Purdue liberals want to BAN Chick-Fil-A from campus but have NO PROBLEM selling Chinese imports


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Purdue liberals say that only companies that mirror Purdue's philosophy should be permitted to operate on campus. Fine. But why then wouldn't they extend it to the sale of Chinese imports? Why would they permit Chinese goods to be bought considering that they are helping to perpetuate the evil, totalitarian, Chinese regime?

Purdue Senate favors requirement that all business ‘uphold the same values’ ahead of Chick-fil-A opening
Because someone has to sell Ivanka's chinese made crap!
Probably violates the nor prohibit the free exercise thereof thing in in the Magna Carta or whatever that document with the amendments is called, but whatever. Colleges are in it for the money so they will go with whatever has the best returns. One of my colleges had a library that also had stores, movie theater, and multiple restaurants within the library. It was quite odd.

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