President Trump Fans Flames of 'DNC Rigged Primaries 2.0', Calls Out Plan To $crew Bernie...AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump was NOT the 1st one to bring this up...ABC, MSNBC, and others have quietly pointed out / pondered that the timing of Pelosi finally releasing the Articles of the Impeachment to the Senate is awfully peculiar ... and beneficial for Joe Biden.; however, the President came to Sander's defense by weighing-in on the matter.

"The Democrats are once again rigging the election against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and this time Nancy Pelosi is involved in the scheme.

For several weeks, power-hungry Nancy Pelosi refused to deliver the impeachment articles to the Senate. Pelosi is a dirty, calculating politician and she held on to the articles for several reasons.

President Trump called out the Dems and said their plan to delay the impeachment trial was to make sure Bernie Sanders, as a Senator, was tied up with the impeachment trial during the Iowa caucuses. Bernie is surging in Iowa polls so dirty Pelosi made sure she slowed him down and gave Joe Biden an edge.

“They are rigging the election again against Bernie Sanders, just like last time, only even more obviously. They are bringing him out of so important Iowa in order that, as a Senator, he sit through the Impeachment Hoax Trial,” Trump said."

The President is only half-right. The timing of delivering the Articles of impeachment also removes Sen Elizabeth Warren out of the campaigning.

Trump Calls Out Dems' Plan to Rig Election Against Bernie Sanders....and Pelosi is Involved

"Leaked emails in 2016 revealed Hillary Clinton secretly financially took over the DNC and rigged the nomination process in her favor. The emails were leaked right around the time of the Democrat National convention in the summer of 2016 and created a wedge between Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters.

Hillary’s camp was essentially holding onto all of the money raised by individual states, effectively starving the DNC so the organization could only pay its basic expenses."

Then-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile also publicly admitted that the DNC had collaborated with Hillary during the 2016 election, had helped her cheat in debates, and 'rigged' the primaries in favor of Clinton over Sanders.

"Bernie Sanders was shut out in 2016 because of Hillary Clinton and it looks like the Democrats are up to their old tricks this time around because Joe Biden, just like Hillary, needs to be propped up by the elitists running the show."
I don't know why the dems think Bernie hasn't got a chance at beating Trump...why they think any of the other retards running can and Bernie can't I do not understand....or maybe they know Bernie will spill the beans on them if he wins...:dunno:
I see it's another early start for another all day marathon of you posting the same old shit.

Bad, bad, bad... Democrats... bad, bad...

Good, good, good... republicans... good, good...
Democrats already fear a massive internal feud among candidates and especially want no perception that they are showing favoritism or 'rigging' their primaries AGAIN. Wanting something and getting it, however, are 2 separate things.

Democrat candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are pretty viciously, openly attacking each other. The other night at the end of the latest debate, Warren walked up to Bernie Sanders and said (paraphrased), 'I believe you called me a LIAR on national TV', at which point Sanders took the 'high-road, responding by saying, 'Let's not do this now' and walking away.

The exchange was 'accidently' caught on a 'hot mike', but many are voicing their skepticism and belief it was orchestrated / intentionally done in an attempt to hurt Sanders.

As stated, the public questioning of Pelosi's motive behind her slow-walking the Articles of Impeachment, adding more 'fuel to the fire' had already begun before the President weighed-in on it. That being said, I do not believe in 'coincidences', especially when such important things are affected.

Either Pelosi was ignorant of the relevancy of time when the House passed the articles to the on-going Primary campaign, or her delay in sending the Senate the Articles with the goal of Senate Impeachment hearings impacting Sander's (and Warren's) ability to campaign was intentional.
Hillary Clinton weighed in on what Democrat VOTERS should do:

Hillary Clinton to 2020 Democrat Voters: Pick a Winner

Despite Pelosi opining the American people can NOT be rusted with picking their own leader, voters successfully followed Hillary's advice in 2016! :p

The funny part is when one of the only people in the country who had no idea what the Electoral College was in 2016 attempts to tell Democrat voters that voting counts - "and not just in the popular vote, but the electoral college.”

What ALSO matters is the DNC / Democratic party taking their thumb off the proverbial 'scale', stop tampering in / 'rigging' elections, and allow voters to decide who THEY want.

(Sorry, what the hell was I thinking?! That is EVERYTHING the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democratic Party has shown it does NOT stand for, whether its the elections of our allies. like Egypt and Israel, or our very own, no matter if Primary of General Election! :p )

Hillary Clinton to 2020 Democrat Voters: Pick a Winner
"Leaked emails in 2016 revealed Hillary Clinton secretly financially took over the DNC and rigged the nomination process in her favor. The emails were leaked right around the time of the Democrat National convention in the summer of 2016 and created a wedge between Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters.

Hillary’s camp was essentially holding onto all of the money raised by individual states, effectively starving the DNC so the organization could only pay its basic expenses."

Then-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile also publicly admitted that the DNC had collaborated with Hillary during the 2016 election, had helped her cheat in debates, and 'rigged' the primaries in favor of Clinton over Sanders.

"Bernie Sanders was shut out in 2016 because of Hillary Clinton and it looks like the Democrats are up to their old tricks this time around because Joe Biden, just like Hillary, needs to be propped up by the elitists running the show."
The Dems would rather lose with Biden than win with Bernie, and they will.

Just like they rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, and they did.
"Leaked emails in 2016 revealed Hillary Clinton secretly financially took over the DNC and rigged the nomination process in her favor. The emails were leaked right around the time of the Democrat National convention in the summer of 2016 and created a wedge between Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters.

Hillary’s camp was essentially holding onto all of the money raised by individual states, effectively starving the DNC so the organization could only pay its basic expenses."

Then-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile also publicly admitted that the DNC had collaborated with Hillary during the 2016 election, had helped her cheat in debates, and 'rigged' the primaries in favor of Clinton over Sanders.

"Bernie Sanders was shut out in 2016 because of Hillary Clinton and it looks like the Democrats are up to their old tricks this time around because Joe Biden, just like Hillary, needs to be propped up by the elitists running the show."
The Dems would rather lose with Biden than win with Bernie, and they will.

Just like they rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, and they did.

I am fascinated, tinman----why do the "dems" WANT to lose?
"Leaked emails in 2016 revealed Hillary Clinton secretly financially took over the DNC and rigged the nomination process in her favor. The emails were leaked right around the time of the Democrat National convention in the summer of 2016 and created a wedge between Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters.

Hillary’s camp was essentially holding onto all of the money raised by individual states, effectively starving the DNC so the organization could only pay its basic expenses."

Then-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile also publicly admitted that the DNC had collaborated with Hillary during the 2016 election, had helped her cheat in debates, and 'rigged' the primaries in favor of Clinton over Sanders.

"Bernie Sanders was shut out in 2016 because of Hillary Clinton and it looks like the Democrats are up to their old tricks this time around because Joe Biden, just like Hillary, needs to be propped up by the elitists running the show."
The Dems would rather lose with Biden than win with Bernie, and they will.

Just like they rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, and they did.

I am fascinated, tinman----why do the "dems" WANT to lose?
Good question, but I am not the one to ask.
The Democrats, with leaders like Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and Schumer, don't WANT to lose....but they can't help self-destructing.
"Leaked emails in 2016 revealed Hillary Clinton secretly financially took over the DNC and rigged the nomination process in her favor. The emails were leaked right around the time of the Democrat National convention in the summer of 2016 and created a wedge between Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters.

Hillary’s camp was essentially holding onto all of the money raised by individual states, effectively starving the DNC so the organization could only pay its basic expenses."

Then-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile also publicly admitted that the DNC had collaborated with Hillary during the 2016 election, had helped her cheat in debates, and 'rigged' the primaries in favor of Clinton over Sanders.

"Bernie Sanders was shut out in 2016 because of Hillary Clinton and it looks like the Democrats are up to their old tricks this time around because Joe Biden, just like Hillary, needs to be propped up by the elitists running the show."
The Dems would rather lose with Biden than win with Bernie, and they will.

Just like they rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, and they did.

I am fascinated, tinman----why do the "dems" WANT to lose?
Good question, but I am not the one to ask.

oh-----you are just the "frontman"
"Leaked emails in 2016 revealed Hillary Clinton secretly financially took over the DNC and rigged the nomination process in her favor. The emails were leaked right around the time of the Democrat National convention in the summer of 2016 and created a wedge between Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters.

Hillary’s camp was essentially holding onto all of the money raised by individual states, effectively starving the DNC so the organization could only pay its basic expenses."

Then-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile also publicly admitted that the DNC had collaborated with Hillary during the 2016 election, had helped her cheat in debates, and 'rigged' the primaries in favor of Clinton over Sanders.

"Bernie Sanders was shut out in 2016 because of Hillary Clinton and it looks like the Democrats are up to their old tricks this time around because Joe Biden, just like Hillary, needs to be propped up by the elitists running the show."
The Dems would rather lose with Biden than win with Bernie, and they will.

Just like they rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, and they did.

I am fascinated, tinman----why do the "dems" WANT to lose?
Good question, but I am not the one to ask.

oh-----you are just the "frontman"
Frontman for what? I am a Republican.

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