President Biden announces 1 hour from now at DNC event that if Dems add 2 Senate seats & retain the House, his 1st action will be to codify Roe v Wade

So that's what the Democrats are running on in the midterm elections? Abortion? :laughing0301:

Those are the only ads I see in opposition to Zeldin in NY. They have abortion on the brain. They are assuming their obsession with it equates to everyone obsessing about it.
So what that tells me then is the dems plan to end the filibuster.

You people need to read between the lines a bit more....The dumb-shit dems tell you exactly what they are going to do if you pay attention.

And then there goes the 2nd amendment, and immigration controls, and free speech, and anything else normal Americans hold dear.
21 days.

I truly notice less and less cult fucks posting on this site.

Its like they are running for cover from a tsunami.
I've noted quite a few of my less favorite have been invisible for quite a while. Maybe they had one booster too many.
Hey, cult fucks….why dont you call out your SO CALLED leaders for not codifying ROE V WADE for the past 49 years?

Why do you keep sucking their dicks while they are slapping you in the face?
Biden is holding baby killing protections hostage until after the elections? Figures.

Nope, they are dangling an illusion in front of their low information voters. The Constitution doesn't give the feds authority to impose abortion on the States. After the Dobbs decision, they know it will take an amendment to do it and that will never happen.

I guess your regressive education didn't teach you that the word "then" is a past tense reference to time, did it?

My post: "Better then cutting SS and Medicare."

You would be incorrect.

Of course since red states consistently have the worst quality of education in America, I don't blame you for your mistake.

Definition of then

(Entry 1 of 3)
1: at that time
2a: soon after that : next in order of timewalked to the door, then turned
b: following next after in order of position, narration, or enumeration : being next in a seriesfirst came the clowns, and then came the elephants
c: in addition : BESIDESthen there is the interest to be paid
3a: as a necessary consequenceif the angles are equal, then the complements are equal

Nope, they are dangling an illusion in front of their low information voters. The Constitution doesn't give the feds authority to impose abortion on the States. After the Dobbs decision, they know it will take an amendment to do it and that will never happen.

I agree. Making abortion a legislated privilege would be very ineffective, particularly given Dobbs. The point is Biden is still holding the 'hope' of action hostage, vote Democrat or get nothing. Pathetic.
21 days.

I truly notice less and less cult fucks posting on this site.

Its like they are running for cover from a tsunami.
21 days.

I truly notice less and less cult fucks posting on this site.

Its like they are running for cover from a tsunami.
If there is an election and it goes the way we want it to, Democrats will declare their shills ineffective and move to shut sites like this down