Prince George County (AGAIN): Fireman shot dead by thug, 2nd fireman wounded


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
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WCSC : 1 Maryland firefighter dead, another injured after shooting

In 2016 Prince George County had already lost 2 cops from ambush shootings and 2 more wounded. Now.....their brothers in red have lost a fireman and had a 2nd wounded as they tried to enter a home of a "disturbed" individual who may have been having a mental health crisis. He shot them both.

Firemen of course we're unarmed and are trained in medical care. Just in case people wonder why cops with guns get sent to deal with these psychos these days.

It's WAY PAST time to stop sending the police to deal with HEALTH problems. Mental illness isn't their job. It's not the fire departments job either.

Who's is it? Don't know. Don't care. Let the mental illness community figure out what to do.
You must not be from the DC area. 90% of the crimes are in DC or PG County
Mentally ill people are 'thugs'? That seems very far removed from the meaning of the name of the Indian religious cult.
Wasn't there a moron here the other day claiming that these people were not targeted?
Mentally ill people are 'thugs'? That seems very far removed from the meaning of the name of the Indian religious cult.

Anyone who shoots innocent people is a thug.
Mentally ill people are 'thugs'? That seems very far removed from the meaning of the name of the Indian religious cult.

Anyone who shoots innocent people is a thug.

Have you noticed? The person questioned your use of the word thug instead of being horrified of said thugs crime! That liberal thinking for ya. Always the political correct morons. These crimes should always result in the death penalty being imposed.
Mentally ill people are 'thugs'? That seems very far removed from the meaning of the name of the Indian religious cult.

Anyone who shoots innocent people is a thug.

Have you noticed? The person questioned your use of the word thug instead of being horrified of said thugs crime! That liberal thinking for ya. Always the political correct morons. These crimes should always result in the death penalty being imposed.

Yep. I noticed....
Mental illness appears to be increasing rapidly.
You must not be from the DC area. 90% of the crimes are in DC or PG County
Been that way for over thirty years, ever since the fatherlessness of post-great-society blacks overran PG County.
The dilemma for democrats is that predominantly black PG County's median income is on par with the richest counties in half the states in the country. Kinda shoots their 'racial oppression/poverty' propaganda bullshit in the foot.
County should be doing better also with the addition of the Waterfront .. is that florist still there that used to be by Rosecroft Racetrack? That closed didn't it? Is that the metro station now?
County should be doing better also with the addition of the Waterfront .. is that florist still there that used to be by Rosecroft Racetrack? That closed didn't it? Is that the metro station now?
The harbor is its own entity. Mainly isolated from the rest of the area. The county makes money from it but it won't do anything to enhance family structure.
Let me guess........the shooters were negro's? ...... :cool:

Well, there's this from the article:

"The man said his brother (the shooter) had trouble controlling his blood sugar and recently blacked out."

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