President Biden will bequeath a strong economy for Trump to destroy

And he will waste no time destroying it. We’re suppsoed to have millions upon millions of government workers out of a job on January 22 according to the campaign promises of Trump and his nominees.
Millions. That won't be getting a taxpayer paid check.

Or, is government employment just another form of welfare?
He certainly fucked up the economy in 2020
Right, he turned over what to do with business to the separate states, who then saw the opportunity to be their own little dictators, and proceeded to violate peoples rights, and shut down their respective economies....
Right, he turned over what to do with business to the separate states, who then saw the opportunity to be their own little dictators, and proceeded to violate peoples rights, and shut down their respective economies....
Trump allowed them to do as such when he declared a national health emergency from a virus he paid Faucy to experiment with.
‘The U.S. economy added 256,000 jobs in December, beating economist's expectations and cementing the fact that President Joe Biden is leaving Donald Trump a strong economy as his term comes to a close.

The report showed unemployment fell to 4.1%, while wage growth rose 0.3% to an average hourly rate of $35.69. Ultimately, wage growth in 2024 rose 3.9%—outpacing the 2.7% inflation rate, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The "economy remains very robust," Harvard economics professor Jason Furman wrote in a post on X. "A variety of indicators show the labor market has stabilized. There doesn't seem to be any pressing reason to change interest rates any time soon."

The report, released by the BLS, is the final full monthly report of Biden's tenure.’

Another Democratic president cleans up another Republican’s mess and leaves another Republican with a strong, healthy economy.
Daily Kooks....

Trump inherited a booming economy from President Obama too. BHO inherited a mess from GWB.
Dude...the Obama Economy was nicknamed "The Great Recession". The economy tread water for so long that the Fed had to keep interest rates at near zero for the longest period of time in it's history!
Dude...the Obama Economy was nicknamed "The Great Recession". The economy tread water for so long that the Fed had to keep interest rates at near zero for the longest period of time in it's history!
That was the Bush Recession. The bottom dropped out in September 2008. Pres. Obama inherited it. Stop being stupid.
That was the Bush Recession. The bottom dropped out in September 2008. Pres. Obama inherited it. Stop being stupid.
Why would that be the Bush Recession? The bottom dropped out of the Real Estate market something that Bush warned about but liberals like Barney Frank said wasn't a problem!
I’m not okay with it. Biden is not looked upon kindly by the Democratic base.

As opposed to your liar, whom you basically worship and bend over backwards to avoid criticizing in any way shape or form.
Gee, you not look kindly on Joe because he's the most corrupt President we've ever had? Or is it because he's the most incompetent President we've ever had? You on the left saddled America with Joe Biden. You OWN his legacy!

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