President Donald Trump is a Leader. Thank God for Him

Who is politicizing the Corona Virus?

“I say, Mike … don’t call the woman in Michigan. I say, if they don’t treat you right, don’t call,” Trump told reporters. djt

Feckless Coward.
Not a Leader.
I blame it on the Democrats.

"No, I take NO responsibility at all." djt
"No, I take NO responsibility at all." djt

bluzman61 with 6 consecutive 'dislikes' and no discussion.
That defines you as a "Pussy" bluzpussy.

"No, I take NO responsibility at all." djt

Face the facts bluzpussy, trump is an indelible stain.
President Donald Trump is a Leader. Thank God for Him

True. Trump is a leader. The German word for leader is "Führer". Keeps the problem how unknowing and blind your "Führer" (or "Ver-führer" = deceiver) is, who only likes to hear the own nonsense, from all the self-chosen spitlickers all around him, whose loyality is "Trump" and not "all citizens of the USA and all other human beings all over the world".

And your "Thank god for Him" is an affront of all Christians worldwide.


Trump had in his whole life never anything to do with the Christian rebound in god. The 1st commandement is "God first". 2nd comandement: You shall not pray to a bear or a bull. (Read the 2nd Commandement on your own). And the 3rd commandement is "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

Trump has to convince with a qualified politics. I never saw anything in this context from Donald Trump; but I heard a lot of statements from Donald Trump, which let me doubt in his psychological sanity. So I have to warn everyone. Specially because all decisions in context Corona need wisdom and sense for the realities of life.

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I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Donald Trump adores this country and is unapologetic about it. He can't fake it; it just is.

Once upon a time Democrats did too. I remember. But generally, no more.
Add another 20 Dislikes you bluzman61 pussy.
Your record of weakness and incompetence is noted.
He-he, you want some cheese with that WHINE? It's pretty simple, DON'T post sh*t if you don't like me giving you the thumbs down. If you DO post sh*t I WILL give you a Dislike.
Make a point, you're a chihuahua. Just kick you off bitch. Discuss or piss off.
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Donald Trump adores this country and is unapologetic about it. He can't fake it; it just is.

Once upon a time Democrats did too. I remember. But generally, no more.

Don is a serial bankruptcy artist who was cut off by US banking institutions decades ago. He's a failed "businessman" trust fund baby who understands nothing other than how to Charlie Mason his way through life, and now comes the carnage. That's all.
Add another 20 Dislikes you bluzman61 pussy.
Your record of weakness and incompetence is noted.
He-he, you want some cheese with that WHINE? It's pretty simple, DON'T post sh*t if you don't like me giving you the thumbs down. If you DO post sh*t I WILL give you a Dislike.
Make a point, you're a chihuahua. Just kick you off bitch. Discuss or piss off.
Please refer to post #46 in this thread. Thank you.

Trump lives with everyone in war - all over the planet. Your speechless comment changes nothing in the facts of his rotten politics. He needs self created enemies. "Divide et impera". Never he had to take a look in his life to a real enemy. Now exists one. The Corona virus. And the first thing he did was to think about money - and not about the survival of all people of the USA. Whoever will die in this crisis now - how will ever someone be able to carry the own money into heaven? Life is the very first priority. God is life.

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I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Donald Trump adores this country and is unapologetic about it. He can't fake it; it just is.

Once upon a time Democrats did too. I remember. But generally, no more.

Thank you. My point exactly and I would be just as critical on those that would cast aspersions upon a Democratic Commander and Chief at this time as well. It's not the time. We are all Americans now. Time to pull together.

Trump lives with everyone in war - all over the planet. Your speechless comment changes nothing in the facts of his rotten politics. He needs self created enemies. "Divide et impera". Never he had to take a look in his life to a real enemy. Now exists one. The Corona virus. And the first thing he did was to think about money - and not about the survival of all people of the USA. Whoever will die in this crisis now - how will ever someone be able to carry the own money into heaven? Life is the very first priority. God is life.

This is why we should not give African terrorist our money. Go fuck yourself asshole. We ARE the USA and we will win this thing.
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Donald Trump adores this country and is unapologetic about it. He can't fake it; it just is.

Once upon a time Democrats did too. I remember. But generally, no more.

Don is a serial bankruptcy artist who was cut off by US banking institutions decades ago. He's a failed "businessman" trust fund baby who understands nothing other than how to Charlie Mason his way through life, and now comes the carnage. That's all.

He is not "Don." At this critical moment he is OUR President of the United States. My God how were people raised?
I was born and raised a Democratic, labor union, blue collar, household Catholic kid. We respected the church, our flag, and our President. During this crisis, this war against an invisible enemy, I think it wrong to launch petty and ridiculous attacks (and I mean that literally) against OUR President when we are trying to fight this crisis. It serves no good for our people at this time for partisan nonsense. We must come together. The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale in 1984. At 18 years old I remember Mario Coumo and his " Shining City on a Hill" speech, and how a tear rolled down my eye. I knew this was the end of something in America. The end of our manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is in tune with what's been happening since the 1980's and Demcrats cannot be pissed off at him. I am an FDR Democrat. I never left the party the party left me. I voted Repubican for the first time in my life...Trump...I'm proud of that and I'm going to vote Trump in 2020. Democrats need to get their shit together and figure out who they are. My first suggestion is break that California stranglehold Pelosi has in the House.

Donald Trump adores this country and is unapologetic about it. He can't fake it; it just is.

Once upon a time Democrats did too. I remember. But generally, no more.

We have reached a point beyon politics now, let's stand by OUR commander and chief.
President Donald Trump is a Leader. Thank God for Him

True. Trump is a leader. The German word for leader is "Führer". Keeps the problem how unknowing and blind your "Führer" (or "Ver-führer" = deceiver) is, who only likes to hear the own nonsense, from all the self-chosen spitlickers all around him, whose loyality is "Trump" and not "all citizens of the USA and all other human beings all over the world".

And your "Thank god for Him" is an affront of all Christians worldwide.


Trump had in his whole life never anything to do with the Christian rebound in god. The 1st commandement is "God first". 2nd comandement: You shall not pray to a bear or a bull. (Read the 2nd Commandement on your own). And the 3rd commandement is "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

Trump has to convince with a qualified politics. I never saw anything in this context from Donald Trump; but I heard a lot of statements from Donald Trump, which let me doubt in his psychological sanity. So I have to warn everyone. Specially because all decisions in context Corona need wisdom and sense for the realities of life.

What does that have to do with the here and now? He is OUR President and it's time to pull together.

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