Project 2025

How are we going to bring manufacturing jobs back when corporate heads constantly whine and cry that rising wages deter them from bringing the jobs back? By paying 15 to 20 dollars per hour? That's a kick in the face to people.
You need a lesson in economics , good grief. That's their burden if they can't compete by giving people a livable wage , screw them. What happens without a livable wage is that me and my neighbored have to pay through government programs to keep a roof over these hard working peoples head and food on their table for them and their children ,all done so the bottom line of some pig corporation looks good.(biggest recipient of government support for the poor , is Walmart worker ). If you want a complaint now, worry about more then half of the inflation numbers coming from corporate greed. This right wing dead head mentality that we have to do for corporations all the time is ass backwards , by 100% we have to spend our energy on the fact that we allow corporations to set up with our market and with that we have to make sure that they are dancing to a tune that is 100% for the advantage of the people and not just their bottom line and bonuses for the stock holder and corporate heads. By the way 93% of the market is owned by less then 10% of the public. That's not you people that's the people that live in the gated community down the road that won't even let you drive down their streets. This transfer of , as in there has never been less people owning a larger part of the markets. because through tax rates and laws all the wealth of this country is moved up to the ungodly wealthy. By the way to claim any different is a lie. This is the issue of our country, a party that wants to turn us into a dictatorship and a party who's only job is the transfer of wealth to the top. Figure it our people. It doesn't have to be this way. Its all done with Tax rates and laws.
You need a lesson in economics , good grief. That's their burden if they can't compete by giving people a livable wage , screw them. What happens without a livable wage is that me and my neighbored have to pay through government programs to keep a roof over these hard working peoples head and food on their table for them and their children ,all done so the bottom line of some pig corporation looks good.(biggest recipient of government support for the poor , is Walmart worker ). If you want a complaint now, worry about more then half of the inflation numbers coming from corporate greed. This right wing dead head mentality that we have to do for corporations all the time is ass backwards , by 100% we have to spend our energy on the fact that we allow corporations to set up with our market and with that we have to make sure that they are dancing to a tune that is 100% for the advantage of the people and not just their bottom line and bonuses for the stock holder and corporate heads. By the way 93% of the market is owned by less then 10% of the public. That's not you people that's the people that live in the gated community down the road that won't even let you drive down their streets. This transfer of , as in there has never been less people owning a larger part of the markets. because through tax rates and laws all the wealth of this country is moved up to the ungodly wealthy. By the way to claim any different is a lie. This is the issue of our country, a party that wants to turn us into a dictatorship and a party who's only job is the transfer of wealth to the top. Figure it our people. It doesn't have to be this way. Its all done with Tax rates and laws.

(biggest recipient of government support for the poor , is Walmart worker ).

Would the poor working at WalMart get more tax dollars from the government
if they didn't work at WalMart? Or would they get fewer?

This transfer of , as in there has never been less people owning a larger part of the markets. because through tax rates and laws all the wealth of this country is moved up to the ungodly wealthy.

How do the tax rates of the bottom half of Americans, who pay no net federal income tax, allow all the wealth to "move up to the ungodly wealthy"?
Right now corporations have too easy of a time finding workers. Making them have to compete alot harder for workers helps everything.

Fact check: Trump dangerously suggests sunlight and ingesting disinfectants could help cure coronavirus​

Again, he never mentioned bleach or sticking a lightbulb up anyone's ass. His disinfectant remark was dumb, but had nothing to do with ingesting bleach, and he was really just wondering aloud if there could me a medically safe way of ingesting disinfectant. On the other hand there was nothing dumb about the light idea. Prior to the u8se of medicine to treat pneumonia X-rays were used, both safely and effectively. In 2020 there was even active research into inserting an ultraviolet light source into the lungs to kill viruses in lungs.

Donald Trump raped E. Jean Carroll even though he was found liable only for 'sexual abuse,' judge rules​

Fuck you you simpleton. You hate Nazi's are so full of shit.
The judge claimed it was rape when legally he was only found guilty of sexual assault. Apparently the judge is more interested in shocking claims than the law.
Again, he never mentioned bleach or sticking a lightbulb up anyone's ass. His disinfectant remark was dumb, but had nothing to do with ingesting bleach, and he was really just wondering aloud if there could me a medically safe way of ingesting disinfectant. On the other hand there was nothing dumb about the light idea. Prior to the u8se of medicine to treat pneumonia X-rays were used, both safely and effectively. In 2020 there was even active research into inserting an ultraviolet light source into the lungs to kill viruses in lungs.

The judge claimed it was rape when legally he was only found guilty of sexual assault. Apparently the judge is more interested in shocking claims than the law.
Screw you the man is a complete blithering idiot.

Fact Check: It's True: Trump Once Asked if Injecting Disinfectant Could Be a COVID-19 Treatment.​

Light treatment on a virus inside your body you dumb fuck , how was a person going to do that. yup Stick a light bulb up their ass. screw you you sniveling little worm , the man is total scum , He is as dumb as a rock. and only dumb fucks can see any value in his stupid brain dead remarks.​

By the way you dumb fuck it was sexual assault by rape idiot. You sniveling microbes trying to support this piece of shits ignorance and total stupidity is a hoot.

How stupid is curing COVID with bleach and a light bulb stuck up their asses. Your piece of shit is done he is no longer IN THE RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE. NOW WE HAVE TO BURY YOU MAGA Maggots with him.
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Screw you the man is a complete blithering idiot.

Fact Check: It's True: Trump Once Asked if Injecting Disinfectant Could Be a COVID-19 Treatment.​

Light treatment on a virus inside your body you dumb fuck , how was a person going to do that. yup Stick a light bulb up their ass. screw you you sniveling little worm , the man is total scum , He is as dumb as a rock. and only dumb fucks can see any value in his stupid brain dead remarks.​

By the way you dumb fuck it was sexual assault by rape idiot. You sniveling microbes trying to support this piece of shits ignorance and total stupidity is a hoot.

How stupid is curing COVID with bleach and a light bulb stuck up their asses. Your piece of shit is done he is no longer IN THE RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE. NOW WE HAVE TO BURY YOU MAGA Maggots with him.


Hillary ingests this disinfectant every time she feels sick.
Screw you the man is a complete blithering idiot.

Fact Check: It's True: Trump Once Asked if Injecting Disinfectant Could Be a COVID-19 Treatment.​

He never mentioned bleach. You lied about that part.

Light treatment on a virus inside your body you dumb fuck , how was a person going to do that. yup Stick a light bulb up their ass. screw you you sniveling little worm , the man is total scum , He is as dumb as a rock. and only dumb fucks can see any value in his stupid brain dead remarks.​

I already explained two ways to do it. First with X-rays (which is light in a particular frequency range). X-rays kill viruses. Second, a UV light source can be inserted in the lungs and the UV light will kill viruses.
By the way you dumb fuck it was sexual assault by rape idiot. You sniveling microbes trying to support this piece of shits ignorance and total stupidity is a hoot.
The judge needs to read the law, and so do you. It wasn't rape.
How stupid is curing COVID with bleach and a light bulb stuck up their asses. Your piece of shit is done he is no longer IN THE RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE. NOW WE HAVE TO BURY YOU MAGA Maggots with him.
Every time you lie about this you look dumber and dumber.
He never mentioned bleach. You lied about that part.

I already explained two ways to do it. First with X-rays (which is light in a particular frequency range). X-rays kill viruses. Second, a UV light source can be inserted in the lungs and the UV light will kill viruses.

The judge needs to read the law, and so do you. It wasn't rape.

Every time you lie about this you look dumber and dumber.
So you do believe you can stick a light bulb up the ass of a covid patient and cure them . Most common disinfection is bleach , so tell us what disinfection do you recommend for shitpants cure for COVID/You are a fucking idiot. Sure you know better then the judge as far as law is concerned , you pricks have quite the imagination. Trump is done finished dumped in the shitter and the patriots of this country will get a MAGA maggots with him. Buried in the same shit hole. You are so over.
So you do believe you can stick a light bulb up the ass of a covid patient and cure them .

Next time you get Covid we can test out your theory.
Most common disinfection is bleach

Which trump never mentioned. You know your position is weak when you have to lie.

, so tell us what disinfection do you recommend for shitpants cure for COVID/You are a fucking idiot. Sure you know better then the judge as far as law is concerned ,

Apparently this judge doesn't understand the law. Trump didn't rape her.

you pricks have quite the imagination. Trump is done finished dumped in the shitter and the patriots of this country will get a MAGA maggots with him. Buried in the same shit hole. You are so over.
Life is gonna be tough for you when Trump wins and Republicans take the Senate. Don't feel bad, though. Republicans are going to implement the Democrats' SCOTUS reform and add 4 new justices to the court.
Next time you get Covid we can test out your theory.

Which trump never mentioned. You know your position is weak when you have to lie.

Apparently this judge doesn't understand the law. Trump didn't rape her.

Life is gonna be tough for you when Trump wins and Republicans take the Senate. Don't feel bad, though. Republicans are going to implement the Democrats' SCOTUS reform and add 4 new justices to the court.
I'm not recommending any disinfectant, but if you want to drink bleach be my guest. Trump didn't recommend people ingest bleach. Typing in all caps doesn't change the fact that you lied.


Nope. That's not what the jury found.
Never happened.
I'm not recommending any disinfectant, but if you want to drink bleach be my guest. Trump didn't recommend people ingest bleach. Typing in all caps doesn't change the fact that you lied.

Nope. That's not what the jury found.

Never happened.
So you do believe you can stick a light bulb up the ass of a covid patient and cure them . Most common disinfection is bleach , so tell us what disinfection do you recommend for shitpants cure for COVID/You are a fucking idiot. Sure you know better then the judge as far as law is concerned , you pricks have quite the imagination. Trump is done finished dumped in the shitter and the patriots of this country will get a MAGA maggots with him. Buried in the same shit hole. You are so over.
So you do believe you can stick a light bulb up the ass of a covid patient and cure them . Most common disinfection is bleach , so tell us what disinfection do you recommend for shitpants cure for COVID/You are a fucking idiot. Sure you know better then the judge as far as law is concerned , you pricks have quite the imagination. Trump is done finished dumped in the shitter and the patriots of this country will get a MAGA maggots with him. Buried in the same shit hole. You are so over.
Repeating lies that I already debunked doesn't make them true.
The task force gave it's final report and gave it's recommendations in May of 2015. Some places adopted their recommendations. It was pretty meaninglesss task force that had nothing to do with the 2020 riots.

Trump and the GOP tried to pass police reform, but it was blocked by Dems in the Senate

Democrats block Senate GOP police reform bill​

How could Trump pass police reform when on two occasions he encouraged police brutality?
Repeating lies that I already debunked doesn't make them true.

Trump said inject disinfectant.. He's not an intelligent person. He doesn't read. He doesn't listen and he talks constantly. Like he can talk over anyone who might notice his stupidity.

Basta... Enough of this psycho.
Trump said inject disinfectant.. He's not an intelligent person. He doesn't read. He doesn't listen and he talks constantly. Like he can talk over anyone who might notice his stupidity.

Basta... Enough of this psycho.
So you agree that he never said to inject bleach. We're on the same page here.
Repeating lies that I already debunked doesn't make them true.
You should look into that premise , both Hitler and Trump believe you can make a lie the truth by simply repeating it over and over , That is exactly what shitpants and Hitler did.
So you do believe you can stick a light bulb up the ass of a covid patient and cure them . Most common disinfection is bleach , so tell us what disinfection do you recommend for shitpants cure for COVID/You are a fucking idiot. Sure you know better then the judge as far as law is concerned , you pricks have quite the imagination. Trump is done finished dumped in the shitter and the patriots of this country will get a MAGA maggots with him. Buried in the same shit hole. You are so over.
So you agree that he never said to inject bleach. We're on the same page here.
Inject bleach , inject bleach repeated 100 times and you will say he said to inject bleach. because you are stupid. all MAGA's are brain dead stupid. You have to be.
You should look into that premise , both Hitler and Trump believe you can make a lie the truth by simply repeating it over and over , That is exactly what shitpants and Hitler did.
And yet you lie about bleach and lightbulbs.

So you do believe you can stick a light bulb up the ass of a covid patient and cure them .
No, but you seem obsessed with sticking lightbulbs up your ass.

Most common disinfection is bleach , so tell us what disinfection do you recommend for shitpants cure for COVID/You are a fucking idiot.

I'm gonna need a source for your claim that bleach is the most common disifectant.

Sure you know better then the judge as far as law is concerned ,

The judge obviously didn't know.
you pricks have quite the imagination. Trump is done finished dumped in the shitter and the patriots of this country will get a MAGA maggots with him. Buried in the same shit hole. You are so over.
Harris is gonna get slaughtered in November. Everybody hates her.

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