President Biden announces 1 hour from now at DNC event that if Dems add 2 Senate seats & retain the House, his 1st action will be to codify Roe v Wade

My post: "Better then cutting SS and Medicare."

You would be incorrect.

Of course since red states consistently have the worst quality of education in America, I don't blame you for your mistake.

Definition of then

(Entry 1 of 3)
1: at that time
2a: soon after that : next in order of timewalked to the door, then turned
b: following next after in order of position, narration, or enumeration : being next in a seriesfirst came the clowns, and then came the elephants
c: in addition : BESIDESthen there is the interest to be paid
3a: as a necessary consequenceif the angles are equal, then the complements are equal

So explain how any of those past tense references to time are used to make a comparison. The proper term you obviously were never taught is "than", not "then". That seems to be a common failure of mostly northern blue State educations.

If there is an election and it goes the way we want it to, Democrats will declare their shills ineffective and move to shut sites like this down

What is scary is that EVERY cult fuck on this site would love every conservative banned….hell they would love to see us lined up and shot in the head.

I dont want any cult fucks banned for bashing me or Trump or anyone. That is free speech. As long as it is not a specific threat of violence. I would like the cultists to post and be exposed.

They want us banned because they have no facts. They want censorship. They want communism.
Haven't you heard, OK? That's the new Democratic talking point that's supposed to scare older Americans into voting for them! (eye roll)
What's pathetic is that it's not "new" at all. They've used it every single election for as long as I can remember.
What's pathetic is that it's not "new" at all. They've used it every single election for as long as I can remember.
When it comes to politicians, my dad used to tell me that the only thing that mattered is what they DID! What they SAID they were going to do was worth next to nothing! Right now the American people know what the Democrats have DONE and they're no longer buying the rhetoric! They know the border is wide open. They know we have a serious problem with violent crime in our big cities. They know that the "green agenda" is causing a spike in the price of gas and heating oil. They know that the cost of the staples they need to buy is far outpacing what they're getting paid.
More than anything...they KNOW that we have an incompetent administration in the White House at the moment...led by a President and a Vice President who aren't mentally proficient to do their jobs! The country is being led in the wrong direction and we need a change.
When it comes to politicians, my dad used to tell me that the only thing that mattered is what they DID! What they SAID they were going to do was worth next to nothing! Right now the American people know what the Democrats have DONE and they're no longer buying the rhetoric! They know the border is wide open. They know we have a serious problem with violent crime in our big cities. They know that the "green agenda" is causing a spike in the price of gas and heating oil. They know that the cost of the staples they need to buy is far outpacing what they're getting paid.
More than anything...they KNOW that we have an incompetent administration in the White House at the moment...led by a President and a Vice President who aren't mentally proficient to do their jobs! The country is being led in the wrong direction and we need a change.
Your dad was a smart guy. I think intelligence is inherited too.

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit
that should have been done years there are more important things happening....

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit

The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit

But you're going to lose the House and the Senate.

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit

Who was VP when Born in Kenya Barack had a vetoproof majority?
The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit

But you're going to lose the House and the Senate.
That's what you WANT to happen...because you hate Dems and oppose Roe

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit
The only reason Democrats can't pass whatever they want thought Congress is the lack of effective leadership.

Tell us:
What Article/Section of the Constitution do you believe gives Congress the power to dictate to the states when they can and cannot restrict abortions, and why?
I ask because without said power, the USSC will toss your vaunted codification of Roe like Democrats toss "me too" accusers once they outlive their usefulness..
So nooooooow they want to codify it.
All those years of screeching "vote for me or the repubs will take away the right to kill your fetus" and it finally happened LOL
Maybe those silly asshole politicians should have done it instead of playing around with it for votes.
Well guess what?

Repubs DID take away reproductive rights
Today, President Biden will promise that the first bill he'll send to the next Congress will be legislation to reinstate the abortion protections of Roe v. Wade.

Translation: He can't talk about the economy and inflation, the two biggest things Americans are most worried about so he talks about something that isn't as important to voters. In other words, he has no solutions to the recession and inflation. This is the best he's got.

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit
The filibuster you used 330+ times when Trump was president.

Fuck off clown boy.

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