Progressives unable to get out of their own way


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It really is unfortunate that progressives have so much contempt for history. Instead of trying to re-write it 24x7, they should be studying it and learning from it. But try as we might, we just can't get them to understand that (it's the old "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" problem).

The U.S. Constitution was the greatest document ever written and the government it established was the most flawless form of government ever created. When we adhere to the constitution, we essentially have no problems. None. Unfortunately, because of their contempt for history and education, progressives have unilaterally rejected the constitution. In doing so, they not only continue to create more problems than we could possibly address, but they continue to plague themselves with self-inflicted wounds.

This is a perfect example. Instead of studying history and understanding why the founders put in the Senate, progressives looked for a way to leverage it for their agenda. In doing so, they invoked the "Nuclear Option" under idiot Harry Reid. Conservatives warned that they would regret that once Republican's were in control again (which, of course, was inevitable). Progressives, in their infinite stupidity, scoffed and forged ahead anyway. Now they are completley powerless to stop the Donald Trump agenda.

Our founders lived under tyranny. They experienced the dangers of power first-hand. As such, they designed a government with a deliberate focus on limited power, separation of power, and a slow process to ensure something detrimental (such as Obamacare) didn't get rammed through at warp speed. If only progressives had studied history and learned all of this - they wouldn't be experiencing the "terrors" and "anxiety" of a monster that they created and unleashed on mankind.

Senate Dems, powerless to stop Trump nominees, regret 'nuclear option' power play -
Yes, all Progressives are brain dead, right? That would include Lincoln, Teddy R., Eisenhower and Nixon. 4 of the greatest Presidents in History. You may argue about Nixon but he did some pretty amazing things.
Yes, all Progressives are brain dead, right? That would include Lincoln, Teddy R., Eisenhower and Nixon. 4 of the greatest Presidents in History. You may argue about Nixon but he did some pretty amazing things.
Well for starters, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, buttercup. Nixon likewise (although why the left would want to take credit for that dirt-bag is beyond me).

And Teddy Roosevelt? Are you kidding me?!? He doesn't make the top 30 presidents all time.
While I certainly don't disagree with you on that sentiment, discussing their failures is studying history and learning from it. They openly admit that they regret it now. Everyone told them they would.

I think it's imperative that Republicans eliminate the idiotic "nuclear option" but only after the next midterm results. They should use this near unlimited power to restore constitutional power and achieve every last part of the Republican agenda. If it hurts bad enough for the bat-shit crazy progressives, maybe they will learn from it.
It really is unfortunate that progressives have so much contempt for history. Instead of trying to re-write it 24x7, they should be studying it and learning from it. But try as we might, we just can't get them to understand that (it's the old "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" problem).

The U.S. Constitution was the greatest document ever written and the government it established was the most flawless form of government ever created. When we adhere to the constitution, we essentially have no problems. None. Unfortunately, because of their contempt for history and education, progressives have unilaterally rejected the constitution. In doing so, they not only continue to create more problems than we could possibly address, but they continue to plague themselves with self-inflicted wounds.

This is a perfect example. Instead of studying history and understanding why the founders put in the Senate, progressives looked for a way to leverage it for their agenda. In doing so, they invoked the "Nuclear Option" under idiot Harry Reid. Conservatives warned that they would regret that once Republican's were in control again (which, of course, was inevitable). Progressives, in their infinite stupidity, scoffed and forged ahead anyway. Now they are completley powerless to stop the Donald Trump agenda.

Our founders lived under tyranny. They experienced the dangers of power first-hand. As such, they designed a government with a deliberate focus on limited power, separation of power, and a slow process to ensure something detrimental (such as Obamacare) didn't get rammed through at warp speed. If only progressives had studied history and learned all of this - they wouldn't be experiencing the "terrors" and "anxiety" of a monster that they created and unleashed on mankind.

Senate Dems, powerless to stop Trump nominees, regret 'nuclear option' power play -
So you don't buy the conservative's belief that most historians are Democratic and liberal,
And that's why historians pick FDR as America's greatest president. Teddy Roosevelt was given the number five best president slot.
While I certainly don't disagree with you on that sentiment, discussing their failures is studying history and learning from it. They openly admit that they regret it now. Everyone told them they would.

I think it's imperative that Republicans eliminate the idiotic "nuclear option" but only after the next midterm results. They should use this near unlimited power to restore constitutional power and achieve every last part of the Republican agenda. If it hurts bad enough for the bat-shit crazy progressives, maybe they will learn from it.

yup keep it for now
Yes, all Progressives are brain dead, right? That would include Lincoln, Teddy R., Eisenhower and Nixon. 4 of the greatest Presidents in History. You may argue about Nixon but he did some pretty amazing things.
Well for starters, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, buttercup. Nixon likewise (although why the left would want to take credit for that dirt-bag is beyond me).

And Teddy Roosevelt? Are you kidding me?!? He doesn't make the top 30 presidents all time.

You completely missed the point. The Republican Party was made up from the very beginning of Progressive Conservatives. Somewhere along the way, it was hijacked by the John Birch Society.
Yes, all Progressives are brain dead, right? That would include Lincoln, Teddy R., Eisenhower and Nixon. 4 of the greatest Presidents in History. You may argue about Nixon but he did some pretty amazing things.
Well for starters, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, buttercup. Nixon likewise (although why the left would want to take credit for that dirt-bag is beyond me).

And Teddy Roosevelt? Are you kidding me?!? He doesn't make the top 30 presidents all time.

You completely missed the point. The Republican Party was made up from the very beginning of Progressive Conservatives. Somewhere along the way, it was hijacked by the John Birch Society.
There's no such thing as a "progressive conservative". That is as absurd as saying "that free market communist". It contradicts itself.
Yes, all Progressives are brain dead, right? That would include Lincoln, Teddy R., Eisenhower and Nixon. 4 of the greatest Presidents in History. You may argue about Nixon but he did some pretty amazing things.
Well for starters, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, buttercup. Nixon likewise (although why the left would want to take credit for that dirt-bag is beyond me).

And Teddy Roosevelt? Are you kidding me?!? He doesn't make the top 30 presidents all time.

You completely missed the point. The Republican Party was made up from the very beginning of Progressive Conservatives. Somewhere along the way, it was hijacked by the John Birch Society.
There's no such thing as a "progressive conservative". That is as absurd as saying "that free market communist". It contradicts itself.

Let's take a look at Webster's definition of both terms.

Progressive: happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.

conservative: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

Now, let's combine both.

Progressive Conservative: Developing a slow, sure, method that preserves family values.

You will notice that both definitions deal with slow change. But Change nevertheless. Lincoln was the leader of the Whigs. When it died, he got completely out of politics for a few years. He resurfaced in 1855 as a Republican.

Take a gander at the term "Publican". That was an insult to Democrats in the 18th and 19th century. In political terms, it means "Tax Collector". The Democrats of that time saw classes of people and only listened and governed for the Upper Level and the rest be damned. The old Democrat became the new Republican between 1935 and 1980 due to the rich fighting FDRs programs and the 95% tax rate that went along with it. Of course, no one actually paid the 95% just like they don't actually pay the 35% of today. But it sounded so good on paper where the Rich would try and feed a line of Bull to the middle class and poor. The actual tax rate of the rich is closer to 12% which is much lower than the Middle Class rate. The Publicans are at it again.

Yes, Dorthy, there used to be Progressive Conservatives and these folks help not only build this nation but to do it slowly and get it right. Hence the need of the ability of the US to wage war on states that are seceding from the Nation. The Whigs brought that one up. And those same Progressive Conservatives from the Whig Party also formed the new Republican Party.
It seems Republicans rarely bring up Lincoln as a Republican, if true, I wonder why that is?
It seems Republicans rarely bring up Lincoln as a Republican, if true, I wonder why that is?

Because the controlling faction of the GOP today comes the John Birch Society who was shunned by the old GOP as being way too ultra right wing. They are the ones that coined the phrase "Rino" for the old guard who still exists today in the GOP. It's not the "Rino's" that are Republican in name only, but the ones that seized control from the John Birch Society. Take a good look at the mess it's made.
Yes, all Progressives are brain dead, right? That would include Lincoln, Teddy R., Eisenhower and Nixon. 4 of the greatest Presidents in History. You may argue about Nixon but he did some pretty amazing things.
I would not put it in one of those four the greatest presidents… Abraham Lincoln is the only president in the history of the United States to suspend habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Let's take a look at Webster's definition of both terms.

Progressive: happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.

conservative: holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
Yes....lets do that. Lets take a look at the definition of both terms. You will see that they contradict each other. One is all about proceeding, one is all about holding. Again, just like saying "free market communist".
Now, let's combine both.
Oh sure! Why not? While you're at it, why don't you combine wet and dry. :lmao:
It seems Republicans rarely bring up Lincoln as a Republican, if true, I wonder why that is?

Because the controlling faction of the GOP today comes the John Birch Society who was shunned by the old GOP as being way too ultra right wing. They are the ones that coined the phrase "Rino" for the old guard who still exists today in the GOP. It's not the "Rino's" that are Republican in name only, but the ones that seized control from the John Birch Society. Take a good look at the mess it's made.

Good grief.... really?
It seems Republicans rarely bring up Lincoln as a Republican, if true, I wonder why that is?
We bring him up all the time, you nutcase.
I thought you were pretending we didn't bring him up?
Deflecting? Or just lying?
I just don't see many references to Lincoln in conservative posts. A poster disagreed and said they bring him up all the time, and if so, I wondered what was the purpose?

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