Pope needs to go Preach here about Warming


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
This means that the Indian Ocean island nation now has four international airports and seven domestic ones. Quite a lot for a country with a population of less than 400,000. Presumably they have high hopes for their tourist industry as they develop luxury resorts on ever more remote atolls.

I wonder if these Maldives realise just how lucky they are. For, by weird coincidence, in pretty much the same geographic region is another island nation with exactly the same name.

And this other Maldives is in deep trouble. Indeed, it is daily on the brink of disaster because of the constant threat that its low-lying coral atolls could be swamped by the rising sea levels caused by man-made climate change. The Maldives Has Just Built its Eleventh Airport. That s How Scared it is of Global Warming... - Breitbart This greed needs to be stopped by fiat before they kill everyone on these islands
Can you explain to us exactly how the Maldives building an airport proves global warming is a scam? I just ask because the normal people won't see the connection.

And were you under the impression that we've never seen your type of senseless cult conspiracy theories before?
Didnt read did ya......they are begging the world for money to compensate them for effects of warming, meanwhile they they build gaia killing airports to profit from massive fossil fuel use.....,,what a surprise lib cant see hypocrisy at all
The climate isn't a laser guided retaliation machine. If you fire up your barbecue you won't get more water in your bathtub in effect either.

A bit like global economy. You will never be affected by the gas prices if you only keep filling your tank for $20.
Why does anyone care what the Pope thinks about GlowBull Warm in'?

And why is a Jesuit now a Pope? Isn't that against Catholic Doctrine?
Nobody cares what the pope says about global warming. Pope John Paul talked about it all the time and nothing happened!!

But you k00ks go right on thinking you're all going to start some groundswell from this forum in the netherregions of the internet!!:up:
Doha climate change talks end with compensation deal for poor nations that could cost billions - Telegraph

Britain faces paying billions of pounds in compensation to less developed countries as part of a new international deal on climate change.

The agreement, which was thrashed out in an extra day of talks at the United National climate change summit in Qatar, will mean rich nations having to compensate poorer ones for losses they suffer due to global warming.

Angry exchanges between delegations over the measure brought threats of walkouts and even tears from small island states, which pushed to have the new mechanism introduced despite fierce opposition from the United States.
Although it is not due to come into force for at least a year, the agreement could cost wealthy nations such as the UK billions of pounds.

A coalition of 43 small islands and low lying coastal countries, including the Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Cuba, Bahamas and Fiji, pushed for the measure, stating they faced an onslaught of drought, floods and famines, and so needed help to cope with the harm.

There were cheers around the Qatar National Convention Centre in Doha yesterday when the final text of the agreement setting out the plan to introduce the compensation measures was passed despite objections from Russia and the USA.

This is what happens at a UN Climate Change Conference..
You warmer fanatics need to chat with your Dictator in Chief and ask him WHY the US is such a cheap grumpy stooge...

Guess it aint coming out of his budget.. Note the Maldives leading the list of beggars and whiners..
Would you prefer to live in the Maldives over your current situation? Their average elevation is 1.5 meter above sea level. The highest point on the entire island is 2.4 meters. Good place to ride out a typhoon surge.
From the Wikipedia article:
On 26 December 2004, following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, the Maldives were devastated by a tsunami. Only nine islands were reported to have escaped any flooding,[37][38] while fifty-seven islands faced serious damage to critical infrastructure, fourteen islands had to be totally evacuated, and six islands were destroyed. A further twenty-one resort islands were forced to close because of serious damage. The total damage was estimated at more than US$400 million, or some 62% of the GDP.[39][40] 102 Maldivians and 6 foreigners reportedly died in the tsunami.[36] The destructive impact of the waves on the low-lying islands was mitigated by the fact there was no continental shelf or land mass upon which the waves could gain height. The tallest waves were reported to be 14 feet (4.3 m) high.[41]


In 1998, sea-temperature warming of as much as 5 °C (9.0 °F) due to a single El Niño phenomenon event caused coral bleaching, killing ⅔ of the nation's coral reefs.[66]

What whiners, eh?
Would you prefer to live in the Maldives over your current situation? Their average elevation is 1.5 meter above sea level. The highest point on the entire island is 2.4 meters. Good place to ride out a typhoon surge.
From the Wikipedia article:
On 26 December 2004, following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, the Maldives were devastated by a tsunami. Only nine islands were reported to have escaped any flooding,[37][38] while fifty-seven islands faced serious damage to critical infrastructure, fourteen islands had to be totally evacuated, and six islands were destroyed. A further twenty-one resort islands were forced to close because of serious damage. The total damage was estimated at more than US$400 million, or some 62% of the GDP.[39][40] 102 Maldivians and 6 foreigners reportedly died in the tsunami.[36] The destructive impact of the waves on the low-lying islands was mitigated by the fact there was no continental shelf or land mass upon which the waves could gain height. The tallest waves were reported to be 14 feet (4.3 m) high.[41]


In 1998, sea-temperature warming of as much as 5 °C (9.0 °F) due to a single El Niño phenomenon event caused coral bleaching, killing ⅔ of the nation's coral reefs.[66]

What whiners, eh?

How much money does it take to raise 57 islands a couple meters. And what were their elevations 50 yrs ago?

Damn that El nino. Damn Mexicans ought to stay put..
Did you not catch the point that 2/3rds of their surroundings coral reefs are dead? What do you think the result of that will be in 50 years or so? Those islands are already doomed. What whiners, eh?

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