
Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out. Seems Russia is funding these groups through a shell group in Bermuda to undermine fracking in the U.S, try and have it banned and of course, benefit Russian oil businesses.

I'm sure this will receive the broad coverage it demands...

Putin is funding Green groups to discredit fracking

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.

Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out. Seems Russia is funding these groups through a shell group in Bermuda to undermine fracking in the U.S, try and have it banned and of course, benefit Russian oil businesses.

I'm sure this will receive the broad coverage it demands...

Putin is funding Green groups to discredit fracking

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.
Probably fake news since it's from Tucker Carlson... but if so it's in line with Republican hopes for our country's future, since they want to kill natural gas in an effort to bring back the 19th century's dominant energy source, coal. I can see Trumpsters backing this.
Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out. Seems Russia is funding these groups through a shell group in Bermuda to undermine fracking in the U.S, try and have it banned and of course, benefit Russian oil businesses.

I'm sure this will receive the broad coverage it demands...

Putin is funding Green groups to discredit fracking

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.
Where's the evidence that supports the allegation?
Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out. Seems Russia is funding these groups through a shell group in Bermuda to undermine fracking in the U.S, try and have it banned and of course, benefit Russian oil businesses.

I'm sure this will receive the broad coverage it demands...

Putin is funding Green groups to discredit fracking

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.
Where's the evidence that supports the allegation?

DID you read the link from newsweek? If they aren't a legitimate news source you will have to take it up with them. Multiple sources of this story, I tend to believe it and it's quite a believable situation.
Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out. Seems Russia is funding these groups through a shell group in Bermuda to undermine fracking in the U.S, try and have it banned and of course, benefit Russian oil businesses.

I'm sure this will receive the broad coverage it demands...

Putin is funding Green groups to discredit fracking

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.
Where's the evidence that supports the allegation?

DID you read the link from newsweek? If they aren't a legitimate news source you will have to take it up with them. Multiple sources of this story, I tend to believe it and it's quite a believable situation.
I read the link. I didn't see any evidence. Far as I can tell it is just more government propaganda.
The source of the article is the Daily Signal, which isn't the most reliable but funnelling the money through shell corporations in the Caribbean sounds right, and Russia certainly has an interest in cutting back US gas production.

Having said that, fracking isn't anything I would want to live near. Earthquakes make me nervous.
The source of the article is the Daily Signal, which isn't the most reliable but funnelling the money through shell corporations in the Caribbean sounds right, and Russia certainly has an interest in cutting back US gas production.

Having said that, fracking isn't anything I would want to live near. Earthquakes make me nervous.

There is no fracking around the Pacific Rim however there are more earthquakes there than anywhere else on earth. Earthquakes have happened in the Midwest long before fracking ever started.
The source of the article is the Daily Signal, which isn't the most reliable but funnelling the money through shell corporations in the Caribbean sounds right, and Russia certainly has an interest in cutting back US gas production.

Having said that, fracking isn't anything I would want to live near. Earthquakes make me nervous.

There is no fracking around the Pacific Rim however there are more earthquakes there than anywhere else on earth. Earthquakes have happened in the Midwest long before fracking ever started.

But they've increased ten-fold in areas where fracking is prevalent.
The source of the article is the Daily Signal, which isn't the most reliable but funnelling the money through shell corporations in the Caribbean sounds right, and Russia certainly has an interest in cutting back US gas production.

Having said that, fracking isn't anything I would want to live near. Earthquakes make me nervous.

There is no fracking around the Pacific Rim however there are more earthquakes there than anywhere else on earth. Earthquakes have happened in the Midwest long before fracking ever started.

But they've increased ten-fold in areas where fracking is prevalent.

Yes, but small quakes are a good thing, it relieves the pressure gradually instead of all at once. They are looking into ways to have smaller quakes in areas prone to quakes as a way of preventing large ones. The fracking isn't the cause of the quakes, it's the wastewater from the fracking that is the issue.
Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out. Seems Russia is funding these groups through a shell group in Bermuda to undermine fracking in the U.S, try and have it banned and of course, benefit Russian oil businesses.

I'm sure this will receive the broad coverage it demands...

Putin is funding Green groups to discredit fracking

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.

Now THAT'S a real motive, MONEY.

Makes sense, would serve Russian interests.
Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out. Seems Russia is funding these groups through a shell group in Bermuda to undermine fracking in the U.S, try and have it banned and of course, benefit Russian oil businesses.

I'm sure this will receive the broad coverage it demands...

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.
For a Kremlin Stooge, Trump sure jumps on Putin's toes a lot. I wonder if Putin thinks he is the worst Kremlin Stooge ever?

Now Trump has ordered the removal of roadblocks for the Constitution Pipeline stalled for five years by the Obama Administration? “The 124-mile natural gas pipeline would link Pennsylvania and New York.”

Once New Yorkers get a taste of those high-paying energy jobs will their enthusiasm for Socialism remain?
OMG, lamest excuses to sourcelessly defend fracking ever. Admit it. You idiots aren't energetic enough to even try anymore. Good.
OMG, lamest excuses to sourcelessly defend fracking ever. Admit it. You idiots aren't energetic enough to even try anymore. Good.
Fracking requires no defense. We have been fracking since the 1860's. As for source-less, because I'm new to the forum, I'm not yet allowed to include links with my posts.

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump will sign an executive order to streamline energy projects like the Constitution Pipeline, a 124-mile natural gas pipeline from Pennsylvania to New York. Despite winning federal approval in 2014, the pipeline has yet to be built, thanks to New York obstructionists.


Trump will unveil the order at the International Union of Operating Engineers International Training and Education Center in Crosby, Texas, on Wednesday, where they will enjoy the good jobs produced by our infrastructure upgrade. Another executive order will promote cross-border energy infrastructure, like the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

New York's moratorium on hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") has caused a natural gas shortage making the Constitution Pipeline more important.

The actions New York is taking not only impact New York, they are impacting the entire Northeast, because we can’t get a pipeline through the state in order to provide gas service to the Northeast.

Thank you President Trump!
Shame. A verifiable source for your word "obstructionists" there would be revealing. Sorry, sad facts:

His action is unlikely to jump-start widespread construction, since it’s up to Congress -- not the president {Doh!} -- to restrict states’ authority under the Clean Water Act. And the initiative isn’t expected to solve legal problems thwarting several pipelines in the Mid-Atlantic U.S., which hinge on inadequate Interior Department reviews -- not formal objections from states.

Source {one that still employs some actual journalists who do stuff like originally investigate and report on stuff + occasionally make sense!}
Shame. A verifiable source for your word "obstructionists" there would be revealing. Sorry, sad facts:

His action is unlikely to jump-start widespread construction, since it’s up to Congress -- not the president -- to restrict states’ authority under the Clean Water Act. And the initiative isn’t expected to solve in the Mid-Atlantic U.S., which hinge on inadequate Interior Department reviews -- not formal objections from states.

{one that still employs some actual journalists who do stuff like originally investigate and report on stuff + occasionally make sense!}
Hey, if the NY Obstructionists can prove that The Clean Water Act was intended to give a single obstructionist state veto power over interstate projects then they should have no issue with prevailing. NY has so badly limited pipeline capacity in the North East that the region was forced to import NG from Russia last year rather than using NG from PA! Trump is also asking DOT to propose a sensible new regulation to treat liquefied natural gas like other cryogenic liquids, allowing it to be shipped by rail in approved tank cars, something that isn’t allowed today.

Trump is directing regulators to develop a commonsense master agreement for placing energy infrastructure in federal rights-of-way -- a move that will expedite approvals and renewals.
Saw the story on Tucker Carlson Tonight and had to search it out.
Gee, hope you didn't break a nail or anything.
Multiple sources of this story, I tend to believe it and it's quite a believable situation.
Far as I can tell it is just more government propaganda.
The source of the article is the Daily Signal, which isn't the most reliable
Right! Says so right there in the Newsweek article. So what's this "Daily Signal" really? Without breaking a nail I discovered rather quickly and easily:
The Heritage Foundation launched a news site, "The Daily Signal", on June 3, 2014. According to its website, the site will provide "policy and political news as well as conservative commentary and policy analysis" and aims to be "accurate, fair and trustworthy."[4] The Washington Post reported the site started with an annual budget of $1 million and a staff of 12, most "drawn from news organizations with conservative leanings" including The Washington Times, the National Review, Fox News, and the Washington Examiner.
That from Heritage Foundation - SourceWatch
Check it out. The Koch Bros. No doubt where shameless corporate bootlickers like Tucker get their daily marching orders / talking points. Then it somehow magically becomes "quite a believable situation", lol
The source of the article is the Daily Signal, which isn't the most reliable but funnelling the money through shell corporations in the Caribbean sounds right, and Russia certainly has an interest in cutting back US gas production.

Having said that, fracking isn't anything I would want to live near. Earthquakes make me nervous.
I live in the heart of the Marcellus Shale deposit and have never felt an earthquake here and I'm a California transplant so I know what they feel like.

The story has legs. We have enough gas here alone to bury Russia. I don't doubt they are trying to sabotage our energy production.
NY has so badly limited pipeline capacity in the North East
Great! Amazingly!, NY has managed to completely block the fracking industry. An epic win so far for NYers! Many can still drink their tap water as a result. Imagine, tastes good, doesn't even catch fire! And no earthquake upsurge. No spilling sludge ponds to kill all the fish. No sudden drop in real estate values. No failures to pay landowners the promised and contracted obligations in the long term, etc, etc, etc.. Just stop. Natural gas is just another fossil fuel. Beats piping Canadian sludge through our country to keep the Koch's two expensive refineries busy in the Gulf or going to war over it with Venezuela, but no long term solution whatsoever. Just produces more CO2 warming. Not renewable in the least.

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