Prosecutors find new evidence against trump organization

In the basement of a "co- conspirator".

The walls are closing in on weisselberg, how long before he flippes?

Other indictments are also mentioned.

You meant to say "created".
WTF are you babbling about?
English... a second language for ya? I was pointing out that these kinds of pathetic attempts to convince people that "THIS TIME WE'VE GOT HIM", are useless. They are useless because EVEN IF indictments lead to a trial AND CONVICTION of Trump on ANY charge, any charge at all, he would still be eligible to run for and win the office of POTUS.
People up the food chain who are MUCH brighter than your ilk, already understand this reality. They are pursuing one effect only, and that is the destruction of public confidence in and support for, Trump. The result after 5 years? He's growing in popularity. It hasn't f**k-all to do with "cults" or insanity and everything to do with the growing desire to throw off your party and its traitorous ambitions. We'll be seeing people like you becoming absolutely hysterical between now and 2024 because they will slowly come to the realization that this is the truth. There is nothing they can do to stop him and his supporters. Enjoy the ride vato... got him right where you want really got him this time.
Damned straight, they do! :badgrin: I'll say one thing for them, they never give up the dream, even if it IS twisted.
English... a second language for ya? I was pointing out that these kinds of pathetic attempts to convince people that "THIS TIME WE'VE GOT HIM", are useless. They are useless because EVEN IF indictments lead to a trial AND CONVICTION of Trump on ANY charge, any charge at all, he would still be eligible to run for and win the office of POTUS.
People up the food chain who are MUCH brighter than your ilk, already understand this reality. They are pursuing one effect only, and that is the destruction of public confidence in and support for, Trump. The result after 5 years? He's growing in popularity. It hasn't f**k-all to do with "cults" or insanity and everything to do with the growing desire to throw off your party and its traitorous ambitions. We'll be seeing people like you becoming absolutely hysterical between now and 2024 because they will slowly come to the realization that this is the truth. There is nothing they can do to stop him and his supporters. Enjoy the ride vato...
Ah, it's just more of the "tRump is my god" tripe.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Why would Weasel Berg's lawyer reveal it?
The lawyer was trying to get an extension for Weisselberg's trial.... Said he's gotten under discovery, millions of documents from the prosecutors and millions more to go through just last night, and that more documents from co conspirator s basement to go through, and he added...there are likely more indictments coming, so he needs more time, before a trial.
And we all know that you worship your Emperor Xi as your one and only god; creepy chang.
Allowed him to get the trial postponed till late next year.
Hmmmmm. Could see 3 months to figure how to counter new evidence found hidden in the basement of team trump, but not extending to late next year. It is crap like that, makes me have little confidence in government prosecution of white collar crime and makes be believe, perpetrators when found guilty should have long sentences in general population. Instead of doing their deeds knowing they can game the system to avoid serious effect, effectively getting away with it. Thugs on the street, do not get that amount of consideration and punishment, though possibly severe, does not teach them anything. White collar people are used to high lifestyles. Fear of the depredations of general prison life, suddenly change their lifestyle to the toilet stands a far better chance of tempering their deeds and the deeds of other white collar criminals.
Evidence in the basement? Good Lord, the Trump organization is as big as G.M. You could indict most of the CEO's in the U.S. for technical crimes if you looked hard enough. Are we going to see this crap for the next three years while Biden turns the U.S. into a 3rd world country?
The lawyer was trying to get an extension for Weisselberg's trial.... Said he's gotten under discovery, millions of documents from the prosecutors and millions more to go through just last night, and that more documents from co conspirator s basement to go through, and he added...there are likely more indictments coming, so he needs more time, before a trial.
Yep. Dr. pointed that out. Still the millions don't really matter, as the defendants in these things already knows what is to be found there, and do not deserve that lengthy a consideration, figure a defense to the few pages that really count for something. Just my opinion.

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