President Biden Don't Have Thousands of America's Afghan Allies Blood On Your Hands!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The media is reporting that President Joe Biden will not be extending the August 31st deadline for exiting Afghanistan even though all Americans and an abundance of our nation's Afghan allies will not have been evacuated out of Afghanistan by that deadline. What President Biden is doing is turning his back on these Afghans that put their life on the line to help us try to drive out the Taliban and permanently keep them from controlling the country of Afghanistan. What we have here is President Biden choosing his reputation and the political power of the Democrat Party over the lives of thousand if not tens of thousands of Afghans that helped America. If he stays past August 31st the Taliban will commence attacking U.S. military troops in Kabul and U.S. soldiers will be killed and wounded which will expose him to public criticism in America that he did a very bad job in exiting America from the Afghanistan War, more specifically, that he made a giant mistake in not evacuating American's and our Afghan allies before pulling out the American military. America incurring significant military casualties in evacuating Afghanistan will significantly hurt the Democrat Party in the mid-terms because the Democrat Party will definitely be facing significant discontent from the electorate over inflation and extreme public worry that the Democrats massive spending initiative will cause a devastating cycle of inflation; if you couple that with facts that President Biden really botched the Afghanistan exit by producing large scale military casualties American voters are going to want to turn to the Republican Party to find competence in governance.

Senator Joe Biden had character and would never do this move he would recognize that America's reputation for being a trustworthy and loyal ally is at stake in the world and never sacrifice it. Old President Biden has given up so many of his long-term views and policies to become President that now he is just a smooth talking politician with little substance whatever is in his best interest at the time rules the day! Great U.S. President's risk U.S. military personnel when the principle at stake calls for it. After World War II President Truman for over one year deployed the U.S. air force to airlift food and needed supplies to two million West Berliners blockaded by the old Soviet Union, President Truman could have turned his back on the West Berlin and retreated turning it over to the Soviets but he didn't on principle. President Kennedy during the Bay of Pigs fiasco when the CIA encouraged and facilitated Cuban expatriates to try to retake Cuba from Fidel Castro and the communists and their military expedition force was discovered and being slaughtered President Kennedy deployed the U.S. air force because America owed a duty to these expatriates and saved the lives of many of them. The American people should speak out against President Biden's plans to abandon our Afghan allies on August 31st and leave them to be slaughtered by the Taliban our nation's reputation is at stake and that is the most important thing we possess as a people!
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He STILL has time to send in reinforcements and retake Bagram. In effect, he is already accepting that our people there are de-facto hostages and I hope the SOB gets struck by lightning if he leaves a single ally or American behind. POS imposter...
that now he is just a smooth talking politician with little substance whatever is in his best interest at the time rules the day!
That's a joke, right? Biden has always been the quintessential politician and he's gotten rich off the job. NOW he's allowing others to run this nation while he hangs around as a kind of figurehead. What he's doing is DESPICABLE and I hope he suffers for it.
He STILL has time to send in reinforcements and retake Bagram. In effect, he is already accepting that our people there are de-facto hostages and I hope the SOB gets struck by lightning if he leaves a single ally or American behind. POS imposter...

That would be assuming that Biden or anyone else in his cabinet has a set of balls, which they don't. The murderous Taliban drew a red line and Joe Biden wouldn't dare cross it.
What President Biden is doing is turning his back on these Afghans that put their life on the line to help us try to drive out the Taliban and permanently keep them from controlling the country of Afghanistan.

We tried to do just that for 20 years. We invested hundreds of billions of dollars in building a modern Afghan Army that could defeat the Taliban.

They lasted two weeks and refused to even fight.

Why should we give up American lives fighting for Afghan freedom if they are unwilling to do so?
What President Biden is doing is turning his back on these Afghans that put their life on the line to help us try to drive out the Taliban and permanently keep them from controlling the country of Afghanistan.

If we go get these Afghans who participated in the imperialist coercion on the basis that they put their life on the line to help try to drive out the Taliban and permanently keep them from controlling the country of Afghanistan, would that be the same guilt trip as the illegal border crossers they're busing and flying all over the United States arbitrarily because they put their life on the line to help try to drive down the Americans and permanently keep them from controlling the country of the United States?

Asking for a friend.
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We tried to do just that for 20 years. We invested hundreds of billions of dollars in building a modern Afghan Army that could defeat the Taliban.

They lasted two weeks and refused to even fight.

Why should we give up American lives fighting for Afghan freedom if they are unwilling to do so?
We could bomb the Taliban back to the dark weapons and money to the Afghan was wrong. No nation building.....if we invade, we invade to take over and seize all assets.
We could bomb the Taliban back to the dark weapons and money to the Afghan was wrong. No nation building.....if we invade, we invade to take over and seize all assets.
why we lost over 20 years

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