president Trump is Still Winning

I am sure they will recover after they corner the market.
Corner the market? Hun, they are opening out a fantastic business opportunity for a new competitor to come in that will cater and welcome Trump and his supporters....Twitter is f'ing themselves.
Big mistake by Twitter
It's free market capitalism, they are free to make heir own huge mistakes!

This is always a given, Capt. Obvious!
You bask in your smartness, don't you?
Then Why is it such a shock that Twitter is gonna lose money off of this... at least initially?
Long term--they are opening the door for a new company to come in and take their place catering to Trumps millions of supporters.
I am sure they will recover after they corner the market.
Corner the market? Hun, they are opening out a fantastic business opportunity for a new competitor to come in that will cater and welcome Trump and his supporters....Twitter is f'ing themselves.

Here's an interesting twist. I just heard that a Wi-Fi provider in Idaho has banned FB & Twitter! :abgg2q.jpg:
I am sure they will recover after they corner the market.
Corner the market? Hun, they are opening out a fantastic business opportunity for a new competitor to come in that will cater and welcome Trump and his supporters....Twitter is f'ing themselves.

Twitter will be fine.. When this is over only the most hardcore loons and domestic terrorists will follow Trump to some obscure social media site.
Mike Pence had to flee from the criminals, who had attacked the Capitol. They liked to hang Mr. Pence. Whatever Mr. Pence will do now - I am quite sure for the republican party exists only one solution: to throw out Donald Trump and all of his Trumpists. Normally people betray a president - but Trump is the president, who betrayed everyone, without any exception. On the altar of his narcissism Donald Trump is ready to sacrificy everyone and everything - including every comrade, the whole USA and he whole world. Donald Trump is a Hitleresk man. Do not let do him any nonsense in the last days of his presidency. This man is of unsound mind! Stop him! Now! Don't wait! ... Therapy later. ... First stop him!

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... Twitter will be fine..

I heard Twitter blocks now about 70,000 Q-Anons - and this has something to do with Trumpists. Whatever is going on - 70,000 is a damned big army - and this are only some propagators of nonsense and hate. Don't be stupid. Take care with open eyes. Everywhere all around the whole world.

God bless America.

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still winning
... Twitter will be fine..

I heard Twitter blocks now about 70,000 Q-Anons - and this has something to do with Trumpists. Whatever is going on - 70,000 is a damned big army - and this are only some propagators of nonsense and hate. Don't be stupoed. Take care with open eyes.

God bless America.

Well, I don't believe that everyone who voted for Trump is a Berzerker. The attack on the Capitol was too much for many.
Big mistake by Twitter

Yup and include Facebook in there as well. They have been ousting any conservative talk for quite some time. They only want liberal speak on their sites. Trump is setting up his own media site and a new political party. Should be interesting as hell.
I don't subscribe to twitter and I didn't vote in this election. No candidate worthy of my vote. Nobody cares. It's not in my own interest to consider what happens with businesses here.
Those same conservatives should boycott all news programs. The news and social media are as responsible for our fixed election as anyone.
Trump loses every day when a new video of his mob of animals is released showing their violence in attempts to thwart democracy and destroy America's history of peaceful transitions after an election. The rewards for this treason will be long and hard prison sentences.
... Twitter will be fine..

I heard Twitter blocks now about 70,000 Q-Anons - and this has something to do with Trumpists. Whatever is going on - 70,000 is a damned big army - and this are only some propagators of nonsense and hate. Don't be stupoed. Take care with open eyes.

God bless America.

Well, I don't believe that everyone who voted for Trump is a Berzerker.

You underestimate the banality of the evil. This Q-Anon people and the Q-uerdenker (=unconventional thinkers) in Germany - are they the same? Where from come their absurde ideas - and what has this to do with the Trumpists? Reichstag and Capitol - both are attacks against hearts of democracy. Comes this from people, who manipulate other people with nonsense, mistrust and hate about conspirations for their own conspiration? And what if this all is done just for fun - only because some people found out they are able to do so? ... No idea what is really going on - but there's something in the background, which we have to find out.

The attack on the Capitol was too much for many.

What a nonsense. It's not over yet. It was perhaps only a start. The USA is not able to solve the problem terrorism - the USA is not able to solve the problem Corona. This are real problems - and never anyone was able to solve terrorism with wrong pressure or diseases with intentional ignorance. Today Donald Trump for example gave many people the feeling they are safe with him in front of his wall against Mexico. But this is a chimera. Illegal immigrants is a problem Mad Trump needs and racist enemyship against neighbors is a problem at all. Trump needs hate and fear. Indeed it is a shame that the USA is not able to solve problems bi- or multipolar together with his neighbors. Trump hates it to communicate. He never argues - he says something and everyone else has only the chance to agree with him - that's all. Some try to use the same methods against him - what's damned dangerous too. Nevertheless I'm meanwhile nearly absolute convinced Trump is nothing else than a psychopath. He needs to be megalomaniac in a white hospital and not in the White House. His narcissism makes it for him impossible to lose. His psychological problems must be titanic in the moment. So take him from the bridge of the US-A.
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