Press attacking Larry Elder


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
Just more of the lefts belief that Black people should have no other ideals than what the Democratic party demands.

In all fairness, the Voice of the Reich (NY Times) would viciously slander any conservative looking to replace a reliable Nazi like Kim Jong Newsom.

Mexican radio in Los Angeles is running openly racist ads against Elder and portraying Newsom as the savior of La Raza - the race.
Nothing new here. Democrats have control of the media to push their agenda and destroy those they don't like.

Cnn technical director admitting on camera they created propoganda and spread lies against trump to get him out of office.

So if CNN would purposefully lie to the world to spin a narrative then any news source would just to try and keep republicans out of office.
Larry Elder wants reparations for SLAVE owners

Yes...he said that


Like many others before him, Larry used a hypothetical legal issue of property and law to make a point.

The black bigots and their leftist Zionist massahs of the dem party are claiming Larry "supports" that because he used a hypothetical. Larry did not do that.

Lesh is a Zionist leftist liar from Covid to 911 to racism.
Just more of the lefts belief that Black people should have no other ideals than what the Democratic party demands.

Elder is a boot lickin negropean. His sole duty is to serve his master the white man. Wake me when the repubs put a Black man in the White House.
Newsom got half a million dollars from George Soros. The TV ads about Elder have been blanketing the airwaves. The question is, are they for or against? Larry Elder will end mask mandates for schools. Larry Elder will never order a statewide vaccine mandate. Elder means no more lockdowns on day one. No more firing state employees. The unvaccinated get to keep their jobs, stop the republican power grab.


Are these ads for or against Larry Elder?
An idiot with zero qualifications

An extremely high character all time great athlete who will oppose you and yours stealing more from the taxpayer.

You do not believe blacks have the right to disagree with you. You are a racist.
Elder is a boot lickin negropean. His sole duty is to serve his master the white man. Wake me when the repubs put a Black man in the White House.


America would have put a great American, gen Colin Powell, in the WH if he had run in 2000 or 1996.

You clearly hate blacks who disagree with you. You think you know better than blacks for blacks. You are a bigot and a racist.

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