Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?

In 1987 Ronald Reagan was my CInC. I was a dedicated sailor.

I served proudly under 2 Republican Presidents, 1 Democrat and George W. Bush. (Relax, joke)

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Do you remember how the libs reacted when Reagan said the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history?

Do you remember how certain they were about how he was stupid and reckless and dangerous?

DO you remember how dishonest they were when history proved Reagan Right and them WRONG?

Why should I think this time is any different?

This time it is the USA that is being diminished and will end up on the ash heap of history. Isolationism and xenophobia are not the route to economic success or dominance.

On a positive note, without the US going around the world starting wars, the world will be a more peaceful place. But the civil unrest being created by your bitter divisive President is not likely to abate and will probably worsen as long as he retains power.

1. YOu lefties were just as certain, and nearly as hysterical then as you are now. Especially considering that the vast majority of you never had the intellectual honesty to admit you were wrong then, why should you have any credibility now?

2. YOur anti-Americanism in noted. The civil unrest is caused by your side's hysteria.
Give me a quote where Trump said anything half as divisive as HIllary's "deplorable" slur.

Or apologize for being a liar.

How about saying there were good people on the KKK and Neo-Nazi side.

I challenge you to some me him saying that, and hint: You can't because he did not.

You lose.

He ran on issues designed to unite US and benefit America as a whole and

YOUR GIRL, ran on fear mongering and divisiveness.
Mattis and the joint chiefs already told Trump that a tweet is not a lawful order.

That's nice and does not support your previous claim, at all.

Trump tweeted he was kicking transgenders out of the military. The joint chiefs, and Sec Def Mattis told Trump until he sends instructions through the proper chain of command, they weren't going to take any action based on a tweet.
How about saying there were good people on the KKK and Neo-Nazi side.

No matter how much right wingers and Trump backers try to "spin" that statement by Trump....he will NEVER be forgiven for that little "honest moment" of his that shows who he REALLY is.....
What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?

In 1987 Ronald Reagan was my CInC. I was a dedicated sailor.

I served proudly under 2 Republican Presidents, 1 Democrat and George W. Bush. (Relax, joke)

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Do you remember how the libs reacted when Reagan said the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history?

Do you remember how certain they were about how he was stupid and reckless and dangerous?

DO you remember how dishonest they were when history proved Reagan Right and them WRONG?

Why should I think this time is any different?

This time it is the USA that is being diminished and will end up on the ash heap of history. Isolationism and xenophobia are not the route to economic success or dominance.

On a positive note, without the US going around the world starting wars, the world will be a more peaceful place. But the civil unrest being created by your bitter divisive President is not likely to abate and will probably worsen as long as he retains power.

1. YOu lefties were just as certain, and nearly as hysterical then as you are now. Especially considering that the vast majority of you never had the intellectual honesty to admit you were wrong then, why should you have any credibility now?

2. YOur anti-Americanism in noted. The civil unrest is caused by your side's hysteria.
The civil unrest is being caused by an incompetent President and Congress that refuse to address the issues as pragmatic adults and instead play to factions of a base whether the base is erratic of not.
How about saying there were good people on the KKK and Neo-Nazi side.

No matter how much right wingers and Trump backers try to "spin" that statement by Trump....he will NEVER be forgiven for that little "honest moment" of his that shows who he REALLY is.....

I had to double check it, and the exact words were that there were "very fine people" on the Neo-nazi / KKK side
Why didn't they teach trump to speak coherently when he went to that fancy school his daddy paid for to keep him out of the draft and service in the military?
Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?

In 1987 Ronald Reagan was my CInC. I was a dedicated sailor.

I served proudly under 2 Republican Presidents, 1 Democrat and George W. Bush. (Relax, joke)

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Do you remember how the libs reacted when Reagan said the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history?

Do you remember how certain they were about how he was stupid and reckless and dangerous?

DO you remember how dishonest they were when history proved Reagan Right and them WRONG?

Why should I think this time is any different?

Then you should be able to provide links to all the "libs" that laughed at Reagan.

It's not just "libs" that think Trump is unhinged, an embarrassment and should not be trusted with the Nuclear's the world.

If you are really doubting the bti about them laughing at him, I'm sure I can dig up some examples, though it might be hard to find a lot since this predates the internet and is not they type of thing a lot of people want to document.

And yes, it is just libs.

That the rest of the world is dominated by libs, is to their shame, but it is still just libs, and any fools silly enough to listen to them.

12/25/91: Reagan, the Soviets, & the Ash-Heap of History - Providence

"Almost no one saw it coming. Conventional liberal wisdom was that the United States and the Soviet Union had equally flawed political systems. They must work to “converge” and compromise for the sake of world peace. “Each superpower has economic troubles,” announced historian Arthur Schlesinger after a 1982 trip to Moscow. “Neither is on the ropes.” MIT economist Lester Thurow called it “a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable.” The intelligentsia concluded that Reagan’s prediction of Soviet decline was pure fantasy. Columbia University’s Seweryn Bialer insisted in 1982 that “the Soviet Union is not now nor will be during the next decade in the throes of a true system crisis, for it boasts enormous unused reserves of political and social stability that suffice to endure the deepest difficulties.”

After Reagan’s Westminster speech, historian Robert F. Byrnes collected essays from thirty-five experts on the Soviet Union—the cream of American academia—in a book titled After Brezhnev. Their conclusion: any thought of winning the Cold War was a pipe dream. “The Soviet Union is going to remain a stable state, with a very stable, conservative, immobile government,” Byrnes said in an interview. “We don’t see any collapse or weakening of the Soviet system.” As late as 1984, Harvard’s John Kenneth Galbraith echoed the mood of moral equivalency. “The Russian system succeeds because, in contrast to the Western industrial economies, it makes full use of its manpower.”

Well, now. Rarely in the field of human prognostication have so many self-appointed experts been so wrong about so much. It turns out that Ronald Reagan was not the naïve, warmongering ideologue of liberal imagination. Instead, the American president—who believed deeply in American exceptionalism—developed a coherent and plausible strategy to actually defeat the Soviet Union. Lou Cannon, the Washington Postreporter who covered the Reagan administration, later admitted: “the Westminster speech stands the test of time as the most farsighted and encompassing of Reagan’s anti-communist messages.” "
How about saying there were good people on the KKK and Neo-Nazi side.

No matter how much right wingers and Trump backers try to "spin" that statement by Trump....he will NEVER be forgiven for that little "honest moment" of his that shows who he REALLY is.....

I had to double check it, and the exact words were that there were "very fine people" on the Neo-nazi / KKK side

Don't just check it, post it, in context.

Cause you are lying. And you can't do it.
Why didn't they teach trump to speak coherently when he went to that fancy school his daddy paid for to keep him out of the draft and service in the military?

George W. Bush went to Yale, and Harvard.
Mattis and the joint chiefs already told Trump that a tweet is not a lawful order.

That's nice and does not support your previous claim, at all.

Trump tweeted he was kicking transgenders out of the military. The joint chiefs, and Sec Def Mattis told Trump until he sends instructions through the proper chain of command, they weren't going to take any action based on a tweet.

And has what to do with your claim that they were worried about if he ordered a nuclear strike?

Do you even notice that you dropped your claim the moment I challenged you on it?

When you say shit that you don't believe, that is called lying.
I had to double check it, and the exact words were that there were "very fine people" on the Neo-nazi / KKK side

Don't just check it, post it, in context.

Cause you are lying. And you can't do it.

President Trump defended the white nationalists who protested in Charlottesville on Tuesday, saying they included “some very fine people,” .
And has what to do with your claim that they were worried about if he ordered a nuclear strike?

Do you even notice that you dropped your claim the moment I challenged you on it?

When you say shit that you don't believe, that is called lying.

Trump started a tweetstorm that sent the Pentagon into a panic yesterday. The US military spent nine full minutes wondering if the president was about to start a war with North Korea

At precisely 8:55am Eastern time yesterday, Trump sent out a cryptic tweet about consulting with military experts:

But there was real concern in the US military that Trump was about to start a war with a country like North Korea—an action that would have serious consequences for the safety of millions of people around the world. Any military action on the Korean peninsula runs the risk of kicking off a nuclear engagement between the US and North Korea.
I didn't vote for Obama. But he is more decent and presidential than Trump. Also Obama was voted in by the majority of Americans and loved by the rest of the world.....Trump is a joke honestly.

MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was. Wishing he had a son...... calling out cops....... Christians, and the 52 states of our nation.

You're what the left calls a "Useful Idiot".

They need single issue voters that can't tell the difference between right and wrong and prefer style over substance.
Obama never solved problems. He created them. His meetings basically consisted of 4hours of discussion and ending with absolutely nothing getting done.

Hate or like Obama the economy recovereed, got him Laden and thanks to him Trump inherited a good economy.

FYI: I'M NOT a lefty I just hate the bigot and racist right.
Trump's wakey lie filled Phonix rampage speech is still being discussed and will be an important feature of his legacy. It will be quoted and used as an example of his delusional thought process and his erratic behavior for generations to come. Our grandchildren will watch that insane speech in wonderment as to why the dopey American voters ever let the nut job unhinged trump into the White House posing as a psychologically fit person let alone a President.

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