PredFan vs the Union

Night before last the latest attempt by the union organizers to remain relevant was to hold a candle light vigil "Mourning the death of patient care" at my hospital. It is a direct insult to those of us who take care of our patients. I know what they were trying to say but it didn't come off that way to the general public. Pretty stupid if them but then unions have always been long on audacity and short on brains.
Got my first taste of union intimidation today. One of the pro union big mouths here tried calling me names because I've posted anti-union opinions on Facebook.

I just got up and walked away while she ranted at my back. I'll be the one laughing last when these morons realize they screwed themselves.
I'm not famiar with the way things go when a union tries to get a foothold somewhere.

There has been virtually no activity from the union people in many weeks. With the exception if some flyers on the bulletin board that change from time to time. I haven't heard about the vote, I haven't seen any of the union thugs outside, nothing.

Does this mean that they realize that it's futile? What is taking them so long to do this vote?
You and your fellow union hating coworkers need to rise up and fight for the right to lower wages and poorer working conditions.

Shut up moron. We make as much here as anyone else in the field. Idiot.

Only because your boss wants to keep the unions out of his business.

That you're too stupid to realize that is nobody's problem but your own.

You and your fellow union hating coworkers need to rise up and fight for the right to lower wages and poorer working conditions.

Shut up moron. We make as much here as anyone else in the field. Idiot.

Only because your boss wants to keep the unions out of his business.

That you're too stupid to realize that is nobody's problem but your own.


No dumbass, we have always made the market value for the area. The reason the unions are here is because the night shift people lost their huge differential, an amount that was double and triple what the other hospitals were getting. They got pissed and called the union because now their wages and differential are the same as everyone else's.

You don't know shit moron.
I think maybe that the unions have given up. I see no more union morons handing out propaganda outside, and the bulletin board in the lounge has only one flier on it now and it's the same one that has been there for months.

Good riddance losers.
Pred-fan, check the excellent Tampa Bay General model if your business plan is failing.
"Yeah, we won less rights and lower pay! Hooray for us!"

What rights have been lost? We make the same as comparable professions in all other hospitals all over the southeast. More than many as well. How is that lower pay? It isn't, you lose.

You can be fired any time they feel like it.

That's less rights.

That is completely false, you know nothing of what you speak.
I have a daughter who attends DePaul University in Chicago. Less than a year ago, we visited the school. Very close by was a grocer that I noticed had this large sign in the window: "Proud Union Store".

I went back last week to help her come home for the summer and that proud union shop is boarded up. Not surprising at all.
You can thank your far right teabagger governor for that, which I'm sure you voted for.

The democrats wanted to expand medicaid/care to make sure what you are experiencing wouldn't happen, but your GOP politicians you support, have given you and countless others the middle finger.

Hopefully this hits home and you flip your support to the party of freedom and the constitution, and that's not the GOP,...


Rick Scott is the worst governor that ever happened to Flori-DUH.

Hopefully they've learned their lesson and Crist will be the next governor.

My state didn't expand coverage either a lot of people are hurting. But don't look to the Repubs to care about or do what's best for their constituents.

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