journalist asking about kvas for being drunk. The Journalist had a stroke and so he had speech and body movements that made him appear intoxicated......

He needs help with his English speaking skills. While you are not happy with Putin I would have to say I am outraged by Putin. Let me tell this guy in Moscow what I think about Vladimir Putin.

Sonc did not seem to understand the article in the link. I have no idea how good his English skills are and did not think it my responsibility to teach him. I answered in the way many of my Russian friends speak in the hopes of answering his question.
Is this any worse than GOP leader Limbaugh trashing Michael J. Fox and his Parkinson`s disease?
Is this any worse than GOP leader Limbaugh trashing Michael J. Fox and his Parkinson`s disease?
Not even close. Putin was making fun of what he thought was a drunk journalist, Limbaugh was being a mean spirited asshole who knew exactly what he was doing.
Understood. Thanks for explaining that one. As for Obama. I didn't vote for Obama and do not find him to be a saint - but when one looks as what Vladimir Putin is? The difference is huge. Vladimir Putin is a Communist sociopath and a man who is plotting the mass murder of Americans via a nuclear strike here. What's to like? I'll have to reword my saint comment. I do not feel I can leave that as it is.
Putin has an 80+% approval rating by the Russian people.

They see him as Russian nationalist who loves his country and culture.

I wish the U.S. had a patriotic leader like Putin in the White House. ...... :cool:

I believe the Russian people are in 80% support of their country - not Putin necessarily. They are not happy about his spending 60 billion dollars on Sochi when there are people in Russia starving to death. It does appear a sensitivity chip is missing. That happens with sociopaths. They are narcissists and only think of themselves.

There is no compassion and no trace of conscience either - Putin made the comment about Litventinko, that he didn't see any sign of his suffering - he poisoned him to death and the man died a very painful death and we can see by Putin's comment to news media he is void of any trace of conscience. The man he poisoned named Putin as the man who was responsible.
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Putin has almost single handedly restored the Russian Orthodox Church to a position of prominence within Russian society and the people love him for it. ....... :cool:

They are not happy about his spending 60 billion dollars on Sochi when there are people in Russia starving to death.
Lol what? =)))) This say your news? What they say about bears murderers who walk at night in cities and eat people?)))

There are people who are unhappy with the decision to spend $ 60 billion on the Olympics. But that's okay. The military wants to increase its budget. Doctors want to increase the budget of doctors. Young women want to get more money for the birth of children .... if you give money to doctors, the military will be dissatisfied and young women. If you give money to the military and young women are dissatisfied with doctors. Any decision - will be dissatisfied people.
Let me tell this guy in Moscow what I think about Vladimir Putin.
Thank you for your opinion. Now I will stop voting for him. Because you opened my eyes =)))

It's really funny.
You do not understand the Russian language and can not assess the whole situation, which was at the time of this interview.

And of course your news is not translated and explained part of the interview.

Question about kvass asked Mamatov. The problem is not only, as he says.

Firstly, the question had to ask a Turkish journalist. Mamatov stood up and took the microphone.
Secretary tried to stop him - you are not from Turkey.
Mamatov said - what to do? it happened. And continued.

Secondly it was a stupid question. Such questions do not ask the president. Mr. President, we have a business but the store did not want to take our goods. What to do? - You have to be a moron that would ask such a question to the President.

Everyone thought that this man was drunk.
He just wanted to be famous, and now he was invited on radio and pay money for an interview.
- Tell me ... how you asked Putin ...
- Oh yeah ... it was ... horrible. I saw his big teeth and huge claws ... I was so close I felt his bad breath ... it was a breath of death ...

Putin simply joked in response to such a brazen behavior.
Putin has an 80+% approval rating by the Russian people.

They are not happy about his spending 60 billion dollars on Sochi when there are people in Russia starving to death.
Lol what? =)))) This say your news? What they say about bears murderers who walk at night in cities and eat people?)))

There are people who are unhappy with the decision to spend $ 60 billion on the Olympics. But that's okay. The military wants to increase its budget. Doctors want to increase the budget of doctors. Young women want to get more money for the birth of children .... if you give money to doctors, the military will be dissatisfied and young women. If you give money to the military and young women are dissatisfied with doctors. Any decision - will be dissatisfied people.
I will spend over one hour driving in my car to go to a store that sells kvas. They will not have Russian, but perhaps some Latvian. If not, I will have to buy the Ukrainian. Hopefully they will have good brand.

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