Zone1 Proof White Privilege Is Real

I think I'm ready. I hear it's a really good movie. But god damn that's gross. Two cowboys fucking in a tent out in the woods? Shit dick? I defend gays but there is nothing attractive to me about men. Even the hot ones. That's how I know I'm not gay. I've never looked at a really good looking guy and said "ok now him I'd like fuck my ass" or "I'd love to fuck his ass" or "I'd love to blow him or visa versa". Just ewww!! So it's kind of hard for me to watch a movie about it.

I believe this is why gays are all over the media. To normalize it. And Ron DiSantis can suck my dick. They want gays to go back in the closet. I don't like them pushing the indecency envelope but you know who's to blame for that? Women. Women's lib. It all started when they started dressing scantily. Do you know what I mean? Conservatives back then said those women were being inappropriate and showing too much skin. Think about how much more skin women show in public today. So you can't treat gays different. Just like marriage. If you can have it, they want it too.

So tell your ladies to cover up and be more modest. Stop being indecent. For example, you can not defend the way this woman is dressed. It's like her balls are hanging out.

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That wall of text just to say you're gay for Ron Desantis?

You seem sexually bothered by trannies. Do they arouse your penis? Not mine.
That’s because you are transphobic.

The entire discussion of privilege lacks diversity and the people who promote these ideas are almost always exclusionary in their approach. Why do we only talk about “white privilege”? The entire discussion reeks of soft bigotry towards non-whites and lacks equal representation for minorities and marginalized people.

So, what about black privilege? When will the social justice warriors acknowledge the existence of the privileges black people have? That in itself could be black privilege number one, taking no responsibility for their privilege within society. Having no socially negative moniker attached to their race, promoted by academia and the media. Black privilege is not having to answer for black privilege.

So, what is black privilege? Well, always being a victim and baring no responsibility for themselves would be a big one. Black people also enjoy the highest level of social collateral according to intersectionality. How about the ability to belong to race specific groups and clubs? Being “proud” in ones race or representing the “power” of that race? “Black power” is “black privilege”. Black people can also use racial slurs against other racial groups (most commonly whites) with impunity. Another big part of black privilege, is the perspective that black people deserve special accommodations due to historical injustices. They will tell you how they deserve money, and favoritism simply because they are black.

Native Americans enjoy many of the same social identity privileges. They have had their whole historical cultural heritage filtered through the lens of white European values. Today, they bask in the image of the spiritually noble native who’s ancestors were in-tune with nature. Its almost entirely an image created in hindsight by white people. In reality, just 300 years ago they were primitive savages who enjoyed horrific cruelty and barbarism. There is a reason they were described as “savages” by those who encountered them and it’s not because of “racism”. It’s because the white Europeans who encountered them had values that were clossly aligned with the values we all share in America today. Those were not the values of the stone-age Indians. They owned slaves, raped female captives, engaged in cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice. They were called savages because by 17th century European standards (as evil as those white colonizers were) the Indians were indeed savages. Native American privilege means not having to reconcile your historical culture.
I don't like seeing anybody's underwear when they are dressed, but then I dislike seeing plumbers crack as well.
Right. But you tolerate it from everyone else so i guess you have to tolerate your kids might see trannys being loud and proud. Your parents and grandparents had to get used to black people and they got over it. Many of them never really got over it and died racists but look at you. A lot less racist than them. Your kids will be less homophobic than you.

I would think it's funny. Even dicks out. You guys are prude. My college nephew and his friends are snapchatting dick picks all the time. Not full dick but flapping their dicks through their loose shorts to show how big they are flacid. LOL. Come on it's funny! My nephews when they were young would not get confused if they saw a weirdo. You're a prude.
It's actually DemoKKKrat privilege.

If this was Donald Trump, Jr. he'd be in prison and the media would be covering the story 24/7, while you cheered.
Whites control everything. Most of the wealth in this country. They control this country.

Nearly all (95%) black voters cast their ballot for Democrat Barack Obama. Among Latino voters, 67% voted for Obama while 31% voted for Republican John McCain. Among Asian voters, 62% supported Obama and 35% voted for McCain. In contrast, white voters supported McCain (55%) over Obama (43%). Jews 70% voted for Obama.

I'll agree most of the uneducated blue collar people who aren't experience white privilege. Even they do or should. It exists I take advantage of it. It's not fair but it exists. Maybe when Republicans stop being the party of white privilege you'll start tapping into these minorities.
Making stupid comments doesn't erase the fact that white privilege exists.

This Republican slipped up and admitted something she should have said. And you should have seen her male white colleagues rush in to stop her after she said it.

Representative (R) Nancy Mace of South Carolina asked “who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today?” Mace called Biden’s appearance “the epitome of White privilege” and questioned his manhood for refusing to testify to the panel behind closed doors
Here is a rare occasion where a Republican admits it's real

This is why I love this Hunter Biden story. It is a perfect example that white privilege exists and Republicans know it. All their sons are pretty much just as privileged as Hunter.

In the future, please don't say white privilege doesn't exist.
No, Hunter is not privileged because he is White. He is politically and economically privileged which has no color attached.
No, Hunter is not privileged because he is White. He is politically and economically privileged which has no color attached.
Yea, white. For example, whites have more money and lawyer up. Blacks get public defenders because they can't afford a laywer.

Anyways, not to argue, but I'll give you an example of white privilege that if you give to a black person, they might squander the opportunity in the moment but that experience will change them forever. Long story short. My brother has to go to Switzerland for 4 years. Takes the family with them. They get to see Europe for 4 years. What an experience.

I'm watching a special on the Fab 5. Jawan Howard, Chris Webber, Jalen Rose. After they lost to Duke for the first time the coach took them to Europe. What a gift right? But they hated it. They wanted to go home after the season. To Flint. Coach probably kept them alive or out of trouble. Imagine being 18, going to the NCAA finals and then go home to Flint for the summer. You're dead right? Some hater will shoot you.

Anyways, looking back they all appreciate it but watching the video those kids were not appreciating what Michigan was doing for them.
Yea, white. For example, whites have more money and lawyer up. Blacks get public defenders because they can't afford a laywer.

Anyways, not to argue, but I'll give you an example of white privilege that if you give to a black person, they might squander the opportunity in the moment but that experience will change them forever. Long story short. My brother has to go to Switzerland for 4 years. Takes the family with them. They get to see Europe for 4 years. What an experience.

I'm watching a special on the Fab 5. Jawan Howard, Chris Webber, Jalen Rose. After they lost to Duke for the first time the coach took them to Europe. What a gift right? But they hated it. They wanted to go home after the season. To Flint. Coach probably kept them alive or out of trouble. Imagine being 18, going to the NCAA finals and then go home to Flint for the summer. You're dead right? Some hater will shoot you.

Anyways, looking back they all appreciate it but watching the video those kids were not appreciating what Michigan was doing for them.
Most whites end up with a public defender. Most whites aren't rich. I'm retired and live well, but if I had to pay a decent defense lawyer my wife would be living under an underpass, and I'd be in jail. Five hundred dollars an hour mounts up fast.
Most whites end up with a public defender. Most whites aren't rich. I'm retired and live well, but if I had to pay a decent defense lawyer my wife would be living under an underpass, and I'd be in jail. Five hundred dollars an hour mounts up fast.
Yea so we all know lawyers too. I joke with my nephew who's going to law school that I can't wait for him to represent me. LOL. He says "why don't you stay out of trouble?" and I said "oh yea" like I didn't even think of that as an option. LOL.

I remember I got in trouble and needed a lawyer. My neighbor was a new/young lawyer. He got me out of it and it cost me $1000. I would have been found guilty if not for him. $1000.

Just being white in a white community, economic opportunities abound. I know there are poor white communities but they are rare. And they can more easily move to a better neighborhod and assimilate right in. It's called white privilege.

My childhood Republican former cop now politician friend has hooked my nephews up with opportunities. He's also saved my ass a couple times. Funny thing is, the time I spent $1000, he wanted me to take the plea. My lawyer said he's just part of the system make them take you to trial. They don't have enough evidence to convict. My cop buddy at the time would have hurt me if I took his advice. Being a cop, he doesn't realize the system is rigged. They don't care if you are innocent. They want a win.

So on the day of the trial they offer me 1 day of probation. One day. But then I'd be guilty. They would get their win. Court costs, on my record, all that. Fuck them. Take me to a jury trial.

Right before the trial begins, they throw out the case. I won!

Now it may go down different if I'm black. Maybe they take me to trial and find me guilty. The black takes the plea deal. Why? He doesn't have white privilege.
Yea so we all know lawyers too. I joke with my nephew who's going to law school that I can't wait for him to represent me. LOL. He says "why don't you stay out of trouble?" and I said "oh yea" like I didn't even think of that as an option. LOL.

I remember I got in trouble and needed a lawyer. My neighbor was a new/young lawyer. He got me out of it and it cost me $1000. I would have been found guilty if not for him. $1000.

Just being white in a white community, economic opportunities abound. I know there are poor white communities but they are rare. And they can more easily move to a better neighborhod and assimilate right in. It's called white privilege.

My childhood Republican former cop now politician friend has hooked my nephews up with opportunities. He's also saved my ass a couple times. Funny thing is, the time I spent $1000, he wanted me to take the plea. My lawyer said he's just part of the system make them take you to trial. They don't have enough evidence to convict. My cop buddy at the time would have hurt me if I took his advice. Being a cop, he doesn't realize the system is rigged. They don't care if you are innocent. They want a win.

So on the day of the trial they offer me 1 day of probation. One day. But then I'd be guilty. They would get their win. Court costs, on my record, all that. Fuck them. Take me to a jury trial.

Right before the trial begins, they throw out the case. I won!

Now it may go down different if I'm black. Maybe they take me to trial and find me guilty. The black takes the plea deal. Why? He doesn't have white privilege.
Poor white neighborhoods are rare? Where do you live? They are quite common, but usually are integrated with whites living among various minorities.
It’s not white privilege, Hunter has benefitted from the corruption of his family.

The only people who believe woke grievances like “white privilege” are people with latent racism problems. They project their bigotry onto the rest of white people in an attempt to normalize their internal guilt.
Actually, if his name wasn't Biden, he wouldn't be in trouble at all.

The IRS rarely prosecutes underpaid taxes. They are usually just happy when you pay the penalty. You can't earn money to pay the penalty if you are in jail. Hunter paid what he owed, and a penalty. Shouldn't be an issue.

The gun charges are even MORE ludicrous. The ATF only prosecutes people who lie on those forms when they go on to use that gun to commit another crime, and even then, rarely.

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