President Obama's Unpopularity - What Does It REALLY Mean?

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

If the Republican Noise Machine included Fox News, then your comparison is flawed.
All the major cable news networks still support Obama and the A.P. might as well be on the payroll so when the left admits that Barry's popularity is slipping it really means that things are pretty bad for the former community activist.
Honestly, what's the point of this thread? Did you really start a thread because a random thought went through your mind? What are we to debate, is Obama a strong President? Most Dems wouldn’t say Obama is a strong President and most conservatives didn’t think Bush was a strong president, no matter what Fox News said… Do I really need to pull out Bush’s 28% approval rating?
Honestly, what's the point of this thread? Did you really start a thread because a random thought went through your mind? What are we to debate, is Obama a strong President? Most Dems wouldn’t say Obama is a strong President and most conservatives didn’t think Bush was a strong president, no matter what Fox News said… Do I really need to pull out Bush’s 28% approval rating?

Nope... we're aware. Yet they are and refuse to acknowledge it.
President Obama's Unpopularity - What Does It REALLY Mean?

It means that he's unpopular with everyone but the Ozombies....DUH!

I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

I'd say you have a good point, but then I remember that every policy that made Bush unpopular has become Obama's policy.

-Iraq War
-Increased Spending
-Higher debt
Honestly, what's the point of this thread? Did you really start a thread because a random thought went through your mind? What are we to debate, is Obama a strong President? Most Dems wouldn’t say Obama is a strong President and most conservatives didn’t think Bush was a strong president, no matter what Fox News said… Do I really need to pull out Bush’s 28% approval rating?

Good question. I guess the point is merely to remind the Republicans of the way they sought to excuse Bush's failings at a time when they are piling abuse on a Democratic president with, of course, no mention of their former claim that unpopularity translates into strong leadership.
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

The simple fact is that Bush was the first president with an approval rating of less than 60% ever won reelection, Obama's is still on the way down, and unlikely to improve unless the economy makes an unforeseen recovery. That does not mean he cannot win, but he certainly has his work cut out for him, and I have not seen anything that indicates that he is capable of producing anything like the work he would need.
All the major cable news networks still support Obama and the A.P. might as well be on the payroll so when the left admits that Barry's popularity is slipping it really means that things are pretty bad for the former community activist.
Cons apparently preferred W, the draft dodging coward, who got us into two unfunded wars, and Medicare D, also unfunded.
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Actually, Comrade Obama has created thousands of new jobs through his efforts at extending his borrow/spend cycle!

Jobs in the automotive industry!

Scraping "Hope and Change" stickers off of bumpers.
All the major cable news networks still support Obama and the A.P. might as well be on the payroll so when the left admits that Barry's popularity is slipping it really means that things are pretty bad for the former community activist.
Cons apparently preferred W, the draft dodging coward, who got us into two unfunded wars, and Medicare D, also unfunded.

Could you remind me of which branch of the Military that O'Bama served in?
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

If the US loses its AAA credit rating while Obama is President he will go down as the worst President in modern times and possibly of all times. Doesn't matter if the media today wants to pretend its the fault of Republicans, it is the President who will get tagged with it in history. This is the kind of thing history will hold a President accountable for because it occurred on their watch -not the minority party in Congress. And rightfully so because Obama was elected to be LEADER so allowing this to happen would be due to a glaring LACK of leadership. Truly this guy is NOT a leader anyway -no leadership skills. He is such a poor leader his budget proposal this past May was rejected by the Senate 97-0. Everyone from BOTH parties rejected it -he couldn't even get his own party to support it. He could have had a deal with $800 billion in new revenue and rejected it -WHY? I think after that humiliating rejection of his budget proposal he decided the gamble of the US losing its credit rating is worth it to him PERSONALLY no matter how many millions will be hurt by it which is obviously NOT part of the equation for him. I think he believes when the US loses its credit rating, it is Republicans who will be blamed for it -not him and that will make it easier for him to be re-elected in spite of rising unemployment and an already feeble economy. Which is just more proof to support my contention that Democrats will always put the best interests of their own party before that of the nation itself.

Democrats still retain the bulk of power in government yet during all the budget talks with Obama, only Republicans kept offering plans while the Dems just said no. Really Republicans should have sat back and said "show us your plan" -after all Democrats still retain the bulk of power here yet offered up no plan at all. And even now are only offering up more lying ass accounting gimmicks so Democrats can still keep on with their out of control spending spree taking us right down the same unsustainable path to utter bankruptcy.

Bush was unpopular with the left in particular for wars, he ended up being unpopular even with Republicans because of his spending. So Obama added another war to the mix and quadrupled the spending -why would you expect him to be popular with anyone but hardcore leftist ideologues? The ridiculous part is that while every step of the way while Obama has blamed Bush for everything that has happened during his term, he has actually doubled down on everything Bush did -which can only make sense to a moron. But then there seems to be more than a few of them among Democrat Kool-Aid drinkers. :cuckoo:

Under Clinton government spending was about 571 million dollars a day.
Under Bush government spending was 1.2 billion dollars a day.
Under Obama government spending is now 4.1 billion dollars a day -he increased it to 3.8 billion in just his first YEAR!!! And this is without adding in the unpaid for Obamacare which will sharply increase that spending even more even as health care costs for us all rise sharply too. Obama has been nothing but a disaster for this country. THIS is what you get when you elect THE single most unqualified person to ever run for President in over a century -and even when the last one ran, the nation wasn't so stupid as to actually elect that guy!

Our government budget is about 60% entitlement payments, 9% is interest on the debt, 17% is defense (more if you add in payments to veterans and foreign affairs) -leaving roughly 14% discretionary spending on which to balance the budget. Yeah yeah we have all paid into social security and medicare -the problem is our government spent that money before it was even collected. It ain't there and no amount of whining will make it be there. They ran a flim-flam ponzi scheme on us and we already know for a fact which generation is going to be the one left holding the bag who are destined to have paid into it yet get not one dime in return. Or we can try to salvage it. Every person who is already retired or nearing retirement and whines about having paid into it and how they deserve it and it cannot ever be touched are self-centered asses. We ALL paid into it but for one generation to wipe it out whining about how much THEY deserve it knowing full well generations behind them are still paying into it too and will never see a SINGLE dime of it and run the typical scare tactics to prevent Congress from even trying to salvage it -are beyond obscene. Sure they deserve it -they paid into it. But so are other generations who will also continue to pay into it all their lives -but it is a fact that unless something is done about, it will not exist for them at all and they get zero on their return. Its broken, its unsustainable and it WILL collapse. Not MAYBE -IT WILL. Demands that it not be fixed because "hey I paid into it" are stupid, short-sighted, selfish and a deliberate decision to fuck over those behind them who also deserve it since they also will have paid into it -but will get nothing in return at all. Not get a reduced amount or a percentage less than expected -but ZERO. If you don't try to salvage it NOW -just when will retirees be willing to try and save it for others too? What year will that be?
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

Perhaps it means he sucks. That would be my opinion.

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