You need a lesson in economics , good grief. That's their burden if they can't compete by giving people a livable wage , screw them. What happens without a livable wage is that me and my neighbored have to pay through government programs to keep a roof over these hard working peoples head and food on their table for them and their children ,all done so the bottom line of some pig corporation looks good.(biggest recipient of government support for the poor , is Walmart worker ). If you want a complaint now, worry about more then half of the inflation numbers coming from corporate greed. This right wing dead head mentality that we have to do for corporations all the time is ass backwards , by 100% we have to spend our energy on the fact that we allow corporations to set up with our market and with that we have to make sure that they are dancing to a tune that is 100% for the advantage of the people and not just their bottom line and bonuses for the stock holder and corporate heads. By the way 93% of the market is owned by less then 10% of the public. That's not you people that's the people that live in the gated community down the road that won't even let you drive down their streets. This transfer of , as in there has never been less people owning a larger part of the markets. because through tax rates and laws all the wealth of this country is moved up to the ungodly wealthy. By the way to claim any different is a lie. This is the issue of our country, a party that wants to turn us into a dictatorship and a party who's only job is the transfer of wealth to the top. Figure it our people. It doesn't have to be this way. Its all done with Tax rates and laws.