Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

Hamas was elected in 2006, 50% of Gaza were not born then...

Isreal has been accused using white phosphorus over these areas... They have used it in the past... That is not targeting...

Well numbers aren't lying... They have already killed more than 700 children...

Can anyone tell us how many Hamas fighters this bombing has killed?
Hamas is a horde of Liars. You cant confirm that number. Doesnt matter. When Hamas hides behind children to fight, then they are resoonsible for their deaths.

This is War. I dont gaf

Counting bodies on both sides...
In the last 2 weeks:
Isreal has lost 1400 civilians.
Palestine has lost 2800 and increasing...

We have people here that want all 2 million dead if they don't leave...

Two wrongs, don't make a right..
Where's the wrong in wanting Hamas murderers dead?
I could care less. This is War. I dont believe in all these ROEs. I coming to make you regret the day you were born. Im gonna hit you so fucking hard that your ancestors are going to feel it.

That is how you win a War
So no rules to war...

Well for starters forget any allies... They will tell you to fuck off right there...
Also, over half your soldiers will tell you to fuck off too, Supreme Court will probably agree with them too..

Then since US will not have any help from other countries, good luck with who is attacking you and who is paying for it... US will have no access to information outside its borders...

Now Iran look like the good guys to the Rest of the World...

Now US receives sporadic attacks with no one claiming responsibility, dirty bombs , muster gas at a stadium... Actually at all large gatherings... All major sporting events have no crowds, people afraid to go to work..... Then someone poisions the water supply and kills a few hundred thousand people but the water supply is contaminated for years...

Great thinking tough guy... But don't worry, the US army can get into rape and have child soliders... No ROE.....

P.S. You weren't the smartest tool at school, were you...
Where's the wrong in wanting Hamas murderers dead?
Then tell us, how many Hamas fighters have been killed in the bombing of Gaza?

You want them dead, why am I asking to get a number on how they are doing...

We can see the cost, where is the benefit?
Seems you are avocating collective punishment...

So if your neighbour kills someone that you were once friendly with... the cops can blanket bomb the neighbourhood...

This is about restraint...

They are playing onto Hamas and especially Iran's hands... This is the reaction Hamas and Iran wanted...
Did you call for Ukraine to have restraint after russian invaded?


So it’s really about your racism
So no rules to war...

Well for starters forget any allies... They will tell you to fuck off right there...
Also, over half your soldiers will tell you to fuck off too, Supreme Court will probably agree with them too..

Then since US will not have any help from other countries, good luck with who is attacking you and who is paying for it... US will have no access to information outside its borders...

Now Iran look like the good guys to the Rest of the World...

Now US receives sporadic attacks with no one claiming responsibility, dirty bombs , muster gas at a stadium... Actually at all large gatherings... All major sporting events have no crowds, people afraid to go to work..... Then someone poisions the water supply and kills a few hundred thousand people but the water supply is contaminated for years...

Great thinking tough guy... But don't worry, the US army can get into rape and have child soliders... No ROE.....

P.S. You weren't the smartest tool at school, were you...
So says the Hamas ass kisser. Lol
Hamas is a horde of Liars. You cant confirm that number. Doesnt matter. When Hamas hides behind children to fight, then they are resoonsible for their deaths.

This is War. I dont gaf
BTW, don't say that to a professional soldier....

When they tell you are wrong, you say 'Yes, Sir'

Possible future for you could be, staggering around a pub trying to pick up your teeth... Soldiers don't like being called pack of murders and rapists, they believe in discipline...

Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

14 Oct 2923 ~~ By Jon Levine

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.
“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.
But Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue.
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said they would oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts here.
“The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The Post.
The United States took in 25,465 refugees from around the world in 2022, a 123% increase from 2021, according to State Department records.
Approximately 170,000 Palestinians live in the United States, according to census data.

This kind of insanity is what Democrat Socialists are all about. This is the essence of today’s Democrat Socialist of America Party.
Brought to us by the same Democrat DSA “Progressive” mentality demanding defunding of police throughout America, releasing felons and murderers without bail in Blue Plantation Cities would somehow improve public safety.
“Progressives” are intellectual troglodytes and an imminent threat to all Americans.
Surely Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation have already distributed the funds to get this done. bribing the right officials to funding the right NGOs that will do it in secrecy.
The actions and stated positions of Jamaal Bowman are indistinguishable from someone who is actively working to destabilize and destroy the United States. Its time to call him and the rest of the "Squad" out for their perfidy and commit to defeat them all in the next election.
Progressives must first clean up the mess they made with the 7 million people they let in the country! Figure out how to ensure safety and civility of taxpayers. Deport accordingly. Now is not the best time to be asking for another handout of hard earned tax dollars, take in Palestinian terrorists.
We don't need to fill the rolls nor recruits for BLM and ANTIFA so they can turn all American cities into Gaza. Why do you think not one Arab nation will take in the Palestinian wolves?

Sounds like a great idea. Bring them all here. That's what the US gets for supporting the Zionist apartheid state of Israhell.
Did you call for Ukraine to have restraint after russian invaded?


So it’s really about your racism
Did Ukraine indiscriminately bomb Russia?

It is really about common sense...

Which side has indiscriminately bombed in the that war?
Why do you prog assholes only start counting bodies after an Hama massacre?
No we didn't and can you find someone who didn't condemn the Hamas attack...

But we know what Hamas wants and we would prefer not to lety them win like you... You are playing dumb, wanting to answer War Crimes with War Crimes... This will just escalate the cycle, you might be happy with that and it would eventually mean US involvement and this is what will lead to Mass Refugees...

The other Arab nations are not duty bound to take refugees.. Jordan has over 2 million refugees... There are 7 million Palestinian refugees around the world... So the Israeli ethnic cleansing is working and people in the US like you support more refugees...

I know you find this hard:
They could have killed him under a bomb in Gaza much easier..

You just want more death Israelis, as long as you get more death Muslims..

Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

14 Oct 2923 ~~ By Jon Levine

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.
“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.
But Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue.
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said they would oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts here.
“The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The Post.
The United States took in 25,465 refugees from around the world in 2022, a 123% increase from 2021, according to State Department records.
Approximately 170,000 Palestinians live in the United States, according to census data.

This kind of insanity is what Democrat Socialists are all about. This is the essence of today’s Democrat Socialist of America Party.
Brought to us by the same Democrat DSA “Progressive” mentality demanding defunding of police throughout America, releasing felons and murderers without bail in Blue Plantation Cities would somehow improve public safety.
“Progressives” are intellectual troglodytes and an imminent threat to all Americans.
Surely Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation have already distributed the funds to get this done. bribing the right officials to funding the right NGOs that will do it in secrecy.
The actions and stated positions of Jamaal Bowman are indistinguishable from someone who is actively working to destabilize and destroy the United States. Its time to call him and the rest of the "Squad" out for their perfidy and commit to defeat them all in the next election.
Progressives must first clean up the mess they made with the 7 million people they let in the country! Figure out how to ensure safety and civility of taxpayers. Deport accordingly. Now is not the best time to be asking for another handout of hard earned tax dollars, take in Palestinian terrorists.
We don't need to fill the rolls nor recruits for BLM and ANTIFA so they can turn all American cities into Gaza. Why do you think not one Arab nation will take in the Palestinian wolves?
I actually think we should accept them in. With proper venting we should be able to distingish who is Hamas and who isn't. It really is our duty as a nation to help.
So says the Hamas ass kisser. Lol
Reading must be tough for you...

I have repeatedly condemned Hamas... I condemn all killing of innocent lives, you don't...
You have made it clear that you have no problem with IDF bombing Gaza Civilians without even knowing if there are Hamas Fighters there... But act all shocked when Hamas commits war crimes...
Did Ukraine indiscriminately bomb Russia?

It is really about common sense...

Which side has indiscriminately bombed in the that war?
And israel hasn’t indiscrimatatly bombed Palestine…just southern Gaza where the Hamas attack started. They aren’t bombing the west bank, or even northern Gaza

It’s really common sense, but demafasict Hamas defenders want to jump through hoops and ignore reality to blame the Jewish people who were attacked
And israel hasn’t indiscrimatatly bombed Palestine…just southern Gaza where the Hamas attack started. They aren’t bombing the west bank, or even northern Gaza

It’s really common sense, but demafasict Hamas defenders want to jump through hoops and ignore reality to blame the Jewish people who were attacked

For starters, Hamas isn't control of West Bank, so you are trying to credit for not killing the people that had nothing to do with the Massacre.

I think you must be getting South and North mixed up... Gaza it highly populated in the northand that is where IDF asked them to flee from.. Problem is, there is no water or food down south... Hamas doesn't want them to move because IDF have a history of just ethnic cleansing areas and then letting/putting in settlers...
IDF have to own that history, that is a war crime and that is what causes these types of problems.


Reading must be tough for you...

I have repeatedly condemned Hamas... I condemn all killing of innocent lives, you don't...
You have made it clear that you have no problem with IDF bombing Gaza Civilians without even knowing if there are Hamas Fighters there... But act all shocked when Hamas commits war crimes...
You are a Con Artist currently waging Psychological Warfare against everyone reading your BS.
You are a Con Artist currently waging Psychological Warfare against everyone reading your BS.
There is plenty of proof of IDF ethnic cleansing areas of Palestinians... Do you dispute that?
Ethnic Cleansing is a war crime... That makes IDF war criminals.

Hamas are war criminals... There actions were and are war crimes...

So I am fully willing to say there are war criminals on both sides and their war crimes need to be condemned...

I have shown how when both sides restore to war crimes then it is innocent people on both sides that die. IDF have no military objective to the present bombing, they know it doesn't really weaken Hamas and actually probably strengthens them. They don't care, it is about vengeance.

BTW, we have posters here that want to perform worse war crimes than the IDF by advocating a full genocide.
I actually think we should accept them in. With proper venting we should be able to distingish who is Hamas and who isn't. It really is our duty as a nation to help.
They teach their children to kill Jews. It really is our duty as a nation to keep out people who have indoctrinated their children to want to murder a certain segment of Americansl
And israel hasn’t indiscrimatatly bombed Palestine…just southern Gaza where the Hamas attack started. They aren’t bombing the west bank, or even northern Gaza

It’s really common sense, but demafasict Hamas defenders want to jump through hoops and ignore reality to blame the Jewish people who were attacked
The people who are doing that are either antisemitic or ignorant.

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