Problem - Reaction - Solution: the globalist's modus operandi

May 10, 2005
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The Hegelian dialectic

The Hegelian dialectic is an age old scientific equation, expressed today as "Problem, Reaction, Solution", and was created by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, an influencial philosopher, in the 1800's.

The elite power brokers of today have taken this sociological, psychological, and political princible to the extreme.

Problem, Reaction, Solution

First, a problem is created which is directed at a target population. In the aftermath of the incident, naturally, a reaction is generated. This reaction is not unknown, for careful calculation is done beforehand which consists of scientific psychological analysis. Lastly, a solution is provided which you have layed out prior to initiating the problem, which serves to assure the success of your agenda(s).

This principle has been used all throughout history. I will use Hitler as the first example.

In 1933, the Reichstag parliment building in Germany was firebombed by Hitler's goons, creating a problem. Soon after, the incident was blamed on a mentally ill bystander, who had nothing to do with the fire. This act was later blamed on Hitler's political enemies, and the population reacted with a desire for revenge on those responsible, and also begged for protection. In the midst of the emotional response to the incident, a solution was provided that would ease the fears of the masses; grant the new leader more power. In turn, Hitler was given dictatorial powers to "save" Germany from a new grave (manufactured) threat.

Hegelian dialectic - in America?

In 1963 a plan was drafted and approved up to the joint chiefs of staff. That document was called Operation Northwoods.

This document can be found here, at the national security archive in PDF format - Link

In this now declassified document, detailed plans are layed out regarding how to decieve America into supporting an invasion of Cuba. The Hegelian dialectic is clearly the foundation upon which this plan was written. The plan consists of several ways of molding the minds of Americans. The document explains:

"3. A "remember the Maine" incident could be arranged in several forms:

a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo bay and blame Cuba.

b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in Cuban waters."

The document continues, explaining the staged rescue operation...

"The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US figthers to "evatuate" the remaining members of the non-existent crew."

"...Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

So far, the plans have appeared at least to be restrained to non-lethal means. The plans go on to talk about commiting murder on US soil.

"We could develop a communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington."

In another example of the dialectic at work, president Bush recently revealed that the United States was prepared to dupe Saddam, prior to the initiation of the Iraq war, into firing upon a fake UN aircraft.

Watch the dialectic at work...

Bush said, in this channel 4 news article (link) that,

"The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach."

Through the Hegelian dialectic, wars have been initiated and populations enslaved. By this process the elite are intent on turning the globe into a high tech orwellian plantation, and the people will be imprisoned in the most hellish tyranny the world has ever seen.
StoptheMadness1 said:
The Hegelian dialectic

The Hegelian dialectic is an age old scientific equation, expressed today as "Problem, Reaction, Solution", and was created by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, an influencial philosopher, in the 1800's.

The elite power brokers of today have taken this sociological, psychological, and political princible to the extreme.

Problem, Reaction, Solution

First, a problem is created which is directed at a target population. In the aftermath of the incident, naturally, a reaction is generated. This reaction is not unknown, for careful calculation is done beforehand which consists of scientific psychological analysis. Lastly, a solution is provided which you have layed out prior to initiating the problem, which serves to assure the success of your agenda(s).

This principle has been used all throughout history. I will use Hitler as the first example.

In 1933, the Reichstag parliment building in Germany was firebombed by Hitler's goons, creating a problem. Soon after, the incident was blamed on a mentally ill bystander, who had nothing to do with the fire. This act was later blamed on Hitler's political enemies, and the population reacted with a desire for revenge on those responsible, and also begged for protection. In the midst of the emotional response to the incident, a solution was provided that would ease the fears of the masses; grant the new leader more power. In turn, Hitler was given dictatorial powers to "save" Germany from a new grave (manufactured) threat.

Hegelian dialectic - in America?

In 1963 a plan was drafted and approved up to the joint chiefs of staff. That document was called Operation Northwoods.

This document can be found here, at the national security archive in PDF format - Link

In this now declassified document, detailed plans are layed out regarding how to decieve America into supporting an invasion of Cuba. The Hegelian dialectic is clearly the foundation upon which this plan was written. The plan consists of several ways of molding the minds of Americans. The document explains:

"3. A "remember the Maine" incident could be arranged in several forms:

a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo bay and blame Cuba.

b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in Cuban waters."

The document continues, explaining the staged rescue operation...

"The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US figthers to "evatuate" the remaining members of the non-existent crew."

"...Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

So far, the plans have appeared at least to be restrained to non-lethal means. The plans go on to talk about commiting murder on US soil.

"We could develop a communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington."

In another example of the dialectic at work, president Bush recently revealed that the United States was prepared to dupe Saddam, prior to the initiation of the Iraq war, into firing upon a fake UN aircraft.

Watch the dialectic at work...

Bush said, in this channel 4 news article (link) that,

"The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach."

Through the Hegelian dialectic, wars have been initiated and populations enslaved. By this process the elite are intent on turning the globe into a high tech orwellian plantation, and the people will be imprisoned in the most hellish tyranny the world has ever seen.

is this the old "Bush ordered planes to be flown into the Twin Towers" crap ?
dilloduck said:
is this the old "Bush ordered planes to be flown into the Twin Towers" crap ?

No, this is different crap. It's been brought up on the board before.

The "quote from President Bush" is actually a quote from a book by Phillipe Sands, a British college professor and bozo. Sands claims that the quote comes from the minutes of a meeting between President Bush and Tony Blair before going into Iraq. Oddly, Sands is the only one to have seen these minutes. It also doesn't make sense. Hussien was already in violation of 17 UN resolutions. What would be the point in creating the illusion of another?
Jimmyeatworld said:
No, this is different crap. It's been brought up on the board before.

The "quote from President Bush" is actually a quote from a book by Phillipe Sands, a British college professor and bozo. Sands claims that the quote comes from the minutes of a meeting between President Bush and Tony Blair before going into Iraq. Oddly, Sands is the only one to have seen these minutes. It also doesn't make sense. Hussien was already in violation of 17 UN resolutions. What would be the point in creating the illusion of another?

I guess the liberals have no clue about this secret Hegelian dialect then huh? Just all innocent bystanders. Out of the loop entirely? :rolleyes:
dilloduck, you drew the connection to 9/11, I never said anything about it.

I see a label is already being thrown around, that of "liberal".

Can you deny the validity of what i'm saying?

There is no "conspiracy theory" here, just facts pointing towards a real conspiracy, a group of more than two people conspiring to deceive millions of people.
Hegel is great, if you like conspiracy theroys.
How the Hegelian dialectic changed the formula for deductive reasoning
The original method of deductive logic based its premises on the presense of agreed upon truths that led to an otherwise unknowable conclusion. Hegel altered deductive reasoning from a simple 1 + 1 = 2 formula to a series of progressive triads where two opposite premises combine into a synthesis, and then each synthesis becomes the premise in the next triad, and on and on it goes, (where it ends, nobody knows). He established that history follows a "logical" progression through the dialectical process of constant conflict between extremely different ideas that keep blending together, over and over, forming new ideas that keep merging and blending again and again, until mankind realizes perfection in philosophy. Most importantly (from the ACL's viewpoint) is "Hegel's version puts all of the emphasis on the collective expression of what is best for the people rather than on each individual's capacity to discover it for herself or himself" (Kemerling 2002).

Hegel took logic to the next logical level, in what many consider to be a higher intellectual level, claiming an (A) ideology conflicting with its (B) opposite ideology = (C) a new and sometimes better philosophy. Hegel's dialectic pits A against B in a constant conflict and resolution, which eventually creates C... an outcome that may or may not have any resemblance to A and B. According to modern social scientists, C does not have to be a reasonable conclusion, since Hegel's logical dialectic takes pure reason out of the reasoning. If you don't get it, that means you got it, because anything arrived at using Hegel's "logic" doesn't have to make any sense.

The dialectical method of reasoning bases its premises on constant conflicts of opposites, on natural, ongoing tension between two or more commonly acknowledged truths. Good versus evil is the most commonly understood dialectic. In Hegel's version it is through our understanding of what is evil that we are able to understand what is even better than good. Hegel's dialectic was an inward discovery of being versus nothing. The Hegelian dialectical method changed the format for deductive reasoning into one in which truth is obtained by pitting truth against a falsehood which leads to a false truth.
StoptheMadness1 said:
dilloduck, you drew the connection to 9/11, I never said anything about it.

I see a label is already being thrown around, that of "liberal".

Can you deny the validity of what i'm saying?

There is no "conspiracy theory" here, just facts pointing towards a real conspiracy, a group of more than two people conspiring to deceive millions of people.

Yes. governments can manipulate, but sometimes the enemy is real. I believe it's real in this case. Go public with your "terror is not a threat" meme. Please. Be sure to identify yourself as a dem.
StoptheMadness1 said:
dilloduck, you drew the connection to 9/11, I never said anything about it.

I see a label is already being thrown around, that of "liberal".

Can you deny the validity of what i'm saying?

There is no "conspiracy theory" here, just facts pointing towards a real conspiracy, a group of more than two people conspiring to deceive millions of people.

In that same respect, can you unprove that im 6'10", 275lbs and play in the NFL? No you can't. Because you cant see me and more then likely will never meet me. So in essence, what i say is not untrue as far as you know.

The burden of proof is on the accusor. You have to provide solid evidence of a conspiracy and not hearsay and theories from a 3rd party.
I have already given you solid proof (NOT hearsay) that a group within the U.S. government has, in the past, planned to kill Americans in order to further their own agendas through Operation Northwoods. Yes, this was in the 1960's, but we can still see similar operations happening to this very day, and not just in America. Government is the most dangerous tool to be weilded against mankind, and has killed more people than any other group or individual in history. With this in mind, please take into concideration what I am saying.

This issue is not democratic or republican, and rtwngAvngr, no, I am not a democrat, nor a republican, both are corrupt and controlled by the same interests.

Another example of the principle, this time in the Ukraine...

From the Independent,

Opposition was to be smeared with terror attack, says official

December 6, 2004

"Ukraine's embattled government is ready to stage faked terrorist attacks to destabilise the country and discredit the opposition ahead of a rerun of the presidential vote, a senior government source has told the Independent.

The official, who works for the government of the Moscow-backed candidate and current Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, said: "One of the plans is to blow up a pipeline and blame it on opposition supporters."

Obviously the next step would have been to set up your own party as the savior, the party which would resolve the violence.
StoptheMadness1 said:
I have already given you solid proof (NOT hearsay) that a group within the U.S. government has, in the past, planned to kill Americans in order to further their own agendas through Operation Northwoods. Yes, this was in the 1960's, but we can still see similar operations happening to this very day, and not just in America. Government is the most dangerous tool to be weilded against mankind, and has killed more people than any other group or individual in history. With this in mind, please take into concideration what I am saying.

This issue is not democratic or republican, and rtwngAvngr, no, I am not a democrat, nor a republican, both are corrupt and controlled by the same interests.

Another example of the principle, this time in the Ukraine...

From the Independent,

Opposition was to be smeared with terror attack, says official

December 6, 2004

"Ukraine's embattled government is ready to stage faked terrorist attacks to destabilise the country and discredit the opposition ahead of a rerun of the presidential vote, a senior government source has told the Independent.

The official, who works for the government of the Moscow-backed candidate and current Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, said: "One of the plans is to blow up a pipeline and blame it on opposition supporters."

Obviously the next step would have been to set up your own party as the savior, the party which would resolve the violence.

At first I disagreed with you about the U.S. Government.

But now that you showed me what was going to happen in the Ukraine.....


When you go to a football game and see the teams huddling in the middle of the field between plays, do you think they are talking about you?
StoptheMadness1 said:
I have already given you solid proof (NOT hearsay) that a group within the U.S. government has, in the past, planned to kill Americans in order to further their own agendas through Operation Northwoods. Yes, this was in the 1960's, but we can still see similar operations happening to this very day, and not just in America. Government is the most dangerous tool to be weilded against mankind, and has killed more people than any other group or individual in history. With this in mind, please take into concideration what I am saying.

This issue is not democratic or republican, and rtwngAvngr, no, I am not a democrat, nor a republican, both are corrupt and controlled by the same interests.

Another example of the principle, this time in the Ukraine...

From the Independent,

Opposition was to be smeared with terror attack, says official

December 6, 2004

"Ukraine's embattled government is ready to stage faked terrorist attacks to destabilise the country and discredit the opposition ahead of a rerun of the presidential vote, a senior government source has told the Independent.

The official, who works for the government of the Moscow-backed candidate and current Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, said: "One of the plans is to blow up a pipeline and blame it on opposition supporters."

Obviously the next step would have been to set up your own party as the savior, the party which would resolve the violence.

Yshenko (sp??) probably injected himself with poison too, right? In order to make the opposition look bad, by blamming them.

You don't find it strange that a Russian-backed candiate (puppet) is making these claims.
Unless the opposition is really planning the attacks. They could really be planning to do it, but knowing they will be blammed, are being smart and blamming Yushenko, first. Sneaky.
StoptheMadness1 said:
dilloduck, you drew the connection to 9/11, I never said anything about it.

I see a label is already being thrown around, that of "liberal".

Can you deny the validity of what i'm saying?

There is no "conspiracy theory" here, just facts pointing towards a real conspiracy, a group of more than two people conspiring to deceive millions of people.

Isn't everything (including 9/11) a plot or does your Hegel conspiracy theory only apply to certain "incidents"?
StoptheMadness1 said:
dilloduck, you drew the connection to 9/11, I never said anything about it.

I see a label is already being thrown around, that of "liberal".

Can you deny the validity of what i'm saying?

There is no "conspiracy theory" here, just facts pointing towards a real conspiracy, a group of more than two people conspiring to deceive millions of people.

He wasn't drawing a line to 9/11, he was drawing a line to bullshit. Which is exactly where it should be.
You've made the choice to reject the information as BS, that's fine, its your choice.

If you would like to put it to rest, please prove what i am saying to be wrong.
StoptheMadness1 said:
You've made the choice to reject the information as BS, that's fine, its your choice.

If you would like to put it to rest, please prove what i am saying to be wrong.

What are you saying, exactly?

And who really poisoned Yushenko?
StoptheMadness1 said:
You've made the choice to reject the information as BS, that's fine, its your choice.

If you would like to put it to rest, please prove what i am saying to be wrong.
None of us need to prove a negative. What you posted:
Bush said, in this channel 4 news article (link) that,

"The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours.

Was this a determining factor, if in fact it became more than a thought? Not!
StoptheMadness1 said:
You've made the choice to reject the information as BS, that's fine, its your choice.

If you would like to put it to rest, please prove what i am saying to be wrong.

It's not up to me to prove you wrong, it's up to you to make your case, which you didn't do. You've just spouted out a bunch of conspiracy crap that has no basis of reality and is balanced on very questionable resources. All you are really doing is making an outlandish statement then sitting back and saying, "Prove me wrong". Nothing new on this board.

Howard Dean likes to have sex with goats. Prove me wrong.
I have given you information on a real principle, that came from a real guy! (Hegel), and a real historical account of Hitler puting it to work. Then i showed you a real document that was planning to use the principle as well.

Have you even looked at the document Operation Northwoods?

Perhaps you want a "mainstream" source to tell you it's real?

ABC news reports (Link) (May 1, 2001)

"N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities."

It must take a lot of mental gymnastics to convince yourself that this isn't real.
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