Portland Executioner Previously Arrested but Released

It would be great if 10,000 pickups drove to the Multnomah County Courthouse demanding the immediate trial and punishment for 1st Degree Murder for this miscreant. The loyal American can "Roll Coal" until they comply.
So now we are worried about people illegally carrying in a riot??

Adorable.....that ship sailed already.....
So now we are worried about people illegally carrying in a riot??

Adorable.....that ship sailed already.....
What are you talking about? Do you know the details of this murderer? Did he have a felony record before he murdered this man making posession a crime?

If you know something put it out. All we know is that HE was breaking the law possessing that gun.
This is just plain moronic. The guy was a professional rioter and the city of Portland did nothing. Then the mayor is pissed off because Trump isn't supporting him? When Trump offered help, Wheeler wanted Trump to get the hell out and stay out. Now, the incompetent mayor of Portland wants to place the blame at Trump's feet.

Mr. Wheeler here is an idea, when offered help, take it! When the police catch people with guns in a riot situation, arrest them and make your DA prosecute them. How stupid does one have to be not to tell your governor or president, "Hey, can you help me?" Then the moron blames Trump because an Antifa nut kills someone.

Maybe, Mr. Wheeler has realized how bad he fucked up and now is looking for a scapegoat and is hoping the people of Portland are just as stupid as he is. If anyone needs to be recalled, it is this incompetent idiot.
Maybe, Mr. Wheeler has realized how bad he fucked up and now is looking for a scapegoat and is hoping the people of Portland are just as stupid as he is. If anyone needs to be recalled, it is this incompetent idiot.

Mayor Wheeler is standing for reelection this November and there is a challenger to the throne
We all know a Boogaloo Boy shot down that Trump lover just to make Antifa look bad.
There's no secret there.
Has the animal been hunted down and caged yet? I honestly hope not. Some Proud Boys need to find it and take care of business. It's scrawny and ugly - looks like it's been pounded on and rejected its entire existence. Time to cancel this mother fuck.

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