

If one sees partisanship as a principle, or worth having,
then they should not be surprised if and when they find that principle, or lack thereof, is unsustainable.
To disagree with someone in principle on a matter that may be partisan, does not mean the person's principle is partisanship.

If one finds themselves struggling with the consistency of their principles, it is a product of one of two causes.
The first being the sustainability of the principle the person holds ...
The second being the inability of the person to sustain the principle because they lack the character necessary to do so.

I feel that partisanship tends to be more devoid of principles altogether ...
Much like compromise if one chooses to compromise their core principles.


Americans are far past the point of no return for ever compromising enough to remain a single, united union of states. Take abortion for instance. One side believes unborn life to be sacred and beyond value. The other side approves of and regularly practices murdering it. That manner of divide can never be compromised or bridged. In order to do so, one side would have to submit to the other; one side would have to become fine with murdering unborn children, or at least become okay with other Americans doing it right before their very eyes, so to speak. The only answer to such divided principles, such radically different values, is to practice the freewill of war and let God decide which principle is most just by who remains standing.
My philosophy is stay away from people who will not negotiate or compromise. They are not good people and usually big liars.

The key in life is to be able to size up people quickly. It is so simple yet a lot can't

I disagree. People possessed of weak principles tend to compromise them only for reward of some kind. There's nothing worse than a human being for sale to the highest bidder. Lower to the ground than a snake, that kind of individual.
In the age of identity politics, precious few people have any sort of actual ideology, much less follow any principles.

All they know is that they have been trained to see people according to the tribe they are in and react accordingly.

In order to genuinely, unflinchingly walk through life by one's principals he or she must be willing to be beaten down and to beat down others—figuratively and literally. No man is an island and every last man who tries to be will the river eventually swallow . . . whole.

Makes negotiations a bit harder, because when your principles are consistent it limits compromise.

One person may not have a problem with their own principles, whatever they may be, but that doesn't make it easier for other people to accept.
This is especially important in situations where someone else will try to beat you to death with a misrepresentation of what your actual principles are ...
Then use your refusal to compromise as a reason to dismiss your concerns.

I favor principles over compromise in guidance, but also lack a lot of situations that would require a compromise anyway, so it is convenient.

When dealing with a totally unprincipled world, half a loaf is better than no loaf at all.
I disagree. People possessed of weak principles tend to compromise them only for reward of some kind. There's nothing worse than a human being for sale to the highest bidder. Lower to the ground than a snake, that kind of individual.
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
When dealing with a totally unprincipled world, half a loaf is better than no loaf at all.

If someone walks into a meat market and says ... "Do you want me to steal half your chickens or all your chickens" ...
Those are not the only two options in the possible response to the requested compromise.


If someone walks into a meat market and says ... "Do you want me to steal half your chickens or all your chickens" ...
Those are not the only two options in the possible response to the requested compromise.

If another will only agree to give up half of their vices I wouldn't insist on more.
In order to genuinely, unflinchingly walk through life by one's principals he or she must be willing to be beaten down and to beat down others—figuratively and literally. No man is an island and every last man who tries to be will the river eventually swallow . . . whole.
Not entirely true. I can sit down with the worst people and not be judgmental or condescending. There's a time and place to let your light shine (don't cast your pearls around carelessly).

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