Professors: “Merry Christmas” greeting is Nazism and White Supremacy

Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

View attachment 230476
people saying this shit are fools and morons and in the most definite minority. we need to stop letting them know we're listening to their bullshit and just go "that's nice dear" and continue on with how *we* wish to celebrate the holidays

just stop playing their game and stop making idiots famous.
Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

View attachment 230476
people saying this shit are fools and morons and in the most definite minority. we need to stop letting them know we're listening to their bullshit and just go "that's nice dear" and continue on with how *we* wish to celebrate the holidays

just stop playing their game and stop making idiots famous.

This stuff is crazy political correctness Orwellian brainwashing for every new generation.
When sensible people complain about it they call them bigots.
Truth About Liberal Racism in The USA Summed Up By One Meme

Richard King, a Washington State University professor told Newsweek. “I see such invocations of Christmas as a kind of cypher, what some would call a dog whistle,”

Professor – Joe Perry – said Trump is using Nazi-style tactics to encourage anti-Semitism.

“experts” say that merely uttering “Merry Christmas” is a racist dog whistle for “white identity politics.”

“Committed white nationalists love Trump’s bring back Christmas campaign almost as much as evangelicals,” Dr. Randy Blazak, a sociology professor, told Newsweek. “His followers see this as gospel and a rebuking of multiculturalism and political correctness, and the growing influence of Jews, Muslims, atheists and other non-WASPs.”

The reality is that these Left Wingers loath millions of Americans because of their race and religion. This is what's called bigotry. The Left has used Academia, the Press and the Entertainment business to normalize their PC hate.……… which is exactly how the Nazi Party did it….ooooooh the irony

Merry Christmas

View attachment 230476
people saying this shit are fools and morons and in the most definite minority. we need to stop letting them know we're listening to their bullshit and just go "that's nice dear" and continue on with how *we* wish to celebrate the holidays

just stop playing their game and stop making idiots famous.

This stuff is crazy political correctness Orwellian brainwashing for every new generation.
When sensible people complain about it they call them bigots.
i dont know anyone personally who cares if you say "merry christmas". i know a few out there people say feel this way but it would seem to be a minority.

when soneone is prosecuted for saying it, ket me know. but i just dont see why we have to call it out when an idiot says something idiotic.

it wont change.
they'll do it again.

doesnt mean shit in the end but the ramblings of an idiot people pay too much attention to.
According to liberals the only thing that isn't Naziism is performing fellatio on the most praised-by-Hitler, mass-Jew-beheading hate ideology on Earth, Pisslam. Yep, that's liberal logic for you.

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