President Obama Knows What's Going On - We need a New Constitution

You really ARE a loon. Barry Obama is a fiercely anti-American, anti-Christian, Muslim-loving piece of human excrement. Thank you.
I'm the smartest mother fucker in the world - bitch. There is no way the 18th century three-part system that is deployed is adequate for the diversity that the nation has evolved to.
Science mother fucker - wake up, bitch.
"There will be no Black people at the next constitutional convention, either. " - Prof Lunatic
You really ARE a loon. Barry Obama is a fiercely anti-American, anti-Christian, Muslim-loving piece of human excrement. Thank you.
I'm the smartest mother fucker in the world - bitch. There is no way the 18th century three-part system that is deployed is adequate for the diversity that the nation has evolved to.
Science mother fucker - wake up, bitch.
Diversity is code for not Marxist enough.
Diversity is code for not Marxist enough.
The problem is that Black Power people will always be able to claim "systemic racism," if it cannot be proven that they participated in the establishment of the system to guard against systemic biases.
Chris Wallace: Obama delivered 'really curious speech,' didn't 'talk about Joe Biden' for 5 of 15 minutes

"It wasn't even all that much about Donald Trump, although he certainly made clear, I think you could only call it contempt for Donald Trump," Wallace continued. "But most of it was almost like the community organizer from Chicago, about how people have to go out and organize and as he said, our democracy is at stake."

That is because Obama has been informed by the Congressional Black Caucus of my ambition.
I respectfully request the Congressional Black Caucus to lead Black
Americans to form exclusive legal firms to submit petitions of
practical directive systems to their most trusted court for processing
the reordering of their constituent government jurisdictions.

White Americans need to know exactly how Black people would
organize just government without the interference of white people
intimidating the timid, yet brilliant, Black people who are inherently
more just than the evil white devils.

The American legends about justice that have been devised to lead
us to believe that true justice is possible, cannot be achieved under
the direction of the 18th century three-part model, and the subsequent
disordered expansion of security departments and improper
reapportioning of faulty representation. The exercise of the 1787
federal Constitution successfully lead to the end of slavery in
America, and that was about all it was good for. The design of the
government is inherently flawed, and cannot meet the demands of
diversity that the nation has evolved to, nor the expectations of a
relatively more sophisticated citizenry than the people of the 18th

Please be advised that there is no conflict of interest for
government employees to support the reordering process and remain
faithful to the subsisting charter system. There is only a conflict of
interest when the government employee is exploiting the inadequacies
of the subsisting system to hide their corruption of the public’s
trust. It is an absurd argument to exploit the irrelevant oath of office
to delay the reordering for better government and more efficient service
of justice. This is all proven by the existence of legislative and
executive committees commissioned to consider government reform.


  • Letter to CongressBlackCaucus.20.06.05.pdf
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There is nothing wrong with the Constitution........the problems come when politicians push & tweak it to mean what they want it to mean
That means we do not agree to it - that means we need a new constitution.
Yeah, it was written two hundred and fifty years ago, when the ability to rewrite things was a very time and effort consuming activity - now we have computer aided word processing technology that can allow us to make tweak details that mean what you think it is supposed to mean.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights may well have been written a long time ago, but they are timeless.

Do you think getting rid of 'Freedom of Speech, or Right to Assemble or protest your government or to have Due Process is good for anybody?

If those 'Old & Worn Out Documents' were tossed or rewritten, just how do you think they'll look in the future??? As the citizenry of this country continue to evolve, I would imagine it would become 'You can only speak if it aligns with government approved topic" "if you protest your government, then we'll just shoot you or make you disappear' and on down the line of those Rights to do so as each of us sees fit that is gauranteed and protected by those out of date documents. Without those documents, YOU have no say whatsoever.

You really want that shit??? Then move to communist China or North Korea where that is happening still. The government only allows press coverage of 'approved' content (propaganda at its finest), you get shot for voicing against your government, and not allowed to protest.

What's so hard to understand 'The right to peacefully assemble' or protest??? It means just that...PEACEFULLY voice your discontent. It does NOT mean you can start riots, burn & loot business's, threaten or carry out violence against innocent bystanders OR even the group you are protesting. Doing that is breaking the laws and violators should be prosecuted for it.

Freedom of the just that. It allows 'journalists' or news sources or others providing information to others......the right for them to spin whatever news story at whatever angle they choose. It means CNN or FOX or WAPO or even National Enquire to publish OPINION pieces, or to word a story of 'facts' in such a way it influences the readers.......just like they all do now. Without that right, they would only be able to publish what the government allows or wants to be made known. There would be no 'anonymous' sources for the stories published.

The Constitution isn't perfect by any means, but it's the only thing that separates US from a dictatorship or communist rule. It does allow the people to take responsibility for their own lives and not giving that responsibility over to the government and the people left to be it's slaves....but that's what's been slowly happening with those little tweaks politicians use to twist it to their own liking.

I don't think most people realize just what they support when they vote to do away with the Law
The Constitution and Bill of Rights may well have been written a long time ago, but they are timeless.
Who told you that?

Do you think getting rid of 'Freedom of Speech, or Right to Assemble or protest your government or to have Due Process is good for anybody?
I do not want to get rid of that - what made you think I did??? I want to fix the operations of the government for better representation and more responsive to the needs of municipal communities.

If those 'Old & Worn Out Documents' were tossed or rewritten, just how do you think they'll look in the future??? As the citizenry of this country continue to evolve, I would imagine it would become 'You can only speak if it aligns with government approved topic" "if you protest your government, then we'll just shoot you or make you disappear' and on down the line of those Rights to do so as each of us sees fit that is gauranteed and protected by those out of date documents. Without those documents, YOU have no say whatsoever.

You really want that shit??? Then move to communist China or North Korea where that is happening still. The government only allows press coverage of 'approved' content (propaganda at its finest), you get shot for voicing against your government, and not allowed to protest.

What's so hard to understand 'The right to peacefully assemble' or protest??? It means just that...PEACEFULLY voice your discontent. It does NOT mean you can start riots, burn & loot business's, threaten or carry out violence against innocent bystanders OR even the group you are protesting. Doing that is breaking the laws and violators should be prosecuted for it.
No shit! I agree. But they do not, and they are going to eventually wear you out, because the government is improperly organized and it cannot handle the diversity. They are going to continue exploiting the inadequacies in an unwitting effort get you to change your mind and" fix" the government to meet their needs.

Freedom of the just that. It allows 'journalists' or news sources or others providing information to others......the right for them to spin whatever news story at whatever angle they choose. It means CNN or FOX or WAPO or even National Enquire to publish OPINION pieces, or to word a story of 'facts' in such a way it influences the readers.......just like they all do now. Without that right, they would only be able to publish what the government allows or wants to be made known. There would be no 'anonymous' sources for the stories published.
I agree, but I want the government to deliver the facts through our local representative offices, so I do not have to decipher the commercially influenced reporting.

The Constitution isn't perfect by any means, but it's the only thing that separates US from a dictatorship or communist rule. It does allow the people to take responsibility for their own lives and not giving that responsibility over to the government and the people left to be it's slaves....but that's what's been slowly happening with those little tweaks politicians use to twist it to their own liking.

I don't think most people realize just what they support when they vote to do away with the Law
I don't think you understand what the Constitution is all about - all you wrote about is the civil rights. I am concerned about the game theory used to make the legislative decisions. I am not advocating to do away with law . I want to make better law, more efficient law, which should lead to order and tranquil society. People do not agree to what the Constitution means, and that is a major problem that causes the social chaos.

The Constitution is not what separates United States republic government from dictatorship or communism - the people's will is what does that.

Your thinking processes is very naive. It is easy to read that you are just writing what someone else has told you how the government is. You are not thinking of the possible perspectives. The "Constitution is timeless"? The government that it originally prescribed does not exist, anymore. The Senate is appointed by state referendums, and the House is limited to 435 seats that are gerrymandered by the states. The judiciary has been reorganized three times.
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The Constitution and Bill of Rights may well have been written a long time ago, but they are timeless.
Who told you that?

Do you think getting rid of 'Freedom of Speech, or Right to Assemble or protest your government or to have Due Process is good for anybody?
I do not want to get rid of that - what made you think I did??? I want to fix the operations of the government for better representation and more responsive to the needs of municipal communities.

If those 'Old & Worn Out Documents' were tossed or rewritten, just how do you think they'll look in the future??? As the citizenry of this country continue to evolve, I would imagine it would become 'You can only speak if it aligns with government approved topic" "if you protest your government, then we'll just shoot you or make you disappear' and on down the line of those Rights to do so as each of us sees fit that is gauranteed and protected by those out of date documents. Without those documents, YOU have no say whatsoever.

You really want that shit??? Then move to communist China or North Korea where that is happening still. The government only allows press coverage of 'approved' content (propaganda at its finest), you get shot for voicing against your government, and not allowed to protest.

What's so hard to understand 'The right to peacefully assemble' or protest??? It means just that...PEACEFULLY voice your discontent. It does NOT mean you can start riots, burn & loot business's, threaten or carry out violence against innocent bystanders OR even the group you are protesting. Doing that is breaking the laws and violators should be prosecuted for it.
No shit! I agree. But they do not, and they are going to eventually wear you out, because the government is improperly organized and it cannot handle the diversity. They are going to continue exploiting the inadequacies in an unwitting effort get you to change your mind and" fix" the government to meet their needs.

Freedom of the just that. It allows 'journalists' or news sources or others providing information to others......the right for them to spin whatever news story at whatever angle they choose. It means CNN or FOX or WAPO or even National Enquire to publish OPINION pieces, or to word a story of 'facts' in such a way it influences the readers.......just like they all do now. Without that right, they would only be able to publish what the government allows or wants to be made known. There would be no 'anonymous' sources for the stories published.
I agree, but I want the government to deliver the facts through our local representative offices, so I do not have to decipher the commercially influenced reporting.

The Constitution isn't perfect by any means, but it's the only thing that separates US from a dictatorship or communist rule. It does allow the people to take responsibility for their own lives and not giving that responsibility over to the government and the people left to be it's slaves....but that's what's been slowly happening with those little tweaks politicians use to twist it to their own liking.

I don't think most people realize just what they support when they vote to do away with the Law
I don't think you understand what the Constitution is all about - all you wrote about is the civil rights. I am concerned about the game theory used to make the legislative decisions. I am not advocating to do away with law . I want to make better law, more efficient law, which should lead to order and tranquil society. People do not agree to what the Constitution means, and that is a major problem that causes the social chaos.

The Constitution is not what separates United States republic government from dictatorship or communism - the people's will is what does that.

Your thinking processes is very naive. It is easy to read that you are just writing what someone else has told you how the government is. You are not thinking of the possible perspectives. The "Constitution is timeless"? The government that it originally prescribed does not exist, anymore. The Senate is appointed by state referendums, and the House is limited to 435 seats that are gerrymandered by the states. The judiciary has been reorganized three times.

True enough that people don't agree on what it means, but it's our representatives that we vote into office, jobs to interpret, understand and uphold those laws, and they've been failing to do just that.

And without that Constitution, 'We The People' would have no will and we'd be governed by the leaders will.......which has been happening anyway to a smaller degree. So far, we the people do have the opportunity to vote those lazy reps out, but somehow they've managed a lifelong career during which they've forgotten their responsibility to us and this country as a whole in favor of their own wants and special interest donors that pay them big bucks for favor.

I don't see it that the Constitution or the law needs fixing, but those lawmakers
Need: air, water, food, shelter, clothing (the last 2 optional based on circumstances/environment)

Desire: everything else.
Would hate to see any of these money motivated corporate lobbyist controlled politicians rewrite the U S constitution. How could that ever be a good thing?

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