Poor Democrats Have No Voter ID. So How Did They Win?


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
If The Poor Democrats Have No Voter ID, How Did They Win?

Stupid Democrats regurgitated that no ID crap the TV was feeding them until they were blue in the face. :redface: It turned out to be the big lie we all knew it was. :D You idiots have no credibility. :tongue:
Ohio had voter Id and went Obama.....Oh well, you are still a racist.

Dow dropping 300 points is meaningless.
Looks like democrats don't want to talk about voter ID now that they have been called on their bullshit of voter suppression by asking for ID.
If The Poor Democrats Have No Voter ID, How Did They Win?

Stupid Democrats regurgitated that no ID crap the TV was feeding them until they were blue in the face. :redface: It turned out to be the big lie we all knew it was. :D You idiots have no credibility. :tongue:

Hey dipshit. Do you know how many provisional ballots were cast because people did not have ID?

Didn't think so.

Ohio a leader in uncounted votes

A voter’s rights group is claiming that poorly trained poll workers are to partly to blame for the large number of provisional ballots cast in Ohio in Tuesday’s election.

The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law runs a national Election Protection hotline. Many of the complaints they received resulted from confusion over Ohio’s voter ID law.

According to the group, voters in at least three predominantly urban counties in Ohio, Cuyahoga, Franklin, and Hamilton were required to use provisional ballots because they could not produce a photo ID.

Dems won because people like your are total boobs. And because WE VOTED President Obama a second term.

Yes sir! 4 more for 44!
If The Poor Democrats Have No Voter ID, How Did They Win?

Stupid Democrats regurgitated that no ID crap the TV was feeding them until they were blue in the face. :redface: It turned out to be the big lie we all knew it was. :D You idiots have no credibility. :tongue:

Hey dipshit. Do you know how many provisional ballots were cast because people did not have ID?

Didn't think so.

Well dip-shit - I was a poll supervisor 2 days ago & only 1 person in my polling place had no ID.
Oh yeah - It's so racist to ask EVERYONE for ID before they vote. :cuckoo:

I was a fat white guy, and i wasn't asked for voter ID by this elderly old lady here in TEXAS of all places.

I bet a fair number of the black people in line got asked.
This propaganda lie consumed entire newscast daily on MSNBC.

The GOP propaganda about voter fraud consumed the entire party, another reason why the GOP lost.

Could be - But I really have caught democrats committing ACORN style voter fraud. We really need voter ID to catch people. This time I may have snared some republicans committing fraudulent voter suppression. I have to go testify before a panel next week. The guilty party may have dropped to many bread crumbs.
If The Poor Democrats Have No Voter ID, How Did They Win?

Stupid Democrats regurgitated that no ID crap the TV was feeding them until they were blue in the face. :redface: It turned out to be the big lie we all knew it was. :D You idiots have no credibility. :tongue:

Like most conservatives you don’t get it…

It’s not about ‘winning.’

It’s about the unwarranted restriction of a fundamental right.
If The Poor Democrats Have No Voter ID, How Did They Win?

Stupid Democrats regurgitated that no ID crap the TV was feeding them until they were blue in the face. :redface: It turned out to be the big lie we all knew it was. :D You idiots have no credibility. :tongue:

they won because you asshats put up an even worse candidate than obama

sucks to be you
Oh yeah - It's so racist to ask EVERYONE for ID before they vote. :cuckoo:

I was a fat white guy, and i wasn't asked for voter ID by this elderly old lady here in TEXAS of all places.

I bet a fair number of the black people in line got asked.

I don't know about Texas law. I would have to ask my cousin. It could be she knew who you were.
There was a huge movement to get people without an id, an id on the democratic side of the aisle Kiss My (grits) :) .....and I mean COLOSSAL effort and canvassing of neighborhoods to help these people get a pictured id.

And, most of the strict picture voter id laws were shot down by the courts weren't they?
No id required in my State, they ask for your name, party affiliation, and address....see if you are on the list, then make you sign....then you vote....just as it should be! :D The town I lived in Massachusetts , voting was the same there....name, party, address-sign the roster, then vote..

(When you enter my State, there is a big ole sign that reads, ''....Maine, the way life should be.'') :) I think we ranked 49th or 50th on state rankings in the country on crime last year... (could be because everyone owns a gun or two and shotgun or 2 way up here?)

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